Health 2024, October

Noise in the head: causes and treatment

Noise in the head: causes and treatment

Diseases that are accompanied by noise in the ears and head. People can describe the nature of such noise in different ways: hum, ringing, pulsation, rustling, and depending on what is the reason for the appearance of such discomfort, the intensity of this sound may change, it may be permanent or occur only after a certain load

Skin rash: photo and description, causes, symptoms and treatment

Skin rash: photo and description, causes, symptoms and treatment

Types of skin rash and its causes in adults. Are "childhood" diseases dangerous for adults? How to treat them and possible complications. Skin rash from stress and nervous disorders. allergic reactions

ARVI during breastfeeding: treatment and prevention

ARVI during breastfeeding: treatment and prevention

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections during breastfeeding has some features, unlike a simple cold, which occurs in ordinary women. The process of lactation is considered to be very versatile and rather complex in relation to its mechanism of formation. You can learn about the specifics of therapy, as well as the features of the course of the disease, methods of protecting the baby from infection from our article

What is hyperkeratosis: definition, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

What is hyperkeratosis: definition, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

If hyperkeratosis began to develop, then some areas of the skin have time to become keratinized and at the same time the pathological process affects the palms, feet, elbows, as well as other skin areas on the patient's body. Do not exclude the progressive form of hyperkeratosis of the lips. This disease is prone to a chronic course, so it must be treated promptly at the first signs

Why sick, weakness, dizzy: reasons, what to do?

Why sick, weakness, dizzy: reasons, what to do?

Many people after a hard day's work or during the progression of a disease noticed such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, dizziness and weakness. But what if they constantly bother? Why does nausea, dizziness and weakness occur so often?

Simple chronic lichen: photo and treatment

Simple chronic lichen: photo and treatment

Limited neurodermatitis, which is also quite often called simple chronic lichen, is an inflammation of areas on the skin due to frequent scratching. Symptoms of this disease often appear in those people who are prone to neuroses. The main therapy for chronic lichen simplex is aimed at combating itching, as well as restoring the epidermis

The large intestine: what is it and what diseases can affect it

The large intestine: what is it and what diseases can affect it

The large intestine is a very important organ. Any problems in this area immediately affect the state of the whole organism. Read more about this in this article

Twisting fingers - pain in the fingers

Twisting fingers - pain in the fingers

Everyone has moments in life when they cramp their fingers. But for some, this phenomenon is extremely rare, and someone is struggling with the disease all his life. In this article, we will understand why the fingers hurt, and what affects it

What is transmitted through a kiss? List of diseases transmitted through saliva

What is transmitted through a kiss? List of diseases transmitted through saliva

"And the lips only slightly touched the lips, barely touching each other" - this is how the poets described the kiss two centuries ago. In those distant times, not every girl allowed herself to be kissed even with such an innocent and pure kiss. Now everything has changed, more than 20 types of kisses are already known, they are more and more frank and this does not go unnoticed. But what is transmitted through a kiss? This will be discussed in the article

How to relieve a migraine headache - features, methods and recommendations

How to relieve a migraine headache - features, methods and recommendations

In our age of rapidly developing technologies, we pay less and less attention to our own he alth. Meanwhile, the products of human activity do not always benefit our body. Frequent, recurrent or systematic headaches become a disease of the eyelid

Consequences of a puncture with sinusitis. Treatment of sinusitis without punctures

Consequences of a puncture with sinusitis. Treatment of sinusitis without punctures

Sinusitis is a very insidious disease that does not always pass without a trace for the body. Sometimes the inflammatory process of the sinuses affects neighboring tissues, which can cause very negative consequences in the form of headache, frontal sinusitis and fever. In this case, the puncture of the maxillary sinuses is inevitable

Gymnastics and massage for hip dysplasia in children

Gymnastics and massage for hip dysplasia in children

General recommendations for massage for hip dysplasia in newborns. Relaxation technique. Features of conducting therapeutic gymnastic classes. Preparation rules, basic exercises and tips for parents

Symptoms and treatment of chronic dacryocystitis in adults

Symptoms and treatment of chronic dacryocystitis in adults

The main causes of dacryocystitis in adults. How does the pathological process manifest itself? Differences between acute and chronic forms of the disease. Features of treatment, including massage. Possible consequences and prognosis of recovery

