Dentistry 2024, October

How interconnected are the diseases of the teeth and other organs of the body

How interconnected are the diseases of the teeth and other organs of the body

Many do not even suspect how interconnected diseases of the teeth and other systems and organs of the body are. Accidental trauma to the tooth can lead to serious diseases of the body, and vice versa

How is tooth canal cleaning done and why is it necessary?

How is tooth canal cleaning done and why is it necessary?

Many people suffer from caries that can affect a part of the tooth that cannot be seen visually. A person may not feel pain for a long time, but the destruction process can reach the tooth canal

Pigmentation on the teeth: causes and treatment. How to whiten teeth without damaging enamel

Pigmentation on the teeth: causes and treatment. How to whiten teeth without damaging enamel

What is pigmentation on teeth? Let us consider in detail the causes of such a defect and methods for its elimination. Here are some effective remedies for age spots on the teeth

Blisters in the mouth: causes, diagnosis, treatment, explanations and advice from a dentist

Blisters in the mouth: causes, diagnosis, treatment, explanations and advice from a dentist

The mucous membranes in the oral cavity are prone to the development of primary dermatological diseases. These pathologies manifest themselves in different ways, but they all have a number of characteristic features. Dentistry is engaged in the study of these manifestations, and in some cases, specialists manage to diagnose the disease before the onset of symptoms on the mucosa

Correction of the alveolar process. Anatomical part of the jaw

Correction of the alveolar process. Anatomical part of the jaw

Alveolar process is an anatomical part of the jaw. Such formations are found both on the upper and lower jaws. The appearance of the alveolar process resembles a sponge. Its height can be different, depending on hereditary factors, age, past dental diseases

Gutta-percha pins in dentistry: photo, description

Gutta-percha pins in dentistry: photo, description

Problems with teeth can be of a different nature, and there are many ways to solve them. So, gutta-percha pins can help to save a tooth that is prone to destruction, strengthen the root and thus make it possible to refuse extraction

Indications for tooth extraction with periodontitis

Indications for tooth extraction with periodontitis

Despite the fact that modern dentistry is quite developed and has high-tech equipment for dental treatment, sometimes specialists from this field still resort to tooth extraction. Such a procedure is performed quite rarely and only in the case when it is impossible to save the tooth with the help of conservative treatment. Consider the main indications for tooth extraction

Impression mass: types, materials, rating of the best, safety of use, instructions for taking impressions, appointment and use in dentistry

Impression mass: types, materials, rating of the best, safety of use, instructions for taking impressions, appointment and use in dentistry

The quality of the material, as well as the competence of the dentist to whom a person comes for treatment, is a very important factor in the process of making casts or impressions of the dentition. A cast, or impression, is a negative image of the jaw in a convex form. In other words, this is a display of the teeth necessary to create a prosthesis, as well as other jaw areas

Waterpik irrigator: instructions for use and reviews

Waterpik irrigator: instructions for use and reviews

The Waterpik irrigator, which is gaining popularity, is a very convenient and modern device, so that the entire oral cavity is always in order. Eliminates plaque, food debris and unpleasant odors at such a speed that the irrigator has no competitors yet, except for the dentist, who also uses such a device

Mouthwash - additional oral and gum care

Mouthwash - additional oral and gum care

Mouthwash not only helps to care for teeth and gums, it gives a person a fresh fragrant breath even after eating a meal with a strong smell. Fresh breath is not only comfort for yourself, it is respect for others

Regional dental clinic (Yaroslavl): contact details, list of services provided

Regional dental clinic (Yaroslavl): contact details, list of services provided

Regional dental clinic (Yaroslavl). Address, telephone numbers, description of the main services provided by the institution

Oral B toothbrush: is it worth buying? Dentist's recommendations for choosing a brush

Oral B toothbrush: is it worth buying? Dentist's recommendations for choosing a brush

Proper oral hygiene is of great importance for the he alth of not only the teeth, but the whole organism. When choosing a toothbrush, you should follow the recommendations of the dentist. Oral B toothbrushes are of excellent quality and excellent characteristics

Gold teeth. Dental prosthetics

Gold teeth. Dental prosthetics

In modern dentistry, gold is widely used not only for the manufacture of gold crowns, but also for the production of various dental structures

Tooth crumbles - what to do? Dental treatment, dentist advice

Tooth crumbles - what to do? Dental treatment, dentist advice

Tooth crumbles: what to do? This question is asked by many people. To answer it, you should contact an experienced dentist

Eye teeth: rudiments or useful fangs?

