Purulent acne is something no one wants to see on their face or body. Is it any wonder, because this inflammatory element significantly spoils the appearance. Some people, when they appear, immediately turn to a cosmetologist or dermatologist, the second run to the pharmacy, while others prefer to use the means offered by traditional medicine.
Purulent acne - what is it
First of all, it is worth understanding what it is. Purulent acne is an inflammatory element, which in most cases does not pose a threat to he alth. However, they cause various inconveniences to the person on whose face and body they appear, negatively affect the appearance.

Mechanism of occurrence
The mechanism of abscesses is not a mystery. Subcutaneous fat accumulates in the pores, cannot come out and begins to become inflamed. An unattractive bump forms on the surface of the skin. Why is this happening?
Reasons for appearance
With whatassociated with the occurrence of purulent acne? The causes of these inflammatory elements may be different.

- Wrong diet. Excessive passion for fried, fatty, spicy foods leads to the fact that the body is clogged with toxins. This is immediately reflected in the purity of the skin.
- Bad habits. Alcohol abuse negatively affects the condition of the liver, which also affects the skin.
- Hormonal imbalance. First of all, boys and girls in the transitional age face this. It can also happen in women on critical days, during pregnancy, menopause.
- Improper skin care, overuse of decorative cosmetics or use of poor quality products.
- Medicines. Purulent acne is a problem that can result from prolonged use of antibiotics.
- Steroid drugs. Athletes who do this often experience the appearance of inflammatory elements on the skin.
- Stress, depression. If a person is in a state of stress for a long time, this negatively affects his immunity. The skin is no longer able to cope with inflammation.
Localization of inflammatory elements plays an important role. Why do purulent acne appear on the face? This is due to clogging of the sebaceous skin ducts with subcutaneous fat. In this case, pus is a product of the decay processes of bacteria that accumulate in sebum. Such acneappear suddenly, can grow from a barely noticeable seal to a large eel, in the middle of which there is a purulent center. Touching them causes discomfort.

It is also important where exactly purulent acne appears on the face. The following options are available.
- On the forehead. In this case, the formation of an inflammatory element may be associated with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal changes, decreased immunity, and malnutrition. Improper skin care, too frequent or, on the contrary, rare washes, and the use of inappropriate cosmetics cannot be ruled out.
- On the nose. It may be due to bacterial or viral infections. Another possible explanation is improper skin care, violation of hygiene rules.
- On the chin. Purulent acne on the face indicates problems of an internal nature if they are localized on the chin. First of all, it is worth suggesting violations in the work of the endocrine system.
- On the lips. White purulent pimples often appear on the lips, in which the head is clearly visible. Their appearance is due to the penetration of bacteria into the skin pores. The reason for the formation of these inflammatory elements may be improper skin care. You can also assume the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, expired products. Another possible option is the neglect of the rules of hygiene, the habit of touching your lips with dirty hands.
On the body
Possiblecauses of the formation of inflammatory elements on the face. What is the reason for the appearance of purulent acne on the body? The answer to this question directly depends on where exactly they are located.

- On the head. The appearance of abscesses in this case is associated with the preservation of heat by the hair from the skin, the production of surface fat. This provides a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Inflammatory elements on the head cause serious inconvenience. It can be discomfort when scratching, itching and peeling.
- On the back. They are edematous tissues with suppuration, can have colors from red to purple.
- On my feet. The appearance of inflammatory elements can be caused by mechanical injuries (for example, when shaving), ingrown hairs into the skin, problems with blood vessels.
- On the hands. Constant friction from clothes leads to excessive dryness of the skin. Also, abscesses on the hands can occur due to hormonal fluctuations.
- On the chest. Diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, genital organs, constant nervous tension, allergies are possible causes. Also, non-observance of hygiene rules, prolonged wearing of clothes made of synthetic fabrics, improper nutrition, prolonged use of antibiotics cannot be ruled out.
- On the shoulders. Purulent acne in this place may appear due to rubbing with a cloth. Also, the problem may be excessive sweating of a person, the abuse of sunburn.
- On the stomach. Most likely, the formation of inflammatory elements in this placeassociated with infectious diseases (chickenpox, measles, rubella, etc.).
- On the neck. Taking contraceptives, steroids are the most likely causes.
Salon treatments
Many people prefer to deal with purulent acne on the face and body in the beautician's office. What salon procedures will provide the desired effect?

