Treatment of trichomoniasis is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the disease. It belongs to the number of infectious, from person to person can be transmitted through intimate contact. The cause of the disease is infection with a specific microscopic organism Trichomonas. The vaginal variety can take root in the reproductive system, but this is far from the only representative of the Trichomonas species. There are species that can survive in the oral cavity or intestinal tract, others live on human mucous membranes, in the urethra, bladder - in a word, the habitat of Trichomonas in the human body is quite large. Comfort for the pathological agent is due to temperature - it suits him perfectly, as well as alkalinity conditions. Once in the outside world, Trichomonas soon dies, because it cannot tolerate low levels of humidity.
Relevance of the issue
On average, due to the appearance of the corresponding symptoms, treatment of trichomoniasis in women is necessary, according to some estimates, every third woman. Other analysts say that up to 80% of all women in the world have had the disease or are currently suffering from it.our planet. It has been for certain revealed that the risk of infection is higher if the sexual partner is not the only one. If a person diligently avoids casual sexual contact, the likelihood of infection is low.
There are some peculiarities in the treatment of trichomoniasis in men. Most representatives of the stronger sex do not have symptoms at all, so many carriers of the pathological agent do not suspect a problem. If a woman has a disease, both she and her partner (or several if there is more than one) need treatment. Otherwise, there will always be relapses.
Where did the trouble come from?
Before finding out what are the symptoms, treatment of trichomoniasis in women, men, it is reasonable to consider the causes of the disease. Of course, the very first and main one is intimate contact with an infected person. Even with good immunity, a woman whose sexual partner is a carrier of the infection, with a probability estimated at 80-100%, will catch the disease. For a man, the risk of infection is estimated at 70%. In order to somewhat reduce the dangers to oneself, if there is more than one sexual partner, it is necessary to introduce into the obligatory habit of using barrier contraceptives. If one of the permanent couple is infected, both are sent for treatment.
Treatment of trichomoniasis may be required upon contact with organic secretions of a person infected with this pathological organism. The cause of infection can be a variety of substances: urine, semen, others. Small elements of these secretions may remain on a washcloth, towel or other hygienic items. You can get infected by usingsick with one toilet bowl, since Trichomonas survive on the rim. However, everything is not so scary: the causative agent of the disease dies on contact with a two percent soap solution, does not tolerate the relatively low humidity of the surrounding world. Knowing that one of the residents is sick with trichomoniasis, you can take measures to ensure the safety of all other residents of the apartment by hygienic processing of common areas.

Sometimes, very young children need treatment for trichomoniasis: if the mother is sick, she can pass the infectious agent to the child during childbirth.
The spread of the disease is due to the absence of symptoms in males, the lifestyle of people who welcome casual sex. Often, trichomoniasis develops against the background of other sexual infections. Only trichomoniasis is detected in only one patient out of ten infected, while in others a whole “bouquet” of venereal diseases is detected.
How to notice?
You can understand that you need treatment for trichomoniasis by the following symptoms:
- itches in the crotch, burns;
- a foamy, specific-smelling substance of a greenish or yellowish hue is released from the vagina;
- increased urination with pain;
- redness of the labia, uterine cervix, vaginal mucosa.

