Rabies is a disease caused by rhabdoviruses. To date, there is no effective method of therapy that can cope with this disease. In order to prevent and protect the body from a dangerous virus, a rabies vaccination is given, the introduction of which provides strong immunity. Short-term protection against infection is provided by anti-rabies immunoglobulin. It protects the body from the spread of the virus after a bite through specific antibodies that neutralize the particles of the pathogen.
General information
Only vaccination can prevent the development of rabies. The route of transmission is from a sick animal to a person. Dangerous contact with rodents, wolves, badgers, foxes, raccoon dogs, bats, unvaccinated dogs and cats. The virus enters through the saliva of the animal on the mucous or damaged skin of a person and further into the blood. Moving forward, it rapidly reaches the nerve cells of the spinal cord, the cerebral cortex, causing a dangerous disease of encephalitis. After the appearancethe first symptoms of death occurs after 7-10 days. The incubation period is vague and lasts from ten to fifty days, depending on the site of the bite, the size of the wound, and the age of the individual. The greatest danger is represented by injuries and wounds of the upper limbs, thoracic region, neck and face. In these cases, the introduction of immunoglobulin into the bite area is mandatory.
L. Pasteur, a French scientist, invented the rabies vaccine.

Back in 1885, he injected a weakened strain of the virus into a nine-year-old boy who had been bitten by a rabid dog. The child survived. In the future, the vaccine has been repeatedly improved. In the twentieth century, a new highly effective vaccine was invented that reliably protects against the virus after contact with it, and is also used for preventive purposes.
Symptoms of disease
The damaged area of the dermis turns red, swelling is observed. Pain along the nerve endings and itching are obvious signs of the disease. Then general malaise, weakness, poor sleep join. After a certain period, the symptoms increase and appear as:
- rabies;
- convulsive muscle contractions in the pharynx and larynx;
- noisy breathing. It can stop when trying to drink water;
- attacks that last a few seconds. At the same time, the head and torso are thrown back, the patient is screaming, his hands are trembling;
- aggression, hyperexcitability. The individual can crush and break objects that surround him;
- increased perspiration and salivation.

Inflammation of the cerebral cortex, hypotension, paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, fever to critical values leads to death.
Provision of anti-rabies care
It consists in the local treatment of the affected surface and places where there is saliva of the animal. Next comes the rabies vaccination. In the presence of indications - and anti-rabies immunoglobulin. The interval between the introduction of the latter and the vaccine should not exceed thirty minutes. The saliva of an infected animal quickly enters the brain through the vessels, so you should contact a medical institution as soon as possible. Procedure after an animal attack:
- Immediately wash the wound for at least 15 minutes with running water and laundry soap. Soap solution washes away dirt and saliva;
- treat damaged areas of the dermis with a disinfectant solution, such as iodine, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), brilliant green (brilliant green) or 70% alcohol solution;
- apply sterile gauze bandage;
- go to a medical facility on the first day after the bite.

It should be remembered that the maximum effect of vaccination is achieved when the victim still has no signs of the disease.
Indications for vaccination
A rabies vaccination for a person after a bite is necessary in the following cases:
- when in contact with wild animals;
- in violation of the integrity of the dermis with objects moistened with the saliva of a rabid animal;
- bites or scratches from rabid animals or unvaccinated pets;
- in case of any violation of the integrity of the integument of the dermis after the attack of wild or rabid animals;
- professional activities involving contact with animals (rangers, veterinarians, hunters, trappers and some).
The rabies vaccine is the introduction of an anti-rabies vaccine registered in the Russian Federation.
Antirabies Culture Concentrated Purified Inactivated Vaccine (KOCAV)
Refers to medical immunobiological preparations. It does not contain antibiotics or preservatives. Promotes the development of cellular and humoral immunity against rabies. It is used for therapeutic purposes in case of bites or contacts of individuals with sick, wild, unknown representatives of the animal world. Preventive vaccination against rabies with this drug is indicated for persons who have a high risk of infection due to their professional activities.

