The birth of a child involves constant worries. However, no one takes away from young mothers the right to enjoy life as before. Today, many women love to visit the sauna. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to go to the bath with HB is relevant.
Misconception about the dangers of the procedure
The main cause for concern is the assertion that under the influence of high temperatures in the sauna, milk loses its positive qualities and can completely “burn out”.
However, experts say that a bath with HB does not harm the lactation process. On the contrary, such an event can strengthen it.

If a young mother is in good he alth, follows all the precautions when visiting the sauna and does not forget to drink enough fluids (to prevent dehydration), the procedure will not harm her.
Features of the female body after childbirth
In Russia, the bath was the cleanest room. In addition, there were no drafts. This place was considered the most favorable for mother and baby. Sothe girls were in the bath during delivery. In addition, the first days of a woman and her child passed there. Thus, family members tried to protect the young mother and baby from infection and hypothermia.
However, modern girls often ask the question of whether it is possible to go to the bath with breastfeeding.

After all, being in a sauna, a woman is exposed to very high temperatures. Doctors believe that the first days after delivery are not the best time for such procedures. It is necessary to wait until the body of a young mother recovers sufficiently to withstand such a load.
Other important aspects
A visit to the bath with breastfeeding is safe only six to eight weeks after delivery. During this time, the discharge usually stops in a young mother and the mucous membranes of the organs of the reproductive system heal.
In addition, it must be remembered that the first day of his life, the baby consumes colostrum. Milk becomes mature only after ten to twenty days. Its full production is possible under the condition of good nutrition and the absence of stress on the body. Therefore, visiting the sauna is not recommended during this period.
Features of the effect of the procedure on a nursing woman
To answer the question of whether it is possible to go to the bath with breastfeeding, it is necessary to take into account the effect of high temperatures and humidity on the body of a young mother.
In general, heat increases milk production. However, the alternation of heat and cold (for example, visiting the pool after the steam room) canprovoke spasm of the mammary glands. This process can cause lactostasis, immune system dysfunction, and even mastitis.

In addition, the negative aspect of this procedure is the long separation of the woman from the child. Indeed, during lactation, it is important to regularly feed the baby. A visit to the sauna can take several hours.
It should also be remembered that exposure to high temperatures leads to copious secretion of milk and sweat. These processes can provoke dehydration and deterioration in the well-being of a young mother.
Helpful tips
When a woman's body has sufficiently recovered after childbirth, she can afford to visit the sauna. However, this procedure will only be beneficial if the following rules are followed:
- Girls who have never been to a bathhouse should not go there during lactation.
- Before visiting the steam room, you need to feed the baby. Then the mammary glands do not overflow with milk, and the woman does not feel discomfort.
- A young mother can go to the bath with breastfeeding only if there are no he alth problems.
- It is better to take the baby with you and ask a relative or friend to stay with him in the next room. After all, after the steam room, milk production increases.
- Experts advise drinking enough fluids. It can be herbal tea (with the exception of mint) or plain water at room temperature. Then the amount of milk will be normal, and the young mother will not feel worse.
- Ifvisiting the steam room, a woman feels unwell (acceleration of the heart rate, dizziness, lethargy), she should leave the sauna as soon as possible.
- This procedure should be carried out no more than once a week.
- The use of a broom is not recommended.
- You shouldn't swim in the pool after the steam room.
- Don't go outside in rainy or cold weather right after sauna. It is better to get home by taxi or by car.
If these rules are observed, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to bathe in a bath with breastfeeding is in the affirmative.

What should I bring to the sauna?
A breastfeeding woman is allowed to use quite ordinary items for this procedure:
- Headwear (to protect against overheating).
- Towel (to wipe up the milk if it starts to leak from the breasts).
- Slippers.
- First aid kit. Be sure to take blood pressure lowering medications and ammonia with you.
- A clean and ironed sheet.
Before visiting the bath with breastfeeding, a young mother can purchase a special set of things for this procedure in a hypermarket or a cosmetics store.

When should a woman not go to the sauna?
Excessive enthusiasm for this event negatively affects the state of the body, which needs strength to feed the child. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to bathe in a bath during GV is negative in the presence of the following conditions:
- Fever.
- Asthma.
- Disorders of the heart muscle and blood vessels.
- High blood pressure.
- Inflammation or infectious pathology (especially in the acute period).
What symptoms should not be ignored?
The body of a nursing mother may react negatively to visiting the sauna. Lactation is an unpredictable process. Therefore, a woman should be extremely careful about her he alth while in the steam room, especially for the first time after delivery. If a girl feels unwell (weakness, ringing in the ears, bouts of nausea, dizziness), she needs to stop visiting the sauna for several months. After all, these symptoms indicate that the body of a young mother is not yet ready to withstand exposure to high temperatures and humid air.
In addition, a woman should pay attention to the volume of milk. If it decreases after the procedure, it should be postponed for about six months. After visiting the sauna, you should dry your hair well and dress according to the weather to protect yourself from hypothermia. In the event of a deterioration in the condition, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to bathe in a bath with HB is, of course, negative. In this situation, the woman is advised to postpone this event until the end of the lactation period.
Which body care products should I take with me?
As a rule, women use several means during such a procedure. They apply lotions, masks, scrubs, creams to the surface of the skin. However, during the periodlactation of a young mother should be limited to cosmetics made from natural ingredients. The fact is that under the influence of high temperatures, chemicals can penetrate into milk through enlarged pores. Experts recommend using products designed for babies. These are baby creams, soaps, lotions and foams. Such cosmetics are natural and safe. In addition, it can make the skin soft and smooth.

During lactation, a woman is recommended to use natural remedies based on honey and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Ideally, it should be home-made cosmetics (masks from yeast, kefir and yolks, coffee grounds scrub, chamomile lotion, a mixture of cottage cheese and carrots). In addition, a nursing mother can buy luxury body care products before visiting the sauna. Such products are of good quality and contain safe components that will not harm either the woman or the baby.
Today, many experts give an affirmative answer to the question of whether it is possible to go to the bath with HB. Komarovsky, for example, recommends visiting the sauna for young mothers who have a lack of breast milk. Exposure to high temperatures enhances the lactation process. However, doctors warn women who have recently given birth that in the presence of chronic pathologies, it is necessary to consult a doctor before deciding to carry out such a procedure. After all, a young mother, whose body is subjected to serious stress, should take care of her he alth.
A visit to the bathhouse is a useful and enjoyable event that allows a person to relax both in body and soul.

Many people in Russia love this procedure, and it gives them positive emotions.
A woman who often goes to the sauna can sometimes afford this pleasure even during lactation. However, it should be remembered that breastfeeding is a crucial period in the life of a young mother, and she needs to avoid overload. For girls who follow the recommendations of specialists, do not have serious he alth problems and use only natural cosmetics for skin care, such a procedure will benefit and give positive emotions.