Spondylopathy - what is it? Dishormonal spondylopathy

Spondylopathy - what is it? Dishormonal spondylopathy

When spondylopathy is diagnosed, what it is, you need to know as accurately as possible. The presented disease is characterized by dystrophic and degenerative changes in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system. The main concomitant symptom is limited movement and pain. There is also a deterioration in the circulatory process, as capillaries and nerve fibers are pinched

Is bronchitis visible on x-ray? Interpretation of x-rays for bronchitis

Is bronchitis visible on x-ray? Interpretation of x-rays for bronchitis

Diagnosis of bronchitis by performing an x-ray. How is it different from fluoroscopy? How does inflammation of the respiratory tract manifest in a child. main methods of treatment of children and disease prevention

How to reduce the shoulder: self-reduction and medical methods

How to reduce the shoulder: self-reduction and medical methods

It is possible to injure a hand and get a dislocation of the shoulder under various conditions. Learning to correct the situation and provide first aid to yourself or others is very important. Medical statistics indicate that shoulder dislocation accounts for more than 55% of all injuries, which is not surprising. The special structure of the shoulder joint made it the most vulnerable place in case of injury, when compared with other joints

Flying fire (streptoderma): causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment in children

Flying fire (streptoderma): causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment in children

Flying fire is an infectious disease that is provoked by a streptococcal bacterium, producing its toxins in the layers of the dermis. In medicine it is called streptoderma

Blood transfusion with low hemoglobin: consequences, description of the procedure and treatment features

Blood transfusion with low hemoglobin: consequences, description of the procedure and treatment features

Blood transfusion with low hemoglobin is a procedure that helps to restore its level in a patient. For good he alth, it is necessary to keep its level within the normal range. Otherwise, a person is in danger of general malaise. And this is the least of what can happen. An insufficient amount of hemoglobin provokes the development of such a process as oxygen starvation. It spreads to all tissues and organs, disrupting their work, and blood vessels also suffer

Tracheal stenosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Tracheal stenosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Tracheal stenosis is a dangerous disease characterized by narrowing of the breathing tube. Such a pathological condition can be based on both organic lesions and external factors. Without timely treatment, the patient is expected to die

Spinal cord tumor: symptoms, causes, diagnostic tests, treatment and possible consequences

Spinal cord tumor: symptoms, causes, diagnostic tests, treatment and possible consequences

The appearance of a neoplasm in the spinal cord is a danger to human he alth. It can compress blood vessels and nerves, causing severe symptoms. In the absence of effective treatment, the patient may become disabled

Seborrheic keratosis of the skin: treatment, prognosis, symptoms and possible causes

Seborrheic keratosis of the skin: treatment, prognosis, symptoms and possible causes

Seborrheic keratosis is a skin lesion that occurs predominantly in adult patients. Growths deliver psychological and physiological discomfort. In addition, pathology is fraught with complications, so you should not neglect the advice of doctors

Periarthritis of the ankle - causes, symptoms and treatment

Periarthritis of the ankle - causes, symptoms and treatment

Periarthritis of the ankle joint is a lesion of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the articulation, in which a person feels severe pain and cannot walk. Timely therapy can fully restore the functionality of the limb. Delay in solving the problem can lead to disability

Exudative otitis media: symptoms and treatment, reviews

Exudative otitis media: symptoms and treatment, reviews

Exudative otitis media is an inflammatory lesion of the middle ear, characterized by the formation of exudate. Without proper treatment, this pathological process is fraught with serious complications - an infectious lesion of the brain

Polycystic kidney disease: forms, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Polycystic kidney disease: forms, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Polycystic kidney disease is a complex pathology of the excretory system, in which a large number of cysts form in the organs. Over time, the body stops working normally, intoxication of the body occurs. If left untreated, the kidneys will fail and the person will die

Gastroesophageal reflux disease: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Gastroesophageal reflux disease: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is an irritation of the lining of the digestive tract. It is characterized by discomfort in the esophagus due to the reverse ejection of the contents of the stomach. Hydrochloric acid damages tissues, disrupts human life. Without treatment, mucosal necrosis is possible