- Mechanical cleaning. This method has already lost its former popularity, but is still used. A cosmetologist cleans the skin from inflammatory elements manually. He can squeeze them out with special tools or with gloved hands. The treatment ends with skin treatment with wound healing agents.
- Chemical peeling. This method involves cleansing the skin with chemical acids. There is a splitting of the keratinized layer of the skin, and then its removal.
- Ultrasound therapy. Deep cleansing of the skin is carried out using low-frequency ultrasonic signals.
- Cryotherapy. The method involves the treatment of purulent acne using liquid nitrogen.
- Ozone therapy. The procedure is divided into two stages. First, the skin is cleansed with ozone-saturated water. This is followed by ozone injections.
- Mesotherapy. The method involves the introduction of special vitamin cocktails under the skin.
Pharmacy products
Not all people consider the occurrence of inflammatory elements on the skin a sufficient reason to pay a visitbeautician. Many people prefer to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon with the help of pharmacy products. What drugs can be used in the fight against ulcers?

- "Skinaren", "Dalacin", "Zinerit", "Baziron". Choosing an effective acne ointment, you can not hesitate to give preference to one of these remedies. Preparations are designed specifically to combat ulcers.
- "Levomekol". This remedy is famous for its anti-inflammatory and healing effect.
- Ichthyol ointment. The drug, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, will help draw out pus from painful inflammatory elements. This acne ointment should be applied to the affected area at night.
- Zinc ointment. The drug effectively dries acne. Is it any wonder that this component is often present in cosmetic smears that are designed to combat acne.
What to do if a large purulent pimple appears on the skin? Which pharmaceutical preparation should be preferred? In this case, it is best to stop at Vishnevsky's ointment. Based on this product, a lotion should be made.
How to get rid of purulent acne using folk recipes? To begin with, you should test the possibilities of aloe. This herb has a reputation as the 1 remedy when it comes to fighting inflammation in the skin. In the treatment of ulcers, you can use both fresh aloe juice and alcohol tincture. What are the recipes associated with this plant,exist?
- You need to cut the aloe so that you can see the pulp. Next, you need to attach the side with the pulp to the pimple. For fixing, you can use a breathable patch. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at night.
- The aloe leaf must be divided into two parts so that the pulp is on one side. Next, wipe your face with the side with pulp, paying special attention to problem areas. It is impossible to immediately wash off the juice of the plant, it is important to let it soak. The procedure is repeated until the acne disappears.
- To prepare the tincture, mix vodka or 70% alcohol with aloe leaves. It is worth sticking to the ratio of 5:1. It is important that before this the leaves rest in a cold place, it will take about 10-15 days. Then they should be crushed, poured with alcohol or vodka, left in a cold place for another 10 days. After that, the tincture can be used.
Iodine is an effective tool in the fight against purulent acne. It produces a drying effect, eliminates inflammation. It is necessary to apply iodine to the problem area at night. The course of treatment can be up to seven days.
This method is not suitable for people who are allergic to iodine. Also be aware that using this product may leave small yellow spots on the skin that will not be easy to disguise.
Helpful tips
What should those who want to forget about purulent acne forever have to remember?

- You need to wash your face twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
- Out of habittouching your face with your hands should be avoided if possible. Even if the palms are clean, there are still bacteria on them.
- Stress, tension - all this adversely affects the condition of the skin. It is desirable to exclude or minimize irritating factors.
- It is important to pay close attention to your diet. The menu should not contain too fatty and spicy foods, smoked meats. It is necessary to minimize the use of sweets, pastries. Forever it is recommended to refuse fast food, chips, carbonated drinks and other harmful products. If you enrich your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, give preference to steamed dishes, the result will not be long in coming.
- Alcohol, smoking - all this must be abandoned.
- The fairer sex should be more responsible in choosing cosmetics. You can not use expired cosmetics, as well as low-quality products.
In children
Why do purulent acne appear in a child? This may be due to the following factors:
- teething with active salivation;
- intestinal dysbacteriosis;
- heat-related prickly heat;
- infectious lesions;
- allergy;
- adverse environmental factors;
- neglect of hygiene rules.
See a doctor
Inflammatory elements on the skin of a child is a significant reason to see a doctor. Incorrect treatment can cause significant harm to a fragilebody. It also cannot be ruled out that abscesses on the body signal certain he alth problems.
At home
Of course, something can be done at home. For starters, you should pay attention to the diet of the child. Fatty foods, smoked meats, butter, pastries, sweets should be excluded from the menu. Chips and carbonated drinks are also banned. It is necessary to ensure that the child eats fermented milk products daily, these can be cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir. It is also necessary to include as many fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu as possible.
You can degrease the skin with a 3% solution of salicylic alcohol. It is necessary to treat the affected areas with this remedy no more than once a day. Otherwise, there is a danger of overdrying the skin. The baby should wash with warm water, this must be done twice a day. You should also make sure that the child does not touch the pustules, does not try to squeeze them out or tear them off. A damaged pimple should definitely be treated with hydrogen peroxide.