Eye teeth: rudiments or useful fangs?

The period of teething of the first teeth of the baby is still coming, and parents are already beginning to be interested in questions about the future eye teeth of their crumbs and the symptoms of their teething. Due to the fact that the topic “eye teeth” seems very complicated and incomprehensible, especially for parents who are inexperienced in this matter, and everything that they heard about this comes up in their memory, the situation in the family begins to heat up. Let's try to figure it out: eye teeth - what are they? How can they be distinguished from the rest?

Why does a tooth hurt after a filling? Causes

Why does a tooth hurt after a filling? Causes

There are only three main reasons why a tooth hurts after filling: the body's natural reaction to the installation, doctor's mistakes and failure to follow the dentist's recommendations

Hollywood smile, or How to whiten your teeth at home

Hollywood smile, or How to whiten your teeth at home

Of course, each of us dreams of having a Hollywood smile. Beautiful white teeth are not only beautiful, they are an indicator of the he alth and well-groomedness of the owner. In addition, such a person feels more confident, he wants to smile, because, as they say, "a gloomy day is brighter from a smile." How to whiten teeth at home?

Dentistry in Brateevo: which one to choose?

Dentistry in Brateevo: which one to choose?

Choosing a dental clinic is a serious matter. After all, not only a doctor is chosen who can treat teeth well, but also comfort. The clinic should be located in such a place that it would not be necessary to spend a lot of time on the road. The staff is also important. In this review, we will talk about which dentistry in Brateevo is more convenient for residents of this area

Candidal stomatitis: causes, symptoms and ways to eliminate the disease

Candidal stomatitis: causes, symptoms and ways to eliminate the disease

Candidiasis stomatitis has recently become more common. The reason for this is the weak immunity of a person who cannot resist the development of the fungus. However, this disease can be cured quite quickly

Oral diseases in adults. Oral diseases and their treatment

Oral diseases in adults. Oral diseases and their treatment

Each of us dreams of beautiful snow-white teeth, but, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a Hollywood smile. Today, dentists are increasingly diagnosing various diseases of the oral cavity in adults. The most common types of ailments, as well as their causes and methods of treatment, we will consider in the article

Alveolitis after tooth extraction: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Alveolitis after tooth extraction: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Alveolitis after tooth extraction can form if pathogens enter the patient's oral cavity through the use of poorly disinfected instruments by the doctor. At the same time, signs of pathology may not appear immediately, but after some time. Inflammation of the hole occurs mainly after the removal of the lower molars or wisdom tooth

Gingiva: treatment of diseases and their prevention

Gingiva: treatment of diseases and their prevention

Currently, dentistry, like many other branches of medicine, is actively developing. Today, many procedures in the dental office have become painless, and the treatment is much faster and more effective than before. Unfortunately, now, just as before, gum disease is common, and, according to statistics, every seventh inhabitant of our country needs their treatment

Why do herpetic stomatitis occur? Symptoms and treatments

Why do herpetic stomatitis occur? Symptoms and treatments

Herpetic stomatitis is a problem that often occurs in modern medical practice. The causative agent of this disease is the herpes virus, which, in fact, is evidenced by its name. According to statistics, most often this form of the disease is diagnosed among children. Therefore, many are interested in questions about what are the causes and symptoms of this disease

Abscesses on the gums in a child: causes and treatment

Abscesses on the gums in a child: causes and treatment

When an abscess appears on the baby's gums, parents begin to get nervous and worry, not knowing what to do. Most often it is formed due to problems with the teeth

Treatment of dental caries

Treatment of dental caries

Caries is the most common dental disease. Often it leads to deep destruction of the tissues of the tooth, the development of pulpitis, periodontitis. Therefore, only timely treatment will help to avoid the occurrence of the above problems

Treatment of dental caries: modern methods and materials

Treatment of dental caries: modern methods and materials

Everyone knows what kind of trouble the presence of caries gives a person. Nevertheless, many still do not rush to the dentist at the first of his symptoms, because a visit to the dentist is often associated with something unpleasant. However, modern medicine does not stand still and is ready to offer you many innovative tools and methods for the treatment and prevention of tooth decay, which are not only effective, but also much more pleasant than classic drilling

A wisdom tooth is being cut: how to anesthetize, possible complications

A wisdom tooth is being cut: how to anesthetize, possible complications

A person who first encountered the discomfort that causes the eruption of a wisdom tooth involuntarily asks himself the question: how much longer will it have to endure? The answer to questions about what are the symptoms of appearance, how long the wisdom tooth grows, in each case may be different