No contraindications for use as a preventive immunization have been identified. The vaccine is injected into the shoulder muscle of the adult population, and for children - into the upper part of the thigh. It is forbidden to enter into the buttock. The person who was given the vaccine is under the supervision of a medical worker for about half an hour. Possible side effects of rabies vaccination in humans are:
- small swelling;
- redness at the injection site;
- itching;
- hyperemia;
- pain at injection site;
- enlargement of lymph nodes;
- weaknesses;
- headache;
- allergic reactions of a systemic nature;
- neurological symptoms. If they occur, urgent hospitalization in a medical institution is required.
Cultural purified inactivated rabies vaccine ("Rabipur")
After a prophylactic rabies vaccination in a previously unimmunized person, an adequate immune response is achieved in three to four weeks. The vaccine should not be injected into the gluteal region, as there is a danger of developing a distorted response. Indications for use are similar to the KOKAV vaccine.
- chronic diseases in the acute stage;
- infectious diseases in the acute stage. Mild infection is not a contraindication;
- Severe allergic reactions to antibiotics (chlortetracycline, amphotericin and neomycin);
- individual intolerance to the components that make up the vaccine;
- History of various complications from previous administrations of this drug;
- pregnancy.

It should be noted that all of the above applies only to preventive immunization. For the introduction of the drug with a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose, neither pregnancy nor breastfeeding is a contraindication. After rabies vaccinationto a person, adverse reactions with damage to systems and organs occur with different frequencies. The following data was identified during the clinical trials of the vaccine. Common side effects:
- lymphadenopathy;
- dizziness or headache;
- abdominal discomfort;
- nausea;
- vomit;
- diarrhea;
- rash;
- urticaria;
- myalgia;
- tightness, pain at the injection site;
- fatigue;
- temperature increase.
Rare side effects:
- hypersensitivity;
- paresthesia;
- excessive sweating;
- tremor;
- radicular damage;
- paralysis;
- polyneuropathy.
Side effects identified during the use of the vaccine: dizziness, fainting, anaphylactic shock, encephalitis, angioedema. It is not recommended to stop and interrupt the initiated prophylaxis due to a mild or local reaction to rabies vaccination in humans. According to medical professionals, such symptoms are eliminated by the use of antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Vaccination after bite
Unfortunately, many citizens have false information and believe that injections are made in the stomach and it is very painful. In fact, they are made in the muscular region of the shoulder and the upper surface of the thigh. Rabies vaccination schedule for humans:
- on the first day of seeing a doctor;
- on the third day;
- by the end of the first week afterbite;
- on the fourteenth day;
- on the thirtieth day;
- on the ninetieth day.
Thus, the full course is six vaccinations that must not be missed. It is the introduction according to this schedule that contributes to the stable formation of immunity.
Cases where vaccination is not indicated
In the situations listed below, the rabies vaccination of a person after contact with an animal is not done:
- The dermis or mucous membranes are not damaged after the bite (a thick layer of clothing protected the human skin).
- The animal is known to be vaccinated.
- Ten days after the attack, the animal under observation remained he althy. In this case, the immunization started is stopped.
Vaccination for prevention
If within a year after preventive vaccination an individual was bitten by a sick animal, then the vaccination schedule is as follows:
- on the day of the animal attack;
- on the third day;
- on the seventh day.

It is recommended to vaccinate against rabies to a person whose professional activity is associated with the risk of contracting this disease, to build immunity and as a preventive measure according to the following scheme:
- on the day of contacting a medical organization;
- on the seventh day;
- on the thirtieth day;
- in a year;
- then every three years.
Vaccination precautions
The following drugs have a negative effect on the production of antibodies:
- immunomodulators;
- hormonal, in particular glucocorticosteroids;
- chemotherapeutic;
- used in radiotherapy.

The decision to cancel them is made only by the attending doctor. You cannot refuse to take them on your own. During therapeutic and prophylactic immunization, the use of other vaccines is prohibited. Other vaccinations are allowed only two months after completing the full course of rabies immunization.
Vaccines, like other immunobiological drugs, have contraindications for use:
- chronic diseases in the acute stage;
- acute infectious and non-infectious pathological conditions;
- allergic reactions to other immunobiological preparations;
- individual intolerance to the ingredients that make up the vaccine;
- pregnancy at any time;
- allergic to antibiotics.
All of the above contraindications are important when vaccinating for preventive purposes. Failure to vaccinate when attacked by a dangerous animal is fraught with death.
Human Rabies Vaccine: Side Effects
Vaccines practically don't have them. In some cases, the development of undesirable reactions of the individual's body is possible with intolerance to the individual components of the immunobiological preparation. These include:
- hyperthermia up to fever;
- swelling in placeinjection;
- itch;
- general weakness;
- headaches;
- nausea;
- joint aches;
- Quincke's edema;
- anaphylactic shock.
When the last two symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help. All other reactions of the body pass after 12 weeks. Unfortunately, many victims do not want to be vaccinated because of the side effects. In such cases, it should be remembered that the vaccine will save lives and it is strongly not recommended to refuse it.