The whole complex of symptoms may appear at once, but only individual manifestations of the listed may be presentlist. Treatment of trichomoniasis in men and women should be started immediately if symptoms appear, since the disease is highly likely to provoke complications. Trichomonas disrupt the reproductive system, and the consequences are not always predictable. The lack of adequate, full-fledged treatment leads to the transition of the disease to the chronicle.
What to do?
As a rule, with questions about the treatment of trichomoniasis, women turn to doctors much more often than men, since the symptoms are much more disturbing. If the studies show a positive result, trichomonas are detected, a permanent sexual partner (or several, if there are more than one) must undergo a similar test procedure. When infection is confirmed, an antibacterial course is prescribed to both people. If only one of the pair has Trichomonas, then isolated therapy of the carrier of the disease is sufficient.
The main idea of the treatment of trichomoniasis in women and men is the complete destruction of the colony of the pathogen. Begin the course of treatment in women from the beginning of the next menstruation. The program is divided into three stages. As a rule, the disease is usually accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the reproductive, urinary systems. In this case, a whole complex of drugs is required to combat infection. The main element of therapy is drugs containing metronidazole.
For the treatment of trichomoniasis in women, drugs with metronidazole are used in various forms. The dose is chosen by the doctor, based on the general condition of the patient, the tolerability of drugs, the presence of chronicdiseases, the severity of the course of infection. The main course is supplemented with means for local action - suppositories and tablets inserted into the vagina. It must be remembered that such drugs are not terrible for the pathogen that has settled in the urethra and glands. To increase the body's own ability to resist an infectious agent, it is reasonable to use multivitamin complexes, dietary supplements. You must first coordinate the reception of such formulations with the doctor. The doctor will also tell you which antimicrobial and antifungal agents in a particular case will achieve a pronounced effect faster and more reliably.
Lots of options
For the treatment of trichomoniasis in women, drugs are produced in the following forms:
- candles;
- oral tablets;
- vaginal pills;
- solutions for douching;
- bath products;
- substances for irrigation of affected cavities.
Sometimes a doctor recommends medicated enemas.
The combination of several forms, types, active ingredients allows you to achieve the most pronounced effect, but there is a risk that the compositions will interact with each other. To avoid such consequences, you need to adhere to the program drawn up by the doctor. If in any doubt, you should consult your doctor regarding the admissibility of the chosen remedy.
Effective or not?
As a rule, treatment of trichomoniasis with metronidazole drugs is practiced. In 95% of cases, the loading dose of the drug is sufficient forobtaining a lasting effect. The doctor will tell you exactly how much medicine to take. All prescribed volumes are used at a time. In some cases, it is recommended to stop at a longer program: the medicine on metronidazole is used from three to five days.
As a rule, this is a fairly effective treatment for trichomoniasis, so no additional measures are required. If control studies have shown the presence of a pathogen in the body, you will have to consult a doctor for the selection of an alternative course: there is no point in repeating metronidazole. As a rule, experts recommend trying to eliminate the colony with drugs:
- Meratin.
- "Nitazol".
Possibly topical treatment. Most often resort to candles:
- Meratin Combi.
- Terzhinan.
To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is worth using the prophylactic composition "Solkotrikhovak". This is a vaccine that contains lactobacilli. The drug in pharmacies is represented by a powder for dilution. The prepared medication is administered injectively. The tool is considered good for prevention, but can provoke side effects. Its use in a particular case, especially if it is necessary to treat trichomoniasis, the symptoms of which are very disturbing, should be agreed with the doctor.

Problems: many at once
The need for treatment of trichomoniasis (chronic - in the first place!) Is due to the ability of infectious cells to carry other pathogens that canprovoke a variety of and extremely unpleasant diseases. Up to 90% of trichomoniasis patients are also infected with:
- urea-, mycoplasma;
- chlamydia;
- gonorrhea.
Trichomoniasis is often combined with the papilloma virus, which can cause uterine hyperplasia, and this condition is assessed as precancerous. In a certain percentage of cases, cell degeneration is possible, giving rise to an oncological disease.
There are many cases when trichomoniasis was accompanied by herpes simplex. This can cause various he alth problems when the immune system is weakened. The urogenital system is particularly susceptible to HIV. The situation is oppressed by casual intimate contacts.
Drugs: what to use and how?
The most reliable treatment for trichomoniasis is drugs containing metronidazole. During the course, it is shown to drink 5 g of the active ingredient. It can be taken according to the following program: the first four days, a quarter gram three times, for another two days, such doses are used twice.
If the doctor recommended Trichopolum, on the first day the drug is taken in an amount of 0.75 g four times, then the frequency of use is maintained for two days, but each dose is reduced to 0.5 g. In total, during the program, the patient consumes 5 g active ingredient.
Flagil is another remedy widely used as a treatment for the symptoms of trichomoniasis. The photo below shows what the packaging of the drug looks like. On the first day, the agent is used twice in half a gram, then the single dose is halved, and the frequency is increased tothree times a day. From the third day, twice a day, use 0.25 g of the drug. This program continues for four days. In total, during the treatment, the patient receives 3.75 g.

