With hemorrhoids, there may be a temperature: symptoms, causes, treatment, recommendations of doctors and prevention of the disease

With hemorrhoids, there may be a temperature: symptoms, causes, treatment, recommendations of doctors and prevention of the disease
With hemorrhoids, there may be a temperature: symptoms, causes, treatment, recommendations of doctors and prevention of the disease

Hyperemia is a sure sign that hemorrhoids have gone into an acute form, in which blood vessels increase excessively in the rectum, visually resembling bumps. But can there be a temperature with hemorrhoids? It rises as a result of a strong increase in hemorrhoids and the occurrence of ulcers. With improper hygiene of the genital organs, pathogenic bacteria can penetrate into these sores, multiplying very quickly and increasing the affected area.

temperature for hemorrhoids
temperature for hemorrhoids


Usually, the temperature with hemorrhoids occurs in the following situations:

  1. Acute form of hemorrhoids - deterioration of he alth, impotence, hemorrhoids develop into "bumps".
  2. Necrosis.
  3. With hemorrhoids, there may be a temperature with thrombosis. The last complication of hemorrhoids can occur after untimely treatment of the disease in an acute form. Blood clotting is disturbed, the walls of the vessels of the anal region are damaged, the nodes acquire a dark red hue, bleed, do not reduce and swell. With severe hyperemia, tissue necrosis occurs.
  4. Sepsis, or blood poisoning, occurs as a result of getting intoorganism of bacteria through open wounds and fissures in the rectum.
  5. Paraproctitis (pararectal abscess) is the most dangerous condition when a person is disturbed by fever, chills and high fever. With such a complication, it is extremely important to immediately contact a coloproctologist!

In principle, with hemorrhoids there may be a temperature. If it is, you need to seek help from a specialist who will find out the cause of this condition of the patient. By performing timely diagnosis, conservative therapy can be used, without the need for surgery to remove inflamed hemorrhoids.

fever after hemorrhoids
fever after hemorrhoids


Hemorrhoids are a common disease that brings discomfort to a person's life:

  • hard to move, walk and sit;
  • Pain usually feels pain when defecating.

It takes a toll on morale. If there may be a temperature with hemorrhoids, this indicates that complications develop in the patient's body. In some cases, the thermometer marks stop at 39-40 0C. In this case, it is important to immediately contact a coloproctologist who will determine the most effective treatment regimen.

Chronic and acute forms

As practice shows, the patient does not always associate the increase in body temperature with the manifestations of hemorrhoids. It is noteworthy that in case of illness, the indicators can be both elevated and quite normal. Basically, with hemorrhoids, it can betemperature in chronic and acute form. This is preceded by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the anus;
  • mucus discharge and rectal bleeding;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoidal "bumps";
  • burning and itching in problem areas;
  • high body temperature (running).

To prevent a rise in temperature and the transition of hemorrhoids to an acute stage, it is strongly recommended that you follow all the doctor's instructions and do not treat yourself.

fever with hemorrhoids
fever with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid surgery

Hemorrhoids have rather unpleasant symptoms that significantly impair the patient's quality of life. But if conservative treatment does not give the desired result, and the pain does not go away, the patient is shown an operation to remove the nodes. Today there are several types of hemorrhoid surgeries at temperature:

  1. Longo's operation involves the rectum in a place without many pain receptors. To perform surgery, a cross-linking preparation is used. It is noteworthy that the hemorrhoids are pulled up, and not eliminated. This occurs after the removal of part of the rectal mucosa: blood flow decreases, knots become overgrown and small scars form.
  2. Open hemorrhoidectomy - in this case, external and internal hemorrhoids are removed using a special electrical device, scalpel or laser. Immediately after surgery (approximately a day)a person may be disturbed by acute pain, the wound remains open and heals for a long time. Closed hemorrhoidectomy is practically no different from open type surgery, but wounds and mucous membranes heal much faster, the patient is practically pain-free.
  3. Submucosal hemorrhoidectomy is designed to remove enlarged hemorrhoids. The main advantage of this operation is a mild pain syndrome and a short rehabilitation period. The effectiveness of the treatment of hemorrhoids will depend on how correctly the type of operation is chosen. Therefore, it is important to inform the doctor about all symptoms and undergo the necessary examinations.
temperature for hemorrhoids
temperature for hemorrhoids

Drug treatment of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant disease that can significantly spoil the quality of life. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of what medications should be taken when the first signs of this disease occur.

What to do at a temperature with hemorrhoids? Drug treatment involves the use of tablets, ointments, suppositories, creams and gels.

operation hemorrhoids temperature
operation hemorrhoids temperature


Usually use "Analgin" - the most sparing analgesic used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Aspirin is not recommended as it thins the blood and prevents blood clotting.

Medicines for constipation - It's no secret that in most cases, hemorrhoids appear as a result of these ailments. Therefore, laxatives should beincluded in the treatment regimen for hemorrhoids. Tablets are designed to relieve inflammation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, heal cracks, and also contribute to the overall strengthening of the body and improve blood flow. The most commonly used drugs are:

  • "Asklezan A";
  • "Aescusan";
  • Ginkor Fort;
  • "Hemoroidin";
  • Detralex;
  • "Posterisan";
  • Pylex;
  • "Litovit-B", etc.

Ointments are mainly used to get rid of external hemorrhoids, and suppositories are effective for internal ones. Drugs that have the same name may come in different dosage forms.

Effective treatment of hemorrhoids involves a combination of local and general therapy - the use of anti-hemorrhoid local drugs and tablets.

If the temperature persists after hemorrhoids, this is a reason to see a doctor.

temperature with hemorrhoids what to do
temperature with hemorrhoids what to do


Prevention of hemorrhoids is a set of measures that prevent the development of the disease. To do this, follow the rules:

  1. Do not eat spicy, starchy and very s alty foods, as well as gas-producing foods - black bread, peas, beans, cabbage and beans. Eat more soups and cereals, fruits and vegetables, and other fiber-rich foods to ensure regular bowel movements.
  2. Do not drink tea, strong coffee, nicotine and alcohol. Of course, there is no apparent connection between the development of hemorrhoids and, for example, smoking. However, this addiction does not have the best effect onthe patient's circulatory system. As a result of disturbed blood flow, it stagnates, which is simply unacceptable with hemorrhoids!
  3. Drinking regimen: drink at least 2 liters of water daily - the exact amount depends on the patient's weight. Take healing mineral waters like "Essentuki No. 14".
  4. Observe hygiene rules: do not use colored, hard scented toilet paper, it is advisable to wash with cool water after defecation.
  5. Move more, do gymnastics and exercises that will help strengthen the muscles of the perineum. Regularly tighten and relax the muscles of the buttocks. Replace soft seat chairs with more rigid ones.
  6. Dosing the load, do not lift heavy things, do not overexert the muscles and do not push too hard in the toilet.
with hemorrhoids, there may be a temperature
with hemorrhoids, there may be a temperature


When the first signs of hemorrhoids develop, the patient should consult a coloproctologist as soon as possible, who will be able to determine the most optimal treatment regimen. Fulfillment of the doctor's appointments will allow you to forget about this unpleasant disease forever, as well as prevent the appearance of sad consequences.
