"Corvalol" increases pressure or lowers it? How to take "Corvalol" with high blood pressure

"Corvalol" increases pressure or lowers it? How to take "Corvalol" with high blood pressure
"Corvalol" increases pressure or lowers it? How to take "Corvalol" with high blood pressure

In today's world filled with hustle and bustle and anxiety, the problem of stress becomes global. Constant experiences lead to various ailments, gradually transforming into chronic diseases of the heart system. Insomnia, unreasonable fear, restlessness and anxiety, heart pain and high blood pressure are an incomplete list of symptoms that accompany stress.

Corvalol raises or lowers blood pressure
Corvalol raises or lowers blood pressure

A unique development of Soviet pharmacists - the drug "Corvalol". With increased pressure and the above symptoms, it provides effective help. This medicine has been around for hundreds of years. For the elderly, this miracle remedy has become a panacea - the Corvalol solution under pressure not only has a hypotensive effect, it has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, calms and reduces heartbeat. In addition, it relieves pain in the heart during angina pectoris, reduces anxiety and fear caused by overexertion.

Pharmacological characteristics

Pills or alcohol solution"Corvalol" is a combination drug, which includes the following substances.

1. Active ingredients:

  • phenobarbital sodium;
  • bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester;
  • peppermint oil.

2. Auxiliary components:

  • alcohol base;
  • caustic soda

Phenobarbital is an effective hypnotic substance that in small doses has a pronounced sedative effect. Does Corvalol solution increase or decrease blood pressure? Due to the antispasmodic action of the phenobarbital compound, this drug has an antihypertensive effect.

Peppermint oil, contained in a small amount in Corvalol, has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. It also has the ability to expand the lumen of blood vessels and relieve excessive stress on their walls.

corvalol under pressure
corvalol under pressure

Drug "Corvalol" raises blood pressure or lowers?

The action of this domestic combined drug on the cardiovascular system is as follows: by acting on the smooth muscle structure of the vessels, the agent expands their lumen, improving blood circulation and facilitating the work of the heart. At the same time, there is a decrease in pressure: it is possible to stop the negative effects of stress in a short time. The drug "Corvalol" has a sedative effect - it reduces the excitation of the nervous system, improves sleep, relieves spasm not only of the vascular wall, but also of internal organs.

Included in"Corvalol" means phenobarbital is known in medicine as an effective remedy for combating insomnia. It perfectly relieves the manifestations of anxiety and neurosis, improves the general condition during a period of prolonged psycho-emotional overstrain.

Many people ask the question: does Corvalol increase blood pressure or lower it? This drug is not included in the group of antihypertensive therapy. However, having a beneficial effect on the smooth muscle wall of blood vessels, it is able to reduce blood pressure by 10-20 mm Hg. st.

Indications for use

  • Functional disorder of the central nervous system caused by overwork and chronic stress.
  • Neurosis and irritability, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Lability of the nervous system with hormonal imbalance (climacteric syndrome).
  • Treatment of hypochondria and other suspicious conditions.
  • Corvalol is indicated as an aid in the treatment of coronary heart disease, spasmodic colitis and other diseases accompanied by spasms of internal organs.
corvalol at high blood pressure
corvalol at high blood pressure

How to take the drug "Corvalol"?

The recommended single dose is fifteen drops. The frequency of administration is two or three times a day. A strictly measured number of drops must be diluted in a small amount of water (10-20 ml). A piece of sugar can also be used as the basis for the drug. Take medicine beforefood.

Does Corvalol increase or decrease blood pressure, depending on the dosage? The hypotensive effect of this drug does not increase with increasing dose. Therefore, it should be taken exactly as much as was prescribed by the doctor to eliminate the disorder of the autonomic nervous system.

If the effect of taking fifteen drops is not enough, it is worth increasing the dose of the medicine to forty to fifty drops. This measure of treatment can be resorted to in special cases - with intense pain behind the sternum, sudden palpitations.

Is it possible to overdose?

In case of violation of the doctor's prescriptions and unauthorized uncontrolled intake of the Corvalol alcohol solution, an overdose of the drug is possible. Its main features:

  • excessive suppression of the nervous system occurs, impaired coordination;
  • reactions slow down, the patient is lethargic and lethargic;
  • speech becomes slurred, confused;
  • what is happening around becomes indifferent, apathy appears.

Similar symptoms may develop with the simultaneous use of the drug with alcoholic beverages.

does corvalol lower blood pressure
does corvalol lower blood pressure

With long-term use in large quantities, addiction to the drug occurs. The question of whether Corvalol lowers blood pressure becomes irrelevant in this case.

Is Corvalol alcohol solution safe?

If you take this medicine strictly according to indications, without violating the principles of dosing, then there is no harm to the bodywill be. But it is worth considering that the composition of the Corvalol solution includes ethyl alcohol and such potent components as ethyl bromisovalerianate and phenobarbital. With prolonged use, these ingredients can accumulate in the internal organs, gradually poisoning the body and causing overdose symptoms. With uncontrolled use, the liver may suffer, malfunction of the kidneys and other internal organs may occur.

With a sharp discontinuation of Corvalol, a "withdrawal syndrome" manifests itself, which is expressed by a deterioration in well-being, sleep disturbance, depression, unreasonable anxiety.

Side effects

Even if the dosage and course intake of Corvalol is followed, adverse events may occur:

  • Slight drowsiness (due to a good night's sleep).
  • Slight dizziness and incoordination.
  • Dyspeptic symptoms (nausea and diarrhea).
  • Allergic reactions (rhinitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria).
  • Development of drug dependence - worsening of the condition with the complete withdrawal of the drug.
  • When taken simultaneously with oral contraceptives, their effectiveness may decrease.
  • Does Corvalol increase blood pressure in tablets? This dosage form does not cause a hypertensive reaction.
does corvalol increase blood pressure
does corvalol increase blood pressure

If the above reactions to Corvalol occur, the drug should be discontinued or the dose should be reduced.


The drug should not be taken by people suffering from chronic kidney disease and severe liver damage. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation.
