Beetroot is one of the tastiest vegetables and is an ingredient in many mouth-watering dishes. But in addition, it has a huge amount of healing properties, so beetroot treatment has been and is one of the most effective traditional medicine.
Useful properties
Beets contain a lot of useful vitamins and minerals that our body needs so much. Therefore, before we begin to understand beetroot treatment recipes, let's find out everything about its biochemical composition.
- The lipotropic substance betaine makes beets an indispensable assistant in regulating fat metabolism and normalizing blood pressure.
- Magnesium makes the vegetable extremely useful for the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis.
- Folic acid in beetroot makes it vital for pregnant women, as it helps to form a he althy baby's nervous system.
- The high content of iodine in the root vegetable makes it useful for the treatment of iodine deficiency diseases of the thyroid gland.
- The pigment betacyanin gives beetroot the ability to prevent the development of cancer cells and promote treatmentcancer.
- The boron compounds in the vegetable make it an excellent remedy for hormonal imbalances.
- Vitamins A, B, C and P in the composition of the root contribute to the overall he alth of a person.

However, before you start treatment with beets, you should learn about some of the harm of the root crop that it can cause to the body, and its contraindications.
- A large amount of beetroot interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body, so this vegetable should not be eaten by those who suffer from osteoporosis or are predisposed to this disease.
- The root vegetable contains a high dose of sugar, so it should be used less for those who suffer from diabetes.
- Due to the content of oxalic acid in beetroot, it should never be used to treat any disease if you have urolithiasis or kidney disease.
- Beetroot is a laxative and should not be used for diarrhea.
Cleansing vessels
If you have problems with blood vessels, and tests showed the presence of high cholesterol in the blood, you will be helped by folk treatment with beets, already tested by many people. According to reviews, beetroot infusion or juice is best in this case. To make juice, you just need to pass the beetroot through a blender or grate it on a fine grater, and then squeeze it out with gauze, after which you can drink 100 ml per day for a couple of weeks. But the main thing heredo not overdo it with the dosage, because, judging by the reviews, in case of an overdose, dizziness, nausea or diarrhea may occur.

But in order to prepare a decoction, you will need to take a kilogram of beets, 2 bunches of nettles and 3 liters of boiled water. We clean the vegetable, wash it, finely chop it and pour it with boiling water, throw nettle there, and you can take the drug for a month, drinking a glass after a meal. The main thing is to cook fresh snob with nettle bunches every day to prevent the drink from fermenting.
Kvass according to Bolotov
The treatment of the liver with beets and the cleansing of the whole organism with the help of beet kvass will be very effective. It also contributes to overall he alth and weight loss, which is proven by many women who often used it in order to get rid of excess weight, after which they claimed that they could not only achieve what they wanted, but also feel better. To make such kvass, you need:
- kilogram beets;
- a teaspoon of sour cream;
- 2 tablespoons of sugar;
- 2 liters of whey.
First of all, we clean the beets and grate them or chop them in a blender. Next, we throw it into a three-liter jar, and in another container we mix whey, sour cream and sugar, which we put on fire and heat to 35 ° C. Then pour the beets with heated whey, cover the jar with gauze folded in several layers, and put it in a warm place for a week so that the liquid ferments. In this case, every couple of days you will need to approach the containerwith whey and beets, and remove mold from there. A week later, the jar can be hidden in the refrigerator, where it will stand for about 5 days, and the kvass will be ready. You will need to drink it for about 1-2 months three times a day 30 minutes before meals. And, judging by the reviews about it, the effect of taking kvass will be simply fantastic.

Beets for male and female strength
Judging by the reviews of the treatment with beets, this root vegetable is very helpful for men suffering from problems with potency, and for women who have entered the threshold of menopause. Men, according to ancient recipes of traditional medicine, will just need to eat daily a small beetroot, boiled in their uniforms, and then peeled and chopped to make it more convenient to eat. The main thing is not to s alt it or pepper it, the vegetable only needs to be cooked until tender, peeled and eaten. According to men, from this the seed becomes much more abundant, and the potency is stronger.
Women often suffer from menopause, and it often happens that it causes severe pain and bleeding. In this case, beets can also help. To do this, you should make juice from fresh beets and carrots, mixing them in a ratio of 1: 2, and drink this drink every day in the morning. The course of treatment should be about two weeks, after which the state of he alth returns to normal, and in the future menopause will be completely painless.
Treatment of beet runny nose and sore throat
With the cure of a runny nose, tonsillitis and inflammation of the tonsils, a root crop will also help, which is sufficient to apply in accordance with the folk recipemedicine to make a full recovery in a couple of weeks.
- To get rid of a runny nose, you should grate the beets on a fine grater, then squeeze with gauze, and put the resulting liquid in a warm place for a couple of days. Then this fermented juice should be instilled into each nostril 2-3 drops three times a day. Reviews indicate that a runny nose will pass from such treatment in 5 days.
- Treatment with raw beetroot, which you can simply chew, helps with sore throat. If this does not help, you can make an infusion for gargling, which is obtained by mixing one glass of beetroot juice, cranberry juice, vodka and honey. Such an infusion should stand for three days, and then it must be taken in a tablespoon four times a day. Judging by the reviews, after a week of such treatment, there will be no trace of the disease.
- To get rid of inflammation of the tonsils, you should wash the beets and grate them on a coarse grater along with the peel. Then pour this gruel with five glasses of water and set to cook for an hour over low heat. After that, we filter the liquid, cool it and this will need to gargle every time after eating.
Treatment of headaches and migraines

