Health 2024, October

How to check for meningitis in children and adults: diagnostic methods, symptoms

How to check for meningitis in children and adults: diagnostic methods, symptoms

Meningitis is a sudden inflammation of the lining of the spinal cord and brain. The development of this disease can be triggered by bacteria, viruses, as well as other microorganisms. In addition, the cause of this disease is often non-infectious factors. The most dangerous for human life is bacterial meningitis, as it affects the membrane in close proximity to the central nervous system

Pain in the right hypochondrium: what could it be, what diseases? Doctors' advice and diagnostics

Pain in the right hypochondrium: what could it be, what diseases? Doctors' advice and diagnostics

Pain in the right hypochondrium - what is it? What diseases can this symptom indicate? As a rule, such pain indicates a malfunction of some internal organs that are located in this area. Let's take a closer look at what it is - pain in the right hypochondrium. What is the nature of this symptom? What diseases are accompanied by such pain?

How to treat an enlarged liver: causes, symptoms, drugs and advice from doctors

How to treat an enlarged liver: causes, symptoms, drugs and advice from doctors

The feeling of pressure and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, as well as discomfort after eating, soreness are clear symptoms of problems with the hepatobiliary system in the body. If you ignore these kinds of symptoms, they will provoke an increase in the size of the liver

How to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis: symptoms and reviews

How to distinguish an ulcer from gastritis: symptoms and reviews

Improper diet and lifestyle have a negative impact on the entire digestive system of people. The most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are ulcers and gastritis. The symptoms of these ailments are very similar to each other. Even an experienced gastroenterologist is not in all cases able to determine what kind of disease bothers the patient

Viral or bacterial bronchitis: differences, symptoms and treatment features

Viral or bacterial bronchitis: differences, symptoms and treatment features

Bronchitis is one of the leading diseases of the respiratory tract. This diagnosis is made if the mucous membrane on the bronchi is inflamed, and the patient shows signs such as sputum production and coughing. Quite often, bronchitis is ill in regions with a humid and cold climate, where there are sharp changes in air temperature, as well as atmospheric pressure. But how to determine whether viral or bacterial bronchitis? Will there be any difference in symptoms?

Main ENT diseases: laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, their diagnosis and treatment

Main ENT diseases: laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, their diagnosis and treatment

The etiology of such common diseases as bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and rhinitis, everyone needs to know, as well as the methods of their effective treatment

Causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis

Causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis

Cases of chronic glomerulonephritis are quite common in modern medical practice. And although the symptoms of such a disease may be mild, it requires qualified help from a specialist

What is mucociliary clearance?

What is mucociliary clearance?

In this article we will consider what this process is, what it depends on and the methods of its research. But first you need to figure out how the expelled mucus enters the human respiratory system

Bronchoectatic disease: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Bronchoectatic disease: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Respiratory diseases are often diagnosed in medicine today. One of the painful chronic diseases is bronchiectasis, or bronchiectasis, which is characterized by the development of a purulent inflammatory process in the respiratory system. Usually this pathology does not develop independently, but is a consequence of other diseases

Lung abscess: stages, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Lung abscess: stages, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Abscess of the lung is a severe pathology, which is accompanied by the formation of pus in the tissues with its further accumulation in necrotic cavities. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can result in severe complications up to the death of the patient. That is why the symptoms of the disease should never be ignored

How to treat a cough in a baby?

How to treat a cough in a baby?

All parents react differently to a cough in babies - someone does not pay attention and ignores, especially when there is no temperature and runny nose, while others immediately rush to treat their child with all available means. All two types of parents go to extremes, because before you start treating an infant, both at 3 months and older, you need to find out the root cause of such a cough

Respiratory diseases and their prevention

Respiratory diseases and their prevention

There is a huge number of respiratory diseases, the study and treatment of which is carried out by a separate section of medicine - pulmonology. Every person encounters such pathologies from time to time. Moreover, each disease is accompanied by a unique set of symptoms and requires appropriate treatment

Dry choking cough. Causes in adults and children

Dry choking cough. Causes in adults and children

Suffocating cough at night is a clear sign of inflammatory processes in the larynx (laryngitis) or in the pharynx (pharyngitis). Untimely treatment of these diseases in a "kit" with cool inhaled air, vapors or gases can lead to chronic tracheitis

