According to accompanying documentation, the Kokav vaccine is designed to prevent cases of rabies. The official name of the vaccine is anti-rabies culture, which has undergone a special purification and inactivation procedure. The product is concentrated. The vaccine does not have an international name. The drug is available in the form of a lyophilisate, from which a solution is prepared. Fluid is injected into muscle tissue. Dosage 2.5 IU. The manufacturer supplies a solvent to the powder.

What is it made of?
The instructions for the Kokav rabies vaccine indicate that 1 ml of the drug contains an active compound that gave the name to the remedy - an inactivated virus that causes rabies. The Vnukovo 32 strain was used to develop the drug. One dose of the drug accounts for about 2.5 IU, but not less than this amount.
As an optional componentthe manufacturer used albumin 10% - solution for injection. The composition of the drug contains sucrose and gelatin. Purified prepared water, packed in sealed ampoules, acts as a solvent. The capacity of one copy is 1 ml.
What does it look like?
In the instructions for the Kokav rabies vaccine, the manufacturer indicates: the ampoule must contain a hygroscopic substance. Normally, the shade of the drug is white. The medicine looks porous.
Kinetics and dynamics
Research on the kinetics of the active compound has not been organized at the moment.
In the instructions for use of the Kokav vaccine, the manufacturer indicates the use of the rabies virus obtained in the primary cell medium in the manufacture of the composition. For this, the kidney cell structures of Syrian hamsters were used. The inactivation process is provided by ultraviolet treatment of the virus. The ultrafiltration technique guarantees a high level of product purity. Shortly after the vaccine is injected, the body begins to generate an immune response that protects it from rabies. Induction proceeds in strict accordance with the developed scheme.
When and how to use?
In the instructions for the Kokav rabies vaccination, the manufacturer indicates the intended use of the drug for human immunization. You can hold such an event for purely preventive purposes, you can do therapeutic and prophylactic staging of the vaccine.
Before use, the powdered contents of the ampoule are dissolved in 1 ml of purified liquid for injectiveintroductions. The period for preparing the solution cannot exceed five minutes. The finished product is a completely transparent liquid or slightly opalescent. Hue varies to light yellow, possibly no color at all.
The instructions for the Kokav anti-rabies vaccine specify the need for slow injection of the composition. The liquid is intended strictly for intramuscular injection. The optimal localization is the brachial deltoid muscle. If the injection is given to a child under the age of five, an injection can be given into the anterolateral femoral surface. For an injection, the upper zone is selected. It is strictly forbidden to inject the drug into the buttocks.

Anti-rabies aid
Such activities involve complex work with the patient. First you need to treat the wound, abrasion, the area where the infected saliva got into, with disinfectants that have a local effect. The next stage is the use of the drug "Kokav". If there are reasons, they can immediately prescribe the introduction of AIH. In the instructions for use of the Kokav anti-rabies vaccine, the manufacturer indicates that the time interval between the injection of this drug and AIH varies strictly within half an hour.
In many ways, the success of the event is determined by how early local processing began, how responsibly the manipulations were performed. The best option is to immediately apply products to clean the area. If this is not possible, treat the area as quickly as possible. Firstthe affected area is thoroughly washed. The duration of ablution can reach a quarter of an hour. For the effectiveness of the process, soap and detergent are used. If there are no such substances, wash the area with running clean water. Further, scratches, areas of saliva, damage are treated with alcohol (70%) or iodine solution (5%).
As soon as the local treatment is completed, you can start curative, preventive immunization activities.

