How to reduce the temperature in an adult or a child? Almost every person is puzzled by this question at least once in their life. Very often, parents during the illness of their children see high readings on thermometers and are horrified by this. In such situations, the main thing is not to panic and remain calm.
Should the temperature be lowered?
Viruses, getting into the body, begin to act actively and release toxins into it. Then defense mechanisms are activated, and body temperature may rise. Thus, the body begins to fight with "foreign" cells.
Doctors advise not to bring down the temperature if it rises no higher than 38.5 0C. In this case, recovery will go faster and, most likely, there will be no complications. In such a period, the main thing is to provide a good drinking regimen for the patient and peace.

The incoming liquid will help to avoid dehydration and will not allow the temperature to rise above. On average, an adult should drink 2-3 liters of fluid per day during illness.
When a child's body temperature rises, you need to navigate by hiscondition. Pediatricians also advise not to knock it down at rates up to 38 0С. But it is worth noting that children under 5-6 years old can get febrile convulsions at a high temperature. Such children need to use antipyretic drugs even with a slight increase. These babies should be observed regularly by a neurologist and parents must be instructed how to reduce the temperature 39 0C and above.
The main "enemy" of high temperature
During the time of our ancestors, various diseases were treated using simple recipes. Pharmacy was practically undeveloped, and people had to use improvised means. How was body temperature reduced without drugs?
Most often used to drink plenty of water. Thus, the reserves of the lost fluid were replenished and the balance was restored. Such treatment was carried out for several days, until the body independently coped with the causative agent of the disease.

Now many doctors advise to drink as much liquid as possible when the temperature rises. In this way, a person makes it possible for the body to fight viruses on its own.
This method can be used only in the case of a more or less stable condition of the patient. If you experience excessive weakness and fatigue, it is best to consult a doctor and start taking prescribed medications and learn how to reduce body temperature.
In Soviet times, the answer to the question of how to lower the temperature without pills was very simple. Practicallyeach family used the method of rubbing the patient during a fever.
The most commonly used solution was water with table vinegar. The patient was wiped with this remedy, and such a compress was placed on his forehead. Such a remedy was used both in adults and in children.

Another solution was prepared using alcohol and water. Rubbing was carried out all over the body, especially in areas where large vessels pass. Most often, compresses were applied to:
- bends of arms and legs;
- neck;
- armpits;
- whiskey.
Thus, it was possible to bring down the body temperature by 1-2 degrees without the use of drugs.
How harmful is rubdown?
Now almost all doctors agreed that the use of such methods in a child is quite dangerous. As it turned out, the skin well passes harmful substances that are part of vinegar and alcohol into the children's body and serious intoxication can occur.
This condition is very dangerous for the child and is accompanied by serious consequences and hospitalization of the baby. Poisoning a child's body with vinegar or alcohol can even lead to death.
Adults should use this method during fever with extreme caution. Because an extra load on the liver in the form of harmful vapors will also not bring the desired result.
Sponge with plain water
To slightly alleviate the condition of the patient with a high temperature, you can use another simple method. Sponging with room temperature water can help bring the fever down a couple of degrees.
This method is also allowed to be used in cases with children. It is only necessary to control that the child does not have vasospasm at this moment. With it, during a high temperature, the feet and hands become cold.
If this situation occurs, then rubbing with cool water is prohibited so as not to aggravate the condition.
Febrile seizures
How to reduce the temperature in children? You need to carefully monitor the course of any disease in babies. An increase in body temperature above 380 threatens to cause febrile seizures. They are expressed by several symptoms:
- rolling eyes;
- ticks;
- twitching of varying intensity;
- short-term loss of consciousness.
In most cases, febrile seizures do not pose a danger to the child, but they should not be allowed. Therefore, children who have experienced such a condition at least once should be observed by a neurologist and during illness, medications should be used to reduce fever.
Fever-reducing pills
The most popular drug used in the treatment of colds is paracetamol. This drug is considered throughout the world to be the main one for lowering body temperature and its appointment occurs when a doctor asks how to lower the temperature at home.
Almost every manufacturer produces this drug in one form or another. Adults are offered tablets or capsules. In the treatment of small patients, syrups and suppositories can be used.
One of the most popular remedies for fever are preparations containing ibuprofen. Preparations with this composition also have a good analgesic effect. Among parents, the most popular ibuprofen-based remedy is Nurofen in syrup. This drug has a pleasant taste and comes with a convenient dispenser. They are easy to measure the required dosage and give to a child of any age.
In severe cases, at a very high temperature, analgin is used for injection. This method can be used in hospitals or ambulance workers.