Allergic cough: symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Allergic cough: symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Allergic cough occurs when allergens enter the body and is characterized by the presence of severe attacks. Treatment is complex with the use of medications, folk remedies, as well as in compliance with proper nutrition and daily routine

How to treat chronic cough? The best drugs for treatment

How to treat chronic cough? The best drugs for treatment

Respiratory organs more often than other body systems are negatively affected by various viruses and bacteria. Even simple hypothermia can cause a serious cold, which is accompanied by fever, malaise, runny nose and cough. As a rule, the treatment of a cold takes 1-2 weeks, but if the patient does not get better during this time, this indicates the seriousness of the disease

Can emphysema be cured? Causes and symptoms of the disease

Can emphysema be cured? Causes and symptoms of the disease

The most common cause of emphysema is smoking. In heavy smokers, cigarette smoke leads to irreversible destructive processes in the alveoli. The best thing to do in this case is to stop smoking completely

How to get rid of dry eye syndrome?

How to get rid of dry eye syndrome?

How to get rid of dry eye syndrome? Why does it arise? These and many other questions can be answered in detail in this article

Functional dyspepsia: symptoms and treatment

Functional dyspepsia: symptoms and treatment

Functional dyspepsia is a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by many symptoms. Its diagnosis has some features on which treatment depends. Be sure to contact your doctor if you have any signs of a problem

Soft tissue bruises. Remedies for bruises and hematomas

Soft tissue bruises. Remedies for bruises and hematomas

The occurrence of edema, increasing pain, the appearance of cyanotic areas under the skin - all this is the result of a bruise that occurs when soft tissues are injured. To quickly fix the problem, it is far from always necessary to contact a specialist. In some cases, you can eliminate the consequences of a bruise on your own, resorting to the use of medical and folk remedies

The main symptoms of malabsorption syndrome

The main symptoms of malabsorption syndrome

What are the main symptoms of malabsorption syndrome? What does he represent? That is what we will talk about in this article

Removal of the gallbladder: the consequences of removal. Treatment after gallbladder removal

Removal of the gallbladder: the consequences of removal. Treatment after gallbladder removal

Cholelithiasis has become much younger in recent years. One of the solutions to this problem, and perhaps the most common one, is the removal of the gallbladder. We will consider the consequences of removal for the body in this article

Burning knees: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Burning knees: causes, possible diseases, treatment

What to do when your knees burn and why does it happen? Possible causes of discomfort: frostbite, injuries, problems with the spinal column, lack of vitamins and minerals, bacteria and viruses, vascular pathologies, skin diseases. In the article we will consider diagnostic and therapeutic measures that will help in the fight against the disease. And also find out if traditional medicine will help in this matter?

Ultrasound with hydrocortisone for joint disease: indications and contraindications, effectiveness, reviews

Ultrasound with hydrocortisone for joint disease: indications and contraindications, effectiveness, reviews

When problems with the joints, doctors often advise patients to undergo procedures using ultrasound and medications. Hydrocortisone is considered one of the most effective of them. Consider the contraindications and benefits of this procedure

Chicory in diabetes: properties and effects on the body, benefits and harms, advice from endocrinologists

Chicory in diabetes: properties and effects on the body, benefits and harms, advice from endocrinologists

Providing a normal blood sugar level is an incredibly important condition for a he althy human existence. If it begins to fluctuate in the direction of increasing or decreasing from the normal state, the body experiences great difficulties

Vasomotor rhinitis: treatment in a child and causes of the disease

Vasomotor rhinitis: treatment in a child and causes of the disease

Vasomotor rhinitis is a chronic disease caused by the expansion of the blood vessels of the nasal cavity under the influence of external or internal factors. With an incorrect reaction of blood vessels to irritants, persistent nasal congestion appears. The basis of vasomotor rhinitis is not an inflammatory process, but a violation of the regulation of the tone of the vessels located in the lower region of the nasal conchas