When choosing "Fazizhina" treatment will have to take one week. The drug is used twice a day, a single dosage is 0.5 g.
Efloran has a good reputation. For the first five days, it is consumed four times a day for half a gram, then the frequency is halved, but the dose is doubled. The second stage lasts from seven to ten days.
What else will help?
For signs of trichomoniasis in women, treatment may include the drug "Atrikan". It is used four days in a row, twice a day, taking a quarter of a gram.
Meratin proved to be reliable. The tool is intended for use within five days orally twice a day for half a gram. To increase the reliability of the course, local means are used vaginally - tablets "Meratin", installed at night. In just a day, 1.5 g of the active ingredient enters the body.
Sometimes the doctor recommends staying on Naxojin tablets. In the acute form of infection, the treatment of trichomoniasis in men and women involves the simultaneous use of four capsules in food at once. In fact, the loading dose is two grams. If the disease proceeds in a chronic form, the medication is indicated to be taken for six days in a row, one capsule every day. Single dosage - 0.25 g of the active ingredient.
The drug "Nitazol" can be used for trichomoniasistwo weeks in a row, three times a day, using 0.1 g. To increase the effectiveness of the program, candles are used vaginally with a dosage of the active substance of 0.12 g. Suppositories are installed twice a day. An alternative is a twice-daily topical application of a 2.5% active compound foam.
Combination topical therapy
If trichomoniasis in women has begun (due to various reasons), treatment can be practiced using the drug "Klion D-100". This medication contains both metronidazole and miconazole; each - in the amount of 100 mg. The medication is used for ten days in a row, taking in the evening, shortly before going to bed, one tablet each.
A good option is Neo-Penotran. It contains the same components as in Klion D-100, but there is five times more metronidazole, but miconazole is the same 100 mg. The drug is available in the form of suppositories for vaginal use. The course of treatment lasts two weeks, the medication is used twice a day, one candle is placed in one procedure.
You can use the drug "Terzhinan", if necessary, due to specific symptoms, the treatment of trichomoniasis. The photo below shows what the packaging looks like. It is in this box that you can buy medicine in a modern pharmacy. The composition of the combined medication contains nystatin 100,000 units, prednisolone 3 mg, ternidazole 0.2 g and neomycin 0.1 g.