Cerebral encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

Cerebral encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

Cerebral encephalopathy is a severe pathology of cerebral tissues, which has a dystrophic character. Pathology can be congenital or acquired. Without proper therapy, a person becomes disabled

Bilateral pneumonia in an adult: symptoms and treatment

Bilateral pneumonia in an adult: symptoms and treatment

Bilateral pneumonia, or pneumonia, is a serious disease of the respiratory organs, in which there is a significant decrease in their function. Lack of treatment will lead to death, so you can not start the disease

Cardiac tamponade: causes, symptoms, emergency care and treatment features

Cardiac tamponade: causes, symptoms, emergency care and treatment features

Cardiac tamponade is a severe pathology characterized by squeezing of an organ due to an excessive amount of fluid in the pericardial cavity. In severe cases, without medical attention, the patient is able to die. It is impossible to delay a visit to the doctor, as the pathology progresses

Swelling of the ankle joint: causes and features of treatment

Swelling of the ankle joint: causes and features of treatment

If ankle swelling needs to be treated, the cause needs to be investigated first. Without this, therapy will be ineffective

Muscular dystonia: causes, symptoms and treatments

Muscular dystonia: causes, symptoms and treatments

Muscular dystonia is an involuntary contraction of muscle tissue that is not controlled by the nervous system. It most often occurs in infants, but can also develop in adults. Lack of treatment of the disease in a child can lead to a delay in its development

Dislocation of the patella: causes, symptoms, treatment and rehabilitation

Dislocation of the patella: causes, symptoms, treatment and rehabilitation

Dislocation of the patella is a traumatic joint injury in which the patella is displaced from its place, limiting the mobility of the leg. Naturally, such a pathological condition must be properly treated

Myositis of the back muscles: causes, symptoms and treatment

Myositis of the back muscles: causes, symptoms and treatment

Myositis of the back muscles is a complex inflammatory process characterized by pain and limitation of movement. If you do not pay attention to it in time, it will lead to soft tissue necrosis. Pathology therapy is carried out in a complex manner, using traditional, folk and other methods

Shoulder bursitis: symptoms and treatment

Shoulder bursitis: symptoms and treatment

Bursitis of the shoulder joint is an inflammatory pathology affecting the synovial bursa. It contains a fluid that nourishes the cartilage and lubricates the bone surfaces. If timely treatment is not started, then a person may remain disabled with limited motor abilities

Rhinophyma of the nose: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Rhinophyma of the nose: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Rhinophyma of the nose is an unpleasant skin disease characterized by overgrowth of tissues. Pathology delivers not only physical, but also psychological discomfort

Acute intermittent porphyria: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Acute intermittent porphyria: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Acute intermittent porphyria is a complex genetic disease that causes physical pain and mental discomfort. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure it, but you need to try to improve the patient's quality of life

Aspergillosis of the lungs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Aspergillosis of the lungs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Aspergillosis of the lungs is a severe fungal infection of the respiratory organs, which is diagnosed more often in people with reduced immunity

Chronic nonspecific urethritis in men: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Chronic nonspecific urethritis in men: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Non-specific urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra that can develop in both men and women. Despite the fact that there is enough information about the disease, it is not so easy to diagnose it. It is desirable to treat it at the initial stage of development, since in this case there are more chances to quickly cope with it

Detachment of nails on the big toes: causes and features of treatment

Detachment of nails on the big toes: causes and features of treatment

Split toenails are a serious problem that can harm the entire body. Since the pathology develops quite quickly, it is necessary to begin its treatment immediately

Bit my tongue - what to do?

Bit my tongue - what to do?

Sometimes it happens that we bite our tongue while eating. This causes a lot of inconvenience. But it is especially unpleasant if the child bites his tongue. The baby is hurt, hurt and completely uncomfortable to eat. Regardless of who such a nuisance happened to, it should not be ignored, because you can accumulate extremely negative complications

SARS: symptoms and treatment

SARS: symptoms and treatment

SARS is an inflammatory lung disease that requires timely diagnosis and competent treatment. The main symptoms of the disease. What should be of concern? At what age is it easier to transfer the disease? How to treat SARS and how to avoid infection?