Dental pathologies require timely and effective therapy, as the neglect of the disease leads to the development of various complications. Provoking factors often include mistakes made by dentists during treatment.
Alveolitis after tooth extraction can form if pathogens enter the patient's oral cavity through the use of poorly disinfected instruments by the doctor. At the same time, signs of pathology may not appear immediately, but after some time. Inflammation of the hole occurs mainly after the removal of the lower molars or wisdom teeth.
Feature of violation
Alveolitis after tooth extraction - inflammation that occurs in the wound after medical manipulations. It begins as a result of the penetration of pathogens and the development of infection. In some cases, such violationmay be in case of gum injury.

After tooth extraction, the recovery process is delayed. Saliva and food debris accumulate in the wound, a process of decay occurs, which infects the wound and causes the development of infection. The cause of infection may be the removal of a wisdom tooth or molars, as well as a complicated operation. Such manipulations are considered to be difficult if:
- teeth are very brittle and prone to chipping;
- crooked roots;
- only the root of the tooth remains.
All these cases necessarily require a gum incision, sawing with a burr, tooth extraction in parts.
Forms of violation
In dentistry, there are several types of alveolitis after tooth extraction, each of which has characteristic manifestations. Among the main varieties, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- serous;
- purulent;
- spicy;
- chronic;
- chronic suppurative.
If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner at the initial stages of the course of the violation, very serious complications can occur. Serous alveolitis after tooth extraction is an inflammation in which the pain of a aching nature in the gum does not stop, but only increases significantly when chewing food. The temperature remains normal, and the patient's he alth is quite satisfactory. You can determine the course of the violation during an examination at the dentist. A similar form appears within 3 days after tooth extraction. If treatment is not carried out within a week, thendangerous complications arise.
Acute alveolitis after the removal of a wisdom tooth is characterized by acute pain that does not subside even after taking an anesthetic drug. There is a slight swelling on the gum and cheek from the side of the extracted tooth. When opening the mouth and talking, a person feels discomfort and pain. An increase in temperature may also be observed. This form requires an urgent visit to the dentist and treatment.

Chronic alveolitis of the socket after tooth extraction develops after about a month of dental procedures. In this case, a purulent granuloma is formed. It looks like a capsule, painted in red-brown color. Over time, the alveolitis can grow, and infectious fluid can accumulate inside the gums, which leads to the formation of a seal.
Purulent alveolitis is mainly accompanied by bouts of acute pain, bad breath, fever, weakness. The skin becomes pale. Painful sensations at the same time complicate the consumption of food. Gradually, the soft tissues begin to swell, which leads to a slight asymmetry of the face. Often there is an increase in lymph nodes. During the examination, puffiness and the formation of gray plaque may be noticed.
Chronic purulent alveolitis is very dangerous because during the course of this form of pathology, there is a normalization of well-being and a decrease in inflammation. During the inspection, it is possible to note the growth of soft tissues near the hole. Between bone and softsmall gaps in the fabric. Pus begins to stand out, and the mucous membrane becomes bluish.
Causes of occurrence
Alveolitis after the removal of a wisdom tooth can occur for a variety of reasons. Provoking factors include:
- penetration into the well of pathogens;
- violation of the rules for dental procedures;
- injury to the gums or jaw;
- presence of soft plaque on the surface of the tooth.
Alveolitis can occur if, after the extraction of the tooth, a blood clot has not been formed that clogs the wound. The risk group includes patients with reduced immunity, depleted body, poor blood clotting.
Main symptoms
The first symptoms of alveolitis after tooth extraction occur approximately 3-4 days after the procedure. In particular, they include:
- redness and swelling of the gums in the area of affected tissues;
- formation of grayish plaque;
- separation of purulent contents;
- severe pain;
- temperature increase;
- general weakness and malaise;
- cheek puffiness;
- enlarged lymph nodes.

Some symptoms of alveolitis after tooth extraction appear in the initial stages, while others, such as fever, pain, pus and swollen lymph nodes, indicate a severe course of inflammation. Self-medication or lack of therapy can lead topenetration of infection into the deeper layers of bone tissue. That is why, if the first signs of alveolitis occur after tooth extraction, you should immediately consult a doctor.
To start treatment, you need to initially diagnose, since only the doctor understands exactly what alveolitis looks like after tooth extraction, and can take appropriate measures. The dentist examines the oral cavity for inflammation and other signs of a disorder.

After a visual examination, the doctor orders an x-ray so that a final diagnosis can be made.
Treatment methods
If after tooth extraction there are signs of alveolitis formation, you need to consult a doctor. At the initial stage of the course of inflammation, anesthesia and painkillers are prescribed. After that, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth with a solution of furatsilina to wash the remnants of food from the hole. Foreign objects are scraped out with surgical instruments. The wound is then treated with an antiseptic and dried with a gauze pad.
In the presence of severe inflammation, applications with an anti-inflammatory agent are used. To treat alveolitis after tooth extraction, dentists use additional therapy methods. For this, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, an antistatic blockade is carried out. With the development of tissue necrosis, the use of proteolytic agents is indicated. They help clear the top of the wound from dead skin.fabrics.

During the advanced stage of alveolitis, dentists block the nerve with lidocaine. If necessary, physiotherapy methods are additionally prescribed, such as:
- microwave therapy;
- laser application;
- ultraviolet radiation.
In addition, the patient is additionally prescribed warm rinses with special agents, vitamins, analgesics. The course of therapy continues for 7 days. Signs of the inflammatory process completely disappear after 2 weeks. Then a re-examination is required.
Drug therapy
Treatment of alveolitis after tooth extraction is carried out by applying techniques such as:
- anesthesia of the problem area through the use of anesthesia;
- treatment of the wound with antiseptics;
- application of anesthesin powder.
During therapy, antibiotics and antiseptics are used, which help to disinfect the affected area, as well as destroy pathogens. For rinsing the mouth, use:
- "Sumamed";
- Levofloxacin;
- Josamycin.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to eliminate inflammation and anesthetize the affected area. It is recommended to use them together with drugs that help normalize the functioning of the intestines and prevent violations of the composition of the microflora. Most Effectivemeans are:
- "Ibuprofen";
- Ketonal;
- Voltaren;
- "Nurofen";
- "Nimesulide".
Metrogil Denta is also prescribed for alveolitis after tooth extraction, as it helps to eliminate pathogens. If the treatment is carried out surgically, then the use of local anesthetics is indicated: novocaine, lidocaine, Trimecaine.
Folk remedies
There are also certain folk remedies intended for external and internal use. External are used to disinfect the wound, eliminate inflammation and speed up its healing. Internal products help reduce pain and stop inflammation.
To the wound, you can apply a piece of cotton wool or a bandage soaked in s alt water. S alt helps speed up the healing process and disinfect the wound. You can also rinse your