Meratin Combi has proven itself well. It is used for ten daysin a row, placing a vaginal suppository at night. The drug combines nystatin, prednisolone, neomycin and ornidazole.
Special Occasion
There is a risk of infection with Trichomonas during childbearing. In an “interesting” position, a woman suffers from weakened immunity, so colonies can develop especially actively. If it is possible to identify the disease at the very beginning, the treatment will be short-term and as safe as possible, but delay in therapy becomes a risk factor for the he alth of the mother and child. Usually, trichomoniasis is detected already at the first gynecological examination when the fact of conception is detected. It must be remembered: without treatment, the risk of having a baby prematurely, untimely discharge of water and rupture of the membranes surrounding the fetus is increased.
Therapy is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor. The doctor chooses drugs that are as safe as possible for the child. The patient will have to carefully follow the recommended program, prescribed doses. You can not do without means to activate the immune system. They are also prescribed by a doctor.
Important aspects
It was stated above that you can get Trichomonas from another person. If, for example, the treatment of trichomoniasis in a man is not practiced, a woman will become infected when she has sexual intercourse with him - the probability tends to be absolute. Even if partners used barrier contraceptives during contact, the pathogen can enter the female body if it is on bedding - in such conditions it can survive up to five hours. Infection can only be prevented by careful observationhygiene and a responsible approach to choosing a couple. Timely washing of clothes, ironing linen allow you to disinfect household items.
Doctors recommend: when planning a pregnancy, both partners should first be tested for the need for treatment for trichomoniasis. Preparations for men, women (systemic action) are used the same, and the doctor will tell you the best option. Experts insist: conception should be avoided until the body of both partners is completely healed. Only after getting rid of Trichomonas and other pathological forms of life, it is worth thinking about procreation.
If trichomoniasis is found in a pregnant woman, treatment is prescribed for both: the expectant mother and the man. Drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis are used in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor, otherwise the course will be ineffective.
Most modern remedies for trichomoniasis can have a negative effect on the fetus in the first three months of gestation, which means that the child will be born with defects. To prevent such a phenomenon, the expectant mother is prescribed only the safest drugs, mostly local ones. A man can take regular pills during this time (a wide variety of options are listed above).
Medicines: what will help?
For pregnant women, the following vaginal suppositories are indicated for trichomoniasis:
- Clotrimazole.
- Polygynax.
- Betadine.
- Terzhinan.
In some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of Ginezol.
For women in their second or secondthe third stage of the term, funds based on imidazole are allowed. In pharmacies, they are presented under the following names:
- Metronidazole.
- Ornidazole.
- "Tinidazole".
The doctor may recommend options for topical application Naxojin, Atrikan.
Regardless of which remedy was chosen, the doctor always prescribes the minimum effective dosage, chooses the duration of the course so that the effect of the drug on the mother and child is short-lived. The main disadvantage of gentle treatment is the risk of relapse, but to prevent it, the doctor gives certain recommendations regarding the rules that must be followed in everyday life.
A control check is carried out three months after the completion of the course. Both partners must be tested three times. The therapeutic course will not be a source of immunity and cannot prevent re-infection if one of the treated people has been in contact with the carrier of the infection.
Harmless and secure
During pregnancy often resort to alternative treatment of trichomoniasis. This must be done strictly with the consent of the attending physician, otherwise you can harm yourself and the fetus, but there will be no benefit. The most widespread are recipes aimed at increasing the general immunity of the mother, as well as local preparations for disinfecting the affected areas of the reproductive system. Most often recipes are based on:
- cherry blossoms;
- marigold petals;
- lilac;
- celandine leaves;
- chamomile;
- aloe juice;
- garlic.

There are many uses. Fresh juice is squeezed out of Kalanchoe and taken three times a day in a teaspoon a quarter of an hour before a meal. In all recipes for the treatment of trichomoniasis folk remedies, the emphasis is on the greatest effectiveness of aloe, if you let the juice stand for a day or two in the refrigerator. You can put a cut leaf in storage and make juice from it immediately before use.
Camomile and calendula show local disinfecting action. On these herbs, decoctions are prepared with which they douche, they make sitz baths with them.
Nuances of treatment
If trichomoniasis has been treated, but there is a relapse, the previously used remedy will not show effectiveness, you will have to use something else. The doctor will refer patients for tests to determine the nature of the infection and the sensitivity of the agent to various pharmaceutical compounds, and, based on the information received, will decide on the optimal course. Three months after the completion of therapy, you will have to undergo regular examinations, as needed, passing smears for laboratory study. You will have to follow the rules of hygiene very strictly.
If during pregnancy an infection with Trichomonas is established and measures are taken to suppress the life of the colony, infection of the baby is practically impossible. Exceptions are isolated cases when the expectant mother behaves irresponsibly, does not follow the rules of hygiene. Infection occurs inthe moment the child is in the woman's genital tract. Since infection of the female body depresses the immune system, the protection of the baby is weakened, so the infection occurs rapidly. This may affect:
- tonsils;
- eye elements;
- skin in the groin area;
- anus;
- lung tissues;
- female reproductive system if a girl was born.

In an infant, the disease is always acute, and obvious symptoms appear on the third day after infection, sometimes a day earlier, sometimes a day later. Affected mucous membranes turn red, foamy vaginal discharge is possible if the child is female. There is a risk of angina, accompanied by the release of pus, pulmonary inflammation. In some cases, a lethal outcome was recorded. To prevent such a development of events, it is necessary immediately after birth to send the child under the control of a qualified doctor to ensure the vital activity of all systems and organs.