Fistula on the gum: causes and methods of treatment. What is dangerous fistula on the gum

Fistula on the gum: causes and methods of treatment. What is dangerous fistula on the gum
Fistula on the gum: causes and methods of treatment. What is dangerous fistula on the gum

After diagnosing a fistula on the gums, the dentist should immediately begin treatment, since this disease is unpredictable, and therapy takes a lot of time. Such a pathology is a channel that leads from the focus of inflammation, located in the tissue depth, to the outside. Most often, patients go to the doctor because they feel a lot of discomfort that accompanies this disease.

fistula on the gum
fistula on the gum

How dangerous is a fistula on the gums of an adult?

Danger of this pathology

Such a disease requires a timely visit to the dentist. Otherwise, the gums near the tooth are destroyed, after which the pathology progresses rapidly and affects the soft tissues that are located nearby. It is worth noting that in this case, pus and bloody fluid are strongly released. It is they that are characteristic of the active phase of fistula development, since granulomas begin to germinate under the bone dental bed, whichis called the alveolar process, with a further violation in full of this section of the membrane and the formation of a fistulous tract. This disease is dangerous because it can affect the soft facial tissues, since the fistula can grow out through the cheek and cause a cosmetic defect. The reason for this complication is a long delay in the treatment of a fistula on the gums or its complete absence.

fistula on gum treatment
fistula on gum treatment

Beginning of pathology

If a fistula has developed on the gum, the reason may be in unprofessional and unscrupulous caries therapy. The specialist must necessarily carefully eliminate all the affected areas during filling or cleaning the carious cavity, and carry out direct disinfection of the latter. If there is an infection in the sealed tooth, inflammation may appear near the gums and pain due to the development of microorganisms, their activation. With such a development of events, you should contact the institution where the treatment was carried out in order to treat the pathology free of charge. If the fistula nevertheless formed, the blame for the unsuccessful treatment of caries and the complication that appeared later lies entirely with the dentist.


It is impossible to accurately name the main reason that causes the appearance of a fistula on the gum. It can form due to diseases such as:

· Chronic periostitis.

Periodontitis, especially the granulating form.

· Tooth cyst in the process of inflammation.

Can also provoke the formation of a fistulacareless, unprofessional therapy of deep caries, or improper formation of a dental root canal. Root perforation, which occurs most often due to the careless work of a doctor, is another reason for the appearance of pathology.

fistula on the gums in an adult
fistula on the gums in an adult

When is fistula removal required? The formed fistula is dangerous, first of all, by accelerated inflammation of the tissues around it, which spreads quite quickly. If there is no treatment, then the process of inflammation penetrates through the channels of the bone dental bed and further affects the mucous membrane. A fistula that has already formed and whose symptoms are simply impossible not to notice can affect the soft facial tissues, which can be fraught with both a cosmetic defect and various inflammations on the face, especially in the nasolabial triangle. It is these pathologies that can affect the brain.

Caries Therapy

One can single out a fistula on the gums of a child, which provokes non-professional caries therapy. This process is characterized by an inconspicuous beginning for the patient, with pulsation or not too much pain in the treated tooth. They turn to a specialist already when the process of inflammation has overcome the initial stage, and now it will take a lot of time and effort for therapy. That is why after treatment it is necessary to pay special attention to your feelings, and in case of minimal suspicion, go to a specialist.


During its formation, the pathology is characterized by the absencesevere symptoms, so it most often goes unnoticed. The inflammatory focus, which is located in the tissue depth, cannot be detected independently. At this time, small fluctuations in daily body temperature and slight soreness near the tooth may be noted. This stage is short-lived, a rapidly developing disease will remind you of its existence with the following symptoms:

throbbing, sharp pain in affected area;

swelling or edema over the inflamed focus;

fever accompanied by malaise and weakness;

impossibility of pressing down the tooth that caused the formation of the fistula.

fistula on the gum what to do
fistula on the gum what to do

Breakout period

The period of fistula breakthrough on the gum through the mucous membrane is characterized by a sudden improvement in the patient's well-being. This is due to the fact that pus could find a way out. Swelling and pain subside, but fever may remain for quite some time. When the fistula breaks through, it is no longer difficult to determine the correct diagnosis, however, a competent doctor will not begin treatment procedures if there is no x-ray examination. A similar method is required in order to accurately establish the local characteristics of the process, as well as its degree - it is in accordance with these factors that the therapeutic course will be prescribed. At the same time, the patient will learn whether the tooth can be saved or whether it will have to be removed.

Types of formations

A fistula on the gums in an adult and a child has the followingvarieties:

  • a sign of granulating periodontitis or another inflammatory process on the tooth root, which manifests itself when a bacterial infection spreads deep into the tissues;
  • fistula on the gum after the tooth has been removed is a rather rare pathology that occurs if a purulent focus remains in the tissues after extraction. Most often, after the completion of the procedure, such a fistula disappears, but there are situations when the disease can worsen. To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you need to go to a dental surgeon who performs revision, wound cleansing, drainage, and also eliminates the infection;
  • under the dental crown, a fistula appears with unscrupulous canal therapy; in this case, it is necessary to remove the structure and prescribe the correct treatment course;
  • formation after implantation of a pathological hole that appears during tissue infection during surgery and is very rare.

    fistula on the gum than dangerous
    fistula on the gum than dangerous


A fistula on the gum can only appear when the tooth has not been completely cured. This happens due to the destruction of it by bacteria remaining in a closed carious cavity. Their functioning leads to the inflammatory process. To get rid of it, you need to understand what caused the disease.

Before starting the treatment of a diseased tooth, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. For this purpose, radiography is performed. The resulting picture clearly shows the picture of the disease,allowing you to decipher information about the condition of the tooth, as well as decide whether it can be saved. Treatment of a fistula on the gums is done based on information from the image.

You should not wait for the appearance of certain serious difficulties, it is better to cure the fistula as soon as possible. First, a diseased tooth must be cured, caries eliminated and then sealed. This must be done by a dentist. After that, you need to be treated with drugs. It is they who treat the oral cavity and eliminate the bacteria that cause the disease. In addition, antibacterial pastes and gels are used, antihistamines and antibiotics supplement the therapy. You can use s alt baths, as they eliminate inflammation and swelling. Treatment with medication can become long, you will have to go to the doctor often. But with timely treatment, there is a chance of stopping the infection and further saving the tooth. Otherwise, it will need to be removed, and then the intervention of the surgeon is prescribed - scraping the course of the fistula on the gum. The course of therapy does not differ much between a child and an adult.

fistula removal
fistula removal


After completion of treatment, a course of rehabilitation is required. At the same time, the affected areas are affected by ultrasound or laser. Such procedures and taking medications will clean the channels, eliminate the infection. The disease usually does not return after these manipulations. With successful treatment, the fistula passes and does not remind of its existence in the future. But we must remember that those who have undergone this treatment at least once, there is a riskthe occurrence of inflammation in another place. That is why the prevention of fistula on the gums is important. What to do for this?

fistula on the gums causes
fistula on the gums causes

Folk remedies

You can additionally treat a fistula at home:

rinse your mouth with antiseptic;

gargle with decoctions of medicinal herbs;

gargle with a solution of s alt and soda to get rid of pus;

· make mouth baths with medicines;

application of pastes and gels on the gums with an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect;

· apply local wound healing drug of therapeutic effect.

We looked at what is dangerous fistula on the gums, and how to get rid of it.