If you often suffer from headaches and migraines, and you do not want to use strong painkillers, then you can treat with beetroot, which will relieve these pains, judging by the reviews, literally at once.
- If you have a headache, you should cut off a couple of thin slices of beets, attach them totemples and wrap your head with a bandage to secure. According to patients, this allows you to forget about the pain after 15 minutes.
- Beetroot juice, which is obtained by passing beets through a juicer, will help against migraines. However, you should not drink it - you only need to moisten two cotton swabs in it, which are then inserted into your ears. Judging by the reviews, after half an hour of such treatment, migraines will decrease significantly.
Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also be cured with beets. Treatment with a folk remedy in this case will not only contribute to the speedy recovery from diseases, but, judging by the numerous reviews, it will be completely harmless and will not cause any side effects, as happens when taking medications.
- If you have problems with the pancreas, then you should take one teaspoon of beetroot juice daily on an empty stomach, which is made by grinding it in a blender and then squeezing it with gauze. You can gradually increase the dose of beetroot juice every couple of days, and when you can drink half a glass of the drink, your pancreas will be fine.
- For the treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis and ulcerative colitis, you should grate raw beets, and then eat half an hour before lunch and dinner. You should start with 20 grams of vegetables per day, and then gradually reach 100-150 grams of beets.
Treatment with carrots and beets

Because the carrotand beets are perfectly combined in various dishes, they are also combined in the treatment of various diseases. If you make juice from them, then, according to reviews, it will help strengthen immunity, stabilize the work of the stomach and intestines, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, speed up metabolism, remove toxins from the body and prevent the development of oral diseases.
To make it, we need 300 grams of carrots, 100 grams of beets and 50 ml of water. First of all, we clean and wash the vegetables, cut them into small cubes, and then pass them through a juicer. First, we squeeze the juice from the beets, which we leave to infuse for two hours, then we squeeze the juice from the carrots, which we immediately combine with the infused beet juice. We add water to them, stir everything and drink half a glass of drink 20 minutes before meals once a day. The course of recovery with such a cocktail should be 3 months.
Recipes of folk medicine from beets
But that's not all. There are a number of other diseases that can be cured much faster if they are properly treated with red beetroot, which has stood the test of time and received many positive responses.

- When anemia is useful to eat pickled beets. To prepare it, the vegetable should be peeled, washed and cut, and then poured with brine obtained by dissolving two tablespoons of s alt in a liter of cold water. Cover the brine-filled beets with a lid and leave to ferment for two weeks. True, occasionally once a dayyou will need to look into the container and remove the resulting foam and mold. Then this beetroot can be eaten as an addition to any side dishes, and then, judging by the reviews, in a couple of weeks the hemoglobin level will increase significantly.
- To get rid of constipation, you should eat boiled beets with honey daily on an empty stomach. To make such a salad, one root vegetable should be boiled, peeled, rubbed, and then poured with a tablespoon of honey. If you eat such a dish every day, then judging by the reviews, in a few days you will be able to go to the toilet.
- If your ear hurts, you should boil the beets, grate them, crush the gruel through gauze, and bury the resulting juice in your ears 3-4 drops. This should be done within a couple of weeks, but respondents say that the pain goes away much sooner.
Beetroot beauty secrets
In addition to the fact that beets can treat the liver, hypertension, anemia, gastrointestinal diseases, runny nose and many others, this root vegetable can also eliminate some skin problems.

- Beets are good for dry skin. To do this, one vegetable should be boiled, grated on a fine grater and mixed with egg yolk. The resulting mass will need to be applied to the face, lie down with it for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water.
- Beets are good for skin inflammation. To do this, grate one raw root crop, and then mix with grated raw potatoes. A little flour should be added to the resulting mass, and then you can apply this mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. Byafter the allotted time, the mask should be washed off with cool milk mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1.
- Beets are great for getting rid of acne. To do this, peel the beets and put them to boil, and then in 0.5 liters of water where they were cooked, you will need to add a tablespoon of vinegar and mix everything well. That's it, the skin lotion is ready, now you can store it in a dark place and take it out every morning to moisten a cotton swab with it and wipe your face with it.
As you can see, beets are not only a delicious root vegetable, but also very he althy.