How to cook burnt sugar for cough: recipe

How to cook burnt sugar for cough: recipe
How to cook burnt sugar for cough: recipe

Everyone knows how painful a cough can be, which accompanies almost all colds. In such a situation, it seems that no medication can stop him. And then we learn (or remember) the folk recipes that our grandmothers used. One of them is undoubtedly burnt sugar.

Perhaps someone will be surprised, and someone will grin skeptically - how can such a simple product become an effective medicine? However, one should recognize the time-tested fact - burnt sugar for coughing really helps. This is due to the fact that during heating it changes its structure and acquires new medicinal properties. This remedy is especially effective for the treatment of children who are very reluctant to take medicine.

burnt sugar
burnt sugar

The benefits of sweet medicine, to whom it is recommended

We want to make a reservation right away that burnt sugar is not a panacea, and it does not always help. It should only be taken for a dry cough that irritates the throat. It usually happens with pharyngitis, and in this case an amazing medicin althe remedy softens the mucous membrane and reduces the cough reflex.

When the inflammatory process captures the larynx and vocal cords (laryngitis), burnt sugar is used in complex therapy. With inflammation of the bronchi, trachea, at the very beginning of the disease, the patient is tormented by a strong dry cough, sputum discharge is difficult, therefore, sweet medicine can be used as an aid to relieve irritation, facilitate liquefaction and sputum discharge.

Cough burnt sugar: how to cook?

Preparing this folk remedy is not difficult at all. It is done quickly and easily. The main thing is to make sure that the sugar does not burn. Prepare it immediately before use. There are several recipes for burnt sugar. In some cases, in addition to the main ingredient, there are other quite accessible components in the therapeutic agent.

Sugar with milk

Melt half a tablespoon of granulated sugar over a burner until caramelized and viscous. Pour it into a cup of warm milk and stir to completely dissolve the sugar. Drink the remedy should be at one time. It will relieve the condition, reduce the pain in the throat and relieve the coughing fit. You can add a little butter to warm milk to soothe a sore throat.

burnt sugar with milk
burnt sugar with milk

With lemon juice

In many publications on traditional medicine you can find recommendations on how to make burnt sugar with lemon. This is a really effective remedy, because it not only relieves a coughing fit, but alsohas antimicrobial properties, strengthens the body as a whole.

And it is just as easy to prepare: melted sugar is poured into a glass of warm water, stirred until completely dissolved and lemon juice is added to taste. The drink should be taken 3-4 times a day.

burnt sugar with lemon
burnt sugar with lemon

With onion juice

The body's response to irritation caused by pathogens is coughing. It is this fact that explains the use in the following recipe of a component that has a powerful antiseptic property - onions. It enhances the effect of the remedy.

To prepare it, you need to dissolve the burnt sugar in a glass of boiled warm water and add the juice squeezed from one medium-sized onion. Mix the composition thoroughly and take up to 6 times a day for a tablespoon.

With medicinal plants

The healing properties of burnt sugar greatly enhance infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs. Coltsfoot, plantain, licorice roots, marshmallow and many others have anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Infusions are prepared from medicinal herbs.

For this, a spoon (table) of raw materials must be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for an hour and strained. It is more expedient to prepare a decoction from the roots. It is prepared as follows: a spoonful of raw materials is poured into an enameled dish, 250 ml of boiled water is poured and the composition is sent for 15 minutes in a water bath. When the broth has cooled, its volume must be brought to the original boiled water.

burnt sugar withmedicinal herbs
burnt sugar withmedicinal herbs

Pour the prepared sugar into a glass of pre-prepared medicinal infusion or decoction. Stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. You can add a teaspoon of honey to this composition. Drink burnt sugar for cough prepared in this way, the recipe of which is quite simple, three times a day for a quarter cup. For small patients, such a drink is given in a tablespoon, but after consultation with a pediatrician.

With raspberry tea

Instead of ordinary tea, brew raspberry leaves (you can use dry ones), let them brew for a quarter of an hour, strain and add a teaspoon of burnt sugar to the fragrant drink. This warming tea, which has anti-inflammatory properties, is taken at bedtime. If after a few days the patient's he alth does not improve, the cough persists and the temperature persists, it is necessary to call a doctor at home.

Child treatment

Treatment with folk remedies should be carried out only with the permission of the attending physician. This is especially important when it comes to a sick child. The fact is that in the children's body, inflammatory processes develop rapidly, and self-medication can lead to lost time in diagnosing a serious disease. With extreme caution, one should approach the treatment of very young children who are not yet able to cough up: active sputum secretion carries a risk of mucus entering the respiratory tract.

It is for this reason that children under three years of age can be given medications that enhance sputum discharge only withpermission and under the supervision of a physician. If your pediatrician does not object to the use of burnt sugar, then depending on the age of children, syrup or hard candies are prepared.

child treatment
child treatment

Cough syrup

This remedy is preferable to give to very young children. You know the principle of its preparation: sugar is melted over a burner to a golden-amber color. It is important that the smell is pleasant, and the sugar is not burnt. It is poured into half a glass of boiled warm water (or milk) and stirred thoroughly. Take this composition several times a day for a tablespoon. Children over six years of age can drink the entire serving at once.

burnt sugar syrup
burnt sugar syrup


Kids are happy to accept such a "delicacy". To prepare it, pour a teaspoon of granulated sugar into a dry stainless steel spoon. Hold it over the fire until completely dissolved. In the process, gently stir it so that the sugar melts evenly, acquiring a golden brownish color. You will soon smell the pleasant aroma of caramel.

Prepare a plate in advance by brushing it with butter or olive oil. This is necessary for easy removal of lollipops. Carefully pour the viscous liquid onto a plate. You can pour the "burnt" into a mold and stick a toothpick into the lollipop, after cutting off its sharp ends.

burnt sugar lollipops
burnt sugar lollipops

I would like to warn parents that this is not an ordinary delicacy and should not be abused. One candy is enough for a day. Can be cooked in moltenadd a drop of sage, thyme or other antiviral expectorant herb oil, then the lollipop will have a double effect.


This cough remedy should not be taken by diabetic patients. Other people, including pregnant women, will not be harmed if taken in small portions and properly prepared (not overcooked).

In very rare cases, individual intolerance may occur, causing even more irritation and sore throat. Such a remedy sometimes causes heartburn in people with inflammation of the esophagus and in patients diagnosed with a herniated diaphragm. This is extremely rare, but if you feel discomfort in the esophagus, it is better to refuse treatment with burnt sugar.
