The human body consists of 70% water, 2/3 of which is contained inside the cells, 1/3 - in the intercellular space. This is where the kidneys send water if some kind of failure occurs in their work. Accumulating, the fluid causes swelling of this organ, which, if left untreated, can result in irreversible consequences.
Renal edema: symptoms
You can determine a condition that is dangerous for the body by puffiness of the face, bags under the eyes, swelling of the limbs - external signs that in some cases may not appear. An increase in body weight without visible pathologies also indicates the possible presence of kidney edema.

Main symptoms of kidney edema:
- Pain sensations of varying degrees of intensity resulting from acute inflammatory processes caused by infection, blockage of the ureter, movement of stones. Pain is localized under the lower ribs, in the lower back, may radiate to the groin or leg, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Often after renal colic during the dayedema appears - a later symptom indicating a malfunction of this organ.
- Impaired urination. The daily norm for the volume of urine in an adult is about 1.5 liters per day, or 3/4 of the amount of fluid consumed. The decrease in this indicator is due to water retention in the body caused by inflammatory processes present in it.
- Neurological manifestations caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body. The latter, in the absence of filtration, must be excreted in the urine, and if they remain inside, they accumulate and irritate the nerve tissues, causing sleep disturbance, drowsiness, headaches and muscle pain, and itching.
Renal edema in a latent form can be detected with the use of diuretic drugs. With it, weight loss per day due to excreted fluid will be 1-2 kg.
Signs of kidney edema
Renal edema, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on the underlying cause, can develop in one day. The main feature of this condition is "mobility", in which, depending on the change in body position, the swelling gradually goes down: first the face swells, then the torso and arms, then there is an increase in the size of the hips, calves, feet. Another distinguishing feature of kidney edema is the rapid increase in its size. The renal nature of the edema is confirmed by its symmetry.

You should be able to distinguish between renal and cardiac edema. The latter appear first on the legs, and swelling of the kidneys beginshis movement from the front zone.
Renal edema of the legs is observed in severe renal failure and nephritic syndrome, characterized by the same severity in both limbs.
Causes of swelling of the kidneys
The causes of kidney edema are:
- reduced presence of protein in the blood, due to a violation of its formation or as a result of loss during urination;
- increased amount of sodium ions in the blood; can be caused by increased intake (for example, in the form of table s alt) in the body and gradual accumulation;
- excessive fluid in the body; a person drinks a large amount of water, which, not having time to be released naturally, accumulates in the tissues, which forms edema;
- increased vascular permeability, facilitating the release of blood and fluid particles into the intercellular space.
What causes kidney edema
Of the diseases that can activate the above-mentioned mechanisms that cause the occurrence of renal edema, pathologies that negatively affect the glomeruli in the kidneys are of key importance. Due to the ongoing inflammatory process, the growing connective tissue slows down or completely stops the filtration process, which is manifested by fluid retention and water-electrolyte imbalance. In some disease states, the exact opposite happens: filtration increases, and substances that should be in the blood enter the intercellular space.

Renal edema can be caused by:
- glomerulonephritis;
- heavy metal poisoning;
- kidney amyloidosis;
- systemic connective tissue diseases;
- tumor processes;
- renal and heart failure;
- change in blood composition;
- vascular diseases;
- infectious processes;
- diseases of the lymphatic and urinary system;
- side effects of drugs.

Depending on the underlying pathology, renal edema, photos of which can show varying degrees of severity, localization, persistence, are characterized by pallor of the skin in edematous areas, as well as dry skin. With nephritis - diseases of an inflammatory nature, swelling is pronounced and can disappear on its own, without therapeutic measures.
Formation of renal edema
Renal edema is formed during sleep, when the activity of the body slows down, and excess fluid does not leave with urine. First, the area under the eyes becomes swollen, and then the same condition passes to the rest of the body. Symptoms are most pronounced in the morning, decreasing by the end of the day. Therefore, if there is swelling of the legs in the late afternoon, this is most likely to be caused by varicose veins or heart failure.
Diagnosis of renal edema
If you suspect kidney edema, it is recommended to consult a therapist and undergo the following tests:
- laboratory blood testand urine;
- X-ray examination of the urinary canals and kidneys,
- magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography of the kidneys;
- doppler ultrasound aimed at detecting impaired blood flow in the kidneys;
- nephroscintigraphy, analyzing the functional abilities of the organ under study and probable thrombosis.
Renal edema: treatment
For the treatment of renal edema, the doctor prescribes diuretics that stimulate the excretion of fluid from the body: Spironolactone, Hydrochlorothiazide, Oxodoline, Triamteren, Mannitol, Furosemide. You should know that:
- treatment should be done against the background of constant monitoring of the amount of urine, blood pressure, electrolyte levels;
- in case of urgent need, drugs can be administered intravenously;
- self-medication is strictly prohibited due to the high likelihood of complications.
Long-term use of such drugs may have side effects, therefore, in parallel, the patient is recommended to take "Asparkam" or "Panangin", which support the work of the heart and prevent the excretion of potassium from the body.

Treatment of the underlying disease directly depends on the diagnosis and is aimed at eliminating its cause, which caused the failure of the kidneys. When the natural filtration rate is restored, the puffiness will gradually disappear. In diseases of the kidneys, if there are acute infectious processes, treatment is carried out with antibiotics. For autoimmune diseases: rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus - a doctorappoints glucocorticoids and cytostatics. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, "Askorutin" is effective, the course of treatment of which is from 2 to 4 weeks. The regulation of water and electrolyte balance in the blood is carried out with the help of intravenous infusions and droppers.
From excess sodium and preventing an increase in blood volume with a decreasing or unchanged amount of protein, a special s alt-free diet is used, which also limits the intake of any liquid into the body. Be sure to include in the diet vegetables, fish, lean meat, boiled breast, containing a sufficient amount of protein. With the right approach to the treatment of the disease that caused fluid retention in the body, kidney edema disappears first.

Almost always acute forms of diseases are accompanied by swelling of the kidneys, and the rapid disappearance of the latter creates the illusion of recovery. The absence of external symptoms may lead to unauthorized termination of treatment and cause the occurrence of relapses of the disease or their transition to a chronic state.
When Pregnant
Renal edema during pregnancy is very dangerous. They are quite difficult to identify, since during the period of bearing a child, swelling of the arms, legs, face is quite common. The body's need for fluid increases, and a woman in an interesting position, approaching childbirth, is more and more thirsty. Along the way, the body accumulates water-retaining sodium.

Most often, legs swell during pregnancy:it becomes extremely difficult to put on shoes, a mark appears on the ankle from the gum of the socks. If by the morning such an alarming condition remains, and at the same time there are renal edema on the face with bags under the eyes and swelling of the hands, you should definitely visit your doctor. Excessive weight gain (above 0.3 kg per week) should also be a major concern.
Folk treatments
In some cases, kidney edema can be treated with traditional methods, namely medicinal herbs that help remove excess fluid from the body.
It is effective to use a collection of lingonberry leaves, crushed juniper fruits, birch buds, bearberry leaves, taken in the same proportion. A tablespoon of the finished collection should be poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Filter. Drink 2 tbsp. spoons 4-5 times a day.
Dandelion leaf tea, which has a diuretic effect and restores potassium reserves in the body, will help relieve kidney edema. Drink 3 times a day for 1 glass.
Traditional medicine recipes in the treatment of renal edema are recommended to be used only with the permission of the attending physician in the absence of special contraindications and not a very serious reason for this condition.