Pulp: structure, composition and functions of the pulp

Pulp: structure, composition and functions of the pulp

Teeth are an integral part of the body, which helps to chew food to saturate it with the necessary energy. One of the elements of their structure is the pulp. Its features, functions, meaning and structure are described below

Functional impression: types, classification, requirements, individual casts, features of application and operation

Functional impression: types, classification, requirements, individual casts, features of application and operation

What is an anatomical and functional impression? The scope of their application. Impression classification. What is an impression tray? Let's analyze the features of its application. In what cases is an individual spoon made? Several classifications and characteristics of impression materials, the main requirements for them

Stamped or cast crown: which is better?

Stamped or cast crown: which is better?

The choice of dentures is now quite large, but with incomplete tooth destruction, dental crowns are the most popular, which allow you to refuse to remove. They are made in different ways, from different materials, and sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right option

Tooth pulpitis - what is it? Pulpitis in children of milk teeth: causes, symptoms and treatment

Tooth pulpitis - what is it? Pulpitis in children of milk teeth: causes, symptoms and treatment

In this article we will talk about why tooth pulpitis develops, what it is and what are its primary symptoms. Treatment of this disease is not an easy task, especially for a pediatrician

Dentistry: filling materials

Dentistry: filling materials

The dentist has a significant selection of filling materials for various purposes. This diversity gives him the opportunity to choose the most appropriate option for a particular patient. According to the principle of action, filling materials are permanent and temporary

Bridge prosthesis: pros and cons. Recommendations of dentists and patient reviews

Bridge prosthesis: pros and cons. Recommendations of dentists and patient reviews

Bridge prosthesis is a special design that will help a sick person to replace part of the lost own dental crowns and will last for a long time

Metal ceramics on the front teeth: reviews. Metal-ceramic prosthetics: photo, cost

Metal ceramics on the front teeth: reviews. Metal-ceramic prosthetics: photo, cost

Recently, this type of prosthetics, such as ceramic-metal for the front teeth, has become widespread. Feedback on this procedure is very positive. It is only necessary to choose a qualified specialist who knows his job well

Fistula on the gum: causes and methods of treatment. What is dangerous fistula on the gum

Fistula on the gum: causes and methods of treatment. What is dangerous fistula on the gum

After diagnosing a fistula on the gums, the dentist should immediately begin treatment, since this disease is unpredictable, and therapy takes a lot of time. Such a pathology is a channel that leads from the focus of inflammation, located in the tissue depth, to the outside. Most often, patients go to the doctor because they feel a lot of discomfort that accompanies this disease

Swollen gums in a child: causes and methods of treatment. Diagram of teething

Swollen gums in a child: causes and methods of treatment. Diagram of teething

Many parents wonder what can be done when a child has swollen gums? Often this gives him great anxiety, which is transmitted to mom and dad. It’s not that difficult for children to talk, but it’s also difficult to chew. First of all, it is worth determining the causes of this problem

Understanding what relieves toothache

Understanding what relieves toothache

Toothache always occurs unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. What to do if you can not immediately contact the dentist? You can try to figure out what relieves a toothache. This is what will be discussed in the provided article

Classification of dental caries. Types and classification of caries in children

Classification of dental caries. Types and classification of caries in children

Caries is a disease known in all corners of the globe, and it is difficult to find a person who would not have faced this problem at least once in his life. The disease affects the hard tissues of the tooth, thinning the enamel and penetrating into the deep layers of dentin, creating a carious cavity in them. Most often, damage is visually noticeable, except when only the deep layers of tissues are damaged

How to relieve a toothache if there is no way to visit a doctor?

How to relieve a toothache if there is no way to visit a doctor?

Aching toothache that doesn't let go even for a minute is familiar to many. But urgent matters and caring for loved ones, as a rule, put a visit to the dentist into the background. There are times when a person cannot get to a doctor at all - a trip to the country or at night can prevent this. This article will be about how to relieve a toothache at home and spend time before visiting a specialist without excruciating suffering

Dental anesthesia: types, indications and necessity, overview of drugs

Dental anesthesia: types, indications and necessity, overview of drugs

Dental care is an unpleasant process that can be accompanied by severe pain. What types of anesthesia exist? Does she have any contraindications? Do they do it for pregnant women and children? Can I drink after dental anesthesia? What side effects and allergic reactions can occur with its use? These questions concern many patients, so we will talk about them in detail in this article