It often happens that a toothache starts at the most important or inopportune moment - at work, on vacation, or worse - at night. What can be done in such a situation if there is no way to go to the dentist right now?

The easiest way to get rid of any pain is to take appropriate medication. Tablets that relieve toothache: Aspirin, Diklak, Ibuprofen, Nise, Nimid, Paracetamol, Cefekon. However, before using them, you should read the instructions in order to exclude undesirable consequences from improper use of the drug. There are also homeopathic remedies that can be used for toothache. So, it is recommended to take drugs "Aconite", "Arnica", "Coffee" (if the pain in the teeth is a consequence of stress or other nervous nature), "Nux Moshata" - for children and pregnant women.
Understanding what relieves a toothache, you can often come across advice: you need to take vodka insideor cognac - any alcoholic drink. They say that it relieves pain well for a certain time and helps the body to relax a little.

What else relieves toothache? An excellent assistant in such a situation can be a strong decoction of sage. Warm liquid should be taken into the mouth and held a little near the diseased tooth. The pain, if not completely gone, will definitely subside.
Finding out further what relieves a toothache, you can stumble upon the following advice: prepare a non-concentrated soda solution (one teaspoon of baking soda per glass of warm water). Rinse your mouth every ten minutes for the first half hour. This action will perfectly relieve swelling of the gums, as well as reduce inflammation.
Another way to relieve a toothache at home? You can prepare a special solution. To do this, you need s alt, camphor and ammonia. In a liter of water, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of table s alt, ten grams of camphor alcohol and one hundred grams of 10 percent ammonia. The mixture must be shaken well until the white flakes disappear completely. Next, a cotton ball is wetted in the solution and placed on the aching tooth. Another solution from improvised products: you need to mix vinegar and cucumber pickle in equal parts, rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid.

People say that fat relieves toothache, a piece of which should be put on a bad tooth. However, you should not forget to pre-clean the fat from s alt.
According to the same principle, according to folk recipes, garlic, put on an aching tooth, also works. In ancient times, this plant was considered an excellent natural pain reliever.
Balm "Asterisk"
You can advise the following way to relieve a toothache: moisten a cotton ball with vegetable oil and grease with Asterisk balm on top. Such a tampon is placed near the aching tooth and relieves pain for a while.
Fir oil
If a tooth hurts from mechanical damage or a child has problems with milk teeth, a ball soaked in fir oil and placed on a sick tooth can help. However, the effect of this remedy is short-lived.
But do not forget that all the proposed options are not a panacea. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the teeth and oral cavity, and in case of problems, immediately seek help from a professional dentist.