It is extremely dangerous to use aspirin in the medical practice of children. Now this drug in pediatrics is completely prohibited for use. Adults should also use this drug with caution and avoid taking it without a doctor's prescription.
New popular drugs
How to reduce the temperature using progressive means. Mefenamic acid is now increasingly used both in pediatrics and among therapists. This drug has not only antipyretic but also anti-inflammatory effect. Small pills can handle even very high rates.
How to reduce the temperature in an adult? Also, in especially severe cases, the use of "Nimesil" is justified. This medicine is available in the form of a powder that is diluted in water. Children can give this drugonly by permission and following all the recommendations of the pediatrician.
Renalgan injection solution is often used in hospital conditions. It contains not only an antipyretic and analgesic component, but also an antispasmodic. Thus, if a fever occurs during a fever, it will not be necessary to additionally inject no-shpu into the muscle.
How to reduce the temperature in a child?
During the illness of children, it is imperative to monitor their condition. It is necessary to measure body temperature several times a day and even at night. This mode is determined by the characteristics of the child's body. In babies, body temperature can rise rapidly to critical levels. And at this moment, it is necessary to take the necessary measures in time.

Don't you need to think all the time about what and how to reduce the temperature in a child? If the readings on the thermometer have not reached 38.5 grams, then you can wait a little with the use of medications and try to give the child a drink. To do this, every 5-10 minutes, offer the baby a few sips of liquid. It could be:
- dried fruit compote;
- water;
- solution with minerals ("Rehydron").
If the child refuses to drink, then you can use a syringe without a needle and pour a few milliliters into the baby's cheek. You should also undress the child as much as possible so that the body gives off heat.
At this time, in the room where the patient is located, the temperature should not exceed 200. Desirableventilate the room as often as possible and carry out wet cleaning several times a day. This way to lower the temperature will help if it does not rise above 38.5 0C.
Medicating a child
Often there are situations when it is impossible to do without the use of antipyretic drugs. How to quickly reduce the temperature in a child using medication? In a house where children live, there must be several antipyretic drugs with different active ingredients.
Most often, parents prefer syrups. In this form, children are happy to take medicines, because they have a pleasant taste. One of the most popular and effective drugs, as already mentioned, is Nurofen. It contains ibuprofen. This medicinal product is approved for use by children of all ages.

"Nurofen" can be taken again if necessary after 8 hours. Paracetamol is also used to lower the temperature at home. For children, syrups with this active ingredient are used. You can reuse this medicine 6 hours after the previous one.
If the child's temperature has not dropped at least one degree within 1 hour, then you can give the child another drug so that the active substance in it differs from the one already taken. That is, if, for example, Nurofen was used at 13.00, and it did not help, then at 14.00-15.00 you can take any drug based onparacetamol.
In no case should you use antipyretic drugs of each group more than 3 times a day. Otherwise, an overdose will occur and liver damage will occur, which is especially dangerous in children.
What if the patient has a fever?
When the body temperature rises to high numbers, people often experience vasospasm and antipyretics in this case do not work. At this point, the patient's hands and feet become cold and even icy. The skin takes on a pale hue. This condition is called feverish.
In children, this symptom most often causes febrile seizures, so action must be taken immediately. First of all, the patient needs to be given an antispasmodic drug, "No-shpa" is more often used in the age dosage.
After 10-20 minutes, you can apply any antipyretic drug. In this case, vasospasm will be relieved and the drug will act quickly.
When should I see a doctor or call an ambulance?
Very often at home it is difficult to cope with a patient's high temperature. It must be remembered that if improvements are not observed for 3 days or more, then this is a reason to consult a doctor, even if the patient has a common cold.
If the temperature rises in a child, then the parents must visit the pediatrician the next day to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe therapy. And also when the temperature rises to 40 gr. and more, if the medications taken do not bring relief, you need to call an ambulance. Suchhigh rates can cause problems with the heart and brain.

In no case should you take several antipyretic drugs at the same time. Thus, body temperature can drop very quickly and cause vasospasm, which will provoke convulsions and worsen the he alth of the patient.
With regard to the use of drugs in injectable form, it should be carried out only by medical professionals or under the strict prescription of a doctor with the indicated dosage.