Rheumatoid diseases: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment

Rheumatoid diseases: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment

Rheumatoid diseases are among the most common. They were known in antiquity, however, it was previously believed that these ailments develop as a result of improper circulation of fluid in the body. There are many diseases that have similar symptoms, which is why if the symptoms that will be described below occur, you should definitely contact a rheumatologist for diagnosis and treatment

Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis): symptoms and treatment, diet

Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis): symptoms and treatment, diet

A large number of people suffer from inflammation of the stomach, which is also called gastritis. Often this disease does not last too long, since the mucous membrane of the organ is able to recover, leading the person to a speedy recovery. Pathology can be acute and chronic

Feeling full stomach: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Feeling full stomach: causes, symptoms and treatment features

From time to time, the feeling of a full stomach bothers many of us. In parallel with it, unpleasant symptoms occur: heartburn, nausea, heaviness and bloating. What are the causes of such ailments and how to get rid of them?

Chronic atrophic gastritis: symptoms and treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis with folk remedies

Chronic atrophic gastritis: symptoms and treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis with folk remedies

Chronic atrophic gastritis is a disease of the stomach. It is characterized by pathological changes in the mucous membrane. The number of glands that secrete gastric juice decreases. Against the background of chronic atrophic gastritis, pathologies often develop that lead to stomach cancer

What is gastritis? Types, classification and causes

What is gastritis? Types, classification and causes

This article discusses in detail the types of gastritis of the stomach and the forms that they can take in the absence of timely treatment. In addition, you will learn about the main preventive and treatment measures used to eliminate and prevent the occurrence or recurrence of gastritis

Deforming arthritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Deforming arthritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Deforming arthritis is a very common disease. It manifests itself in the degeneration of the joints, their loss of mobility. Left untreated, arthritis leads to disability. Women are especially susceptible to this disease

Ovary histology: features and functions

Ovary histology: features and functions

Often, many women are biased towards a histological examination, because they think that a specialist directs him only if an oncological process is suspected in the patient's body. But this is an erroneous opinion. Gynecology is distinguished by a wide list of indications for its implementation, and it is often used for diagnostic purposes. For example, ovarian histology is a necessary stage of the therapeutic course

Papillomavirus infection: basic information

Papillomavirus infection: basic information

The article describes the papillomavirus infection, indicates the features of infection, clinical manifestations, as well as the principles of therapy for this disease

Breast engorgement: causes and treatment

Breast engorgement: causes and treatment

Breast engorgement is a condition characterized by the following symptoms: breast swelling, tightness, tenderness. Such a condition may be a sign of a disease or the result of malnutrition, stress, medication, etc. To determine the cause of breast engorgement, a specialist consultation is necessary

Hereditary diseases - their causes

Hereditary diseases - their causes

Hereditary diseases are passed from generation to generation. Today there are a large number of different diseases of this type

Sebaceous cysts: treatment, symptoms

Sebaceous cysts: treatment, symptoms

Sebaceous cysts are tumor-like subcutaneous formations. These formations are benign and practically do not pose any threat. It is worth worrying in case of tumor growth or inflammatory processes in the area of the appearance of this defect

Adenopathy of the lymph nodes: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Adenopathy of the lymph nodes: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The term "adenopathy of the lymph nodes" refers to a pathological condition characterized by a change in shape and an increase in the size of one or at once a whole group of clusters that are part of the vascular system. In most cases, the disease does not occur on its own, but develops against the background of an ailment that is a provoking factor

HPV of oncogenic types: main signs, diagnosis, treatment methods, danger and prevention

HPV of oncogenic types: main signs, diagnosis, treatment methods, danger and prevention

HPV of oncogenic types is the most common cause of genital cancer in both women and men. Timely examination and treatment will save not only he alth, but also life

What is papillomavirus? Symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

What is papillomavirus? Symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

What is papillomavirus is of interest to so many women, especially those planning a pregnancy. It is important to identify infection in a timely manner and conduct complex treatment in order to prevent the occurrence of complications

Viral load in HIV and hepatitis C: indicators

Viral load in HIV and hepatitis C: indicators

To determine the state of the immune status in diseases such as hepatitis C and HIV, the viral load is taken. This analysis allows the doctor to judge the stage of the pathological process and evaluate the results of the treatment