Why is my cheek swollen after tooth extraction?

Why is my cheek swollen after tooth extraction?
Why is my cheek swollen after tooth extraction?

After the extraction of teeth, various complications are not excluded, such as swelling of the cheek, which may not pose a threat, but is more often a sign of unfavorable. Swelling usually appears the morning after surgery, but can sometimes occur several days later. So, after a tooth extraction, the cheek is swollen - what are the reasons and what to do?

When is swelling not dangerous?

On the first day after removal, you need to monitor your condition. If the swelling is minor, there is no severe pain and fever, there is no unpleasant smell in the mouth, in addition, pain and swelling not only do not increase, but also decrease, then there is no reason to worry.

dentistry tooth extraction
dentistry tooth extraction

When do you need medical attention?

If your cheek is swollen after a tooth extraction, you will most likely have to go to the hospital. When is it needed?

  • Complaints about stronggrowing pain in the hole.
  • Edema gradually increases in size.
  • The temperature is rising.
  • Feeling bad breath.
  • There is pain in the throat when swallowing.
  • Mouth difficult to open.

Cheek swollen after tooth extraction - why does this happen?

  1. Difficult removal is a common cause of swelling. With a complex extraction, which can last quite a long time, the tissues surrounding the tooth are significantly injured. As a result, swelling appears the next day.

  2. If there is an abscess on the gum. In this case, in addition to removing the tooth, it is necessary to make an incision in order for the outflow of pus to occur. As a rule, patients come to the appointment with an already swollen cheek, and after surgical procedures, the swelling may increase slightly, which is normal.
  3. Wisdom tooth removal (patient reviews confirm this) often leads to facial asymmetry. The explanation is simple: the lower wisdom teeth have large and crooked roots, so their removal is often a complex and traumatic procedure, especially if the bone is drilled, an incision is made or the tooth is sawn into pieces. Swelling is possible even with a simple removal of the upper wisdom teeth, since there are many blood vessels in the part of the gum where they are located.
  4. Hypertension patients and patients with a thick layer of subcutaneous fat on the face, which has a good blood supply, are especially prone to edema.
  5. If, after tooth extraction, the cheek is swollen after a fewdays (usually three or four), most likely, we are talking about alveolitis - inflammation of the hole. This occurs when a blood clot is suppurated, which forms at the site of an extracted tooth, and also when this clot is accidentally or intentionally removed from the hole, for example, when rinsing.

How to treat?

wisdom tooth removal reviews
wisdom tooth removal reviews

What does modern dentistry offer for post-extraction pain and swelling? Tooth extraction is a common daily procedure for dental surgeons. Therefore, the help that is required for complications is well established. In this case, the well is washed, medicine is placed in it, antibiotics are prescribed, and if necessary, a laxative incision is made on the gum.