Features of use
In the instructions for use for the Kokav vaccine, the manufacturer, describing the rules for providing assistance, indicates the need to avoid closing the wound with sutures. Their imposition is possible only in an emergency situation, when a person has received very large damage. In this scenario, it is necessary to make several leading seams. They are applied only after careful treatment of the area.
The reason for suturing may be cosmetic indications if the facial skin is affected. If blood vessels are affected, the area can be stabilized with stitches to stop bleeding.
If there is a need for an injection of RIG, the drug is administered before suturing. Immediately after the injection, a stabilizing procedure is performed.
In the instructions for the Kokav vaccination, the manufacturer draws attention to the need for an injection for everyone who is at risk of contracting the rabies virus. If there was contact with a sick animal, if it bit a person, if it is an animal that has rabiessuspected but not yet confirmed, preventive measures are required. They are required to have any contact with wild animals, unidentified, unknown individuals.
Features of the program are chosen based on what was the contact with the animal, what kind of damage the person received. The simplest option is the absence of wounds, the saliva of the individual did not get on the skin or mucous membranes of a person, but it is known that the animal was sick. This option does not require treatment.
Indications for use of the drug
It is possible for saliva to come into contact with whole human skin, and the source was domestic animals or livestock bred on a farm. The same category of injuries includes minor bites to the limbs and body, abrasions. After the incident, it is necessary to observe the behavior of the individual within 10 days. If she does not show signs of the disease, treatment is stopped after the third injection. If laboratory tests are carried out that prove the absence of viral infection, treatment is stopped immediately after receiving this information. If it is impossible to observe the animal for 10 years (it died, escaped), you must undergo a full course of treatment.
Instructions for use "Kokav" in such a situation is indicated for immediate use. 1 ml is administered on the day of injury, on the 3rd, 7th, 14th, 30th, 90th day.
It is necessary to pay attention: this block of rules does not cover cases when a person has received damage to the face or head, neck, fingers, hands.

It is possible for saliva to get on the mucous membranes, damage to the head, cervical region, parts of the face, fingers, hands. Sexual organs can be harmed. Single, numerous deep wounds received in contact with domestic animals or livestock are considered. The same category of damage includes saliva and wounds caused by carnivorous animals, rodents, bats. If it is possible to observe the individual for 10 days, then immediately after the injury, they begin to use the drug, but stop after making sure that the object was he althy. If it was possible to conduct laboratory tests and establish the absence of viral infection, immediately after determining this fact, treatment is stopped. If observation is not possible, the agent should be administered in accordance with the scheme.
Instructions for use "Kokav" is shown to be administered on the day of the wound in combination with AIH. A second injection is given on the third day, then the course is continued on the days: 7th, 14th, 30th, 90th.
Subtleties of procedures
To achieve the most pronounced effect of the drug program, it is necessary to administer RIG as soon after contact with the animal as possible. This extends to interactions with animals that are confirmed or suspected of having rabies, to contact with unidentified wild specimens.
When using equine RIG, you should first clarify the tolerance, exclude the increased susceptibility of the equine protein. If human AIH is to be administered, no specific test reactions are required.
Horse YAGmust be administered within the first three days after exposure, human within the first week.
Prevention measures
In the instructions for Kokav, the manufacturer recommends preventive immunization for all those for whom the probability of infection with the rabies virus is estimated to be above average. This applies to laboratory workers in contact with the street virus, to specialists in the field of veterinary medicine, hunting. Foresters, rangers, people working in the field of catching animals and engaged in their temporary and permanent maintenance are subject to vaccination. Prophylactic injections are indicated for other persons involved in similar fields.
Preventive injection is administered as directed in the instructions for Kokav into the shoulder deltoid muscle. The drug is not used otherwise than intramuscularly. Single dosage - 1 ml. The drug is administered for the first time on the selected day, then on the seventh and fourteenth days. A single revaccination with 1 ml of the active compound is indicated. A year should elapse between the period of primary administration and the first revaccination. Further, the injection is repeated every three years.
Prevention: nuances
Instruction "Kokav" as a prophylactic is indicated by a long course. Primary vaccination consists of three injections, then another injection is necessary after a year, and then every three years, as long as the risk of infection with the virus remains.
Prophylactic administration of the drug is carried out strictly within the walls of a medical institution, in vaccination rooms. A person receives a special certificate in his hands,completed by a doctor. The document contains official information about all injections received. Dates and multiplicity, dosages and names of medicines, series are recorded.
Unwanted consequences
According to the instructions, the side effects of the Kokav rabies vaccine appear in individual cases. As a rule, such reactions develop in the first two days after the introduction of the composition. The injection area may be red and swollen, sometimes itchy and sore. Some noted the growth of peripheral lymph nodes, others were bothered by a headache. There may be a feeling of general malaise, weakness, fatigue. There is a possibility of fever, muscle pain.
As stated in the instructions for the Kokav rabies vaccine, very rare side effects include an immediate allergic response. This is possible if a person is inherently hypersensitive to different foods, medicines. Neurological symptoms are extremely rare. Possible paresthesia and polyneuropathy, neuritis, affecting the work of the visual system. There is a risk of paralysis, damage to the nerve roots.
Absolutely not allowed
There are no contraindications in principle for the therapeutic and prophylactic administration of Kokav. To use the remedy as a prophylactic, the restrictions indicated in the instructions for Kokav are acute diseases of an infectious and other nature, as well as a relapse of a chronic disease or a decompensated course of pathology. To ensure good tolerance and maximum safety for the patient, Kokav injections are given in a month orlater after recovery or stable remission.
Prophylactic injections should not be given if Kokav previously caused a systemic allergic reaction, caused angioedema or a rash all over the body. Pregnancy is a contraindication.
Habits and restrictions
Alcohol is strictly prohibited by the instructions for Kokav during the entire course of the drug, as well as another six months after the completion of the program. This is due to the negative effect on the nervous system. The use of alcoholic beverages increases the risk of neurological side effects up to 30%, which includes extremely severe reactions. The manufacturer talks about this influence, explaining why it is impossible to combine alcohol and the Kokav rabies vaccine in the instructions for the drug. It contains information on clinical observations and recorded cases in medical practice, and the risk, estimated at 30%, is considered extremely high, so it is important to strictly observe the ban.

