Often constant weakness, dizziness, pain in the head are concomitant symptoms of hypotension. People of all ages are trying to increase the pressure, from teenagers to pensioners. This condition adversely affects the physical and mental activity of a person. In this article, we look at the causes, symptoms, and treatment of low blood pressure.

Blood pressure depends on the following factors:
- Vascular tone. The fact is that when the muscles relax, the pressure in the vessels decreases, respectively, with tension, it increases.
- The work of the heart. If a person has suffered serious diseases in which the heart has weakened, he will have low blood pressure.
- Other factors that directly affect the he alth and functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Low blood pressure can be caused by the following reasons:
- prolonged stress;
- depression;
- meteorological and climatic conditions. For example, elevated air temperature, a sharp change in weather conditions, fluctuationatmospheric pressure can adversely affect human he alth;
- frequent overload, both mental and physical;
- some drugs can either increase or decrease blood pressure.
Signs of low blood pressure

For a long time a person can live a full life and not pay attention to any seizures and minor pain. But when the ailments take on a permanent character, unrest begins, and people go to the doctor. It is worth highlighting several signs by which low blood pressure can be recognized:
- lethargy, fatigue;
- mental decline;
- drowsy;
- irritability;
- periodic dizziness;
- not feeling well in hot weather;
- frequent yawning;
- prone to motion sickness;
- headaches;
- sweating palms and feet;
- darkening in the eyes and flickering in front of them "flies";
- pain in the heart;
- problems with joints during exercise;
- painful reaction to temperature change.
How to increase blood pressure at home

With this diagnosis, the most important thing is to observe the correct regimen. Most hypotensive people like to sleep, you can not refuse this organism. Your sleep should be at least 6-8 hours. It is also important to engage in a variety of activities, periodically alternating physical and mental stress.
A proper diet will also make you feel good. It is important to know that foods such as fatty meat, coffee, black tea adversely affect the body. Pressure can be increased with decoctions and tinctures of herbs. Water procedures can also increase pressure and tone up for the whole day. Hypotonic patients need to take a morning contrast shower. You must be underwater for at least 5 minutes.
How to increase blood pressure during pregnancy
First, you need to find out the reason for the decrease in pressure. Perhaps this is how the body reacts to the drugs and vitamins that pregnant women use. In this case, you need to stop taking them. In any other case, especially if the low blood pressure is permanent, you should immediately consult a doctor.