Mutual influence
During the period of using the Kokav vaccine for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, other substances cannot be used to immunize a person. As the vaccination program is completed, other vaccinations can be given after a couple of months or later. Prophylactic administration of the composition is indicated one month and later after the last application of any vaccination.
Therapeutic and prophylactic use of "Kokava" allows the use of hormonal anti-inflammatory and depressing the immune systemdrugs only when the life of the patient depends on it. If the situation allows choosing a safer alternative, the indicated categories of medicines are not resorted to.
Nuances and rules
The dosage of the Kokav vaccine for minors and adults is similar. This also applies to injected volumes of RIG. The treatment and prophylactic course must be started regardless of when the person asked for medical help. Even if several months have passed since the interaction with a potentially dangerous animal, it is necessary to receive injections in accordance with the scheme.
If the preventive or prevention and treatment program was completed at the same time and less than a year has passed since then, in case of a repeated case of a dangerous situation, Kokav is prescribed with a course of three injections: on the day of contacting the clinic, on the seventh and fourteenth day. If more than a year has passed or the initial immunization has not been completed completely, they resort to the classic version of the use of the Kokav vaccine.

Safety First
Above it was indicated the impossibility of drinking alcohol during the vaccination period and for six months after its completion. The doctor repeats this information several times: before the primary vaccine, after the procedure, at each re-treatment. True, this is not the only restriction in everyday life that should be adhered to in order to ensure one's safety. It is reasonable to avoid excessive fatigue, prolonged stayin a place that is too cold or too hot.
Hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, immune-suppressing drugs can make the Kokav vaccine ineffective. If injections are given to people undergoing treatment with these drugs, it is necessary to do an analysis to determine the concentration in the circulatory system of antibodies that neutralize the virus. If none are found, it is necessary to extend the application program for three more Kokava injections.
Carefulness and responsibility are the key to successful application
When planning to use Kokav in combination with equine AIG, you need to be prepared for complications. A local allergic response of the body is possible, manifesting itself in the first two days after the administration of the drug. There is a risk of developing serum sickness, manifesting on average by the seventh day. There may be an instant reaction in the form of anaphylactic shock. If an anaphylactoid response is observed, an epinephrine solution is injected under the skin of the patient (an alternative is a norepinephrine solution). The dose is chosen based on the age of the patient. To alleviate the condition, it is indicated to introduce 0.2-1 ml of a five percent solution of ephedrine.

It is forbidden to use the medication if the integrity of the ampoule is broken (no matter how minor the damage may seem). You can not enter the product if the label is not readable, the shade or structure of the filling substance has changed, the expiration date has expired. Do not use medication that has been stored incorrectly.
According to reviews, this is one of the most effective vaccinesagainst rabies. Doctors and patients note that timely therapy can, with a probability of up to 90%, avoid complications. Preventive vaccination using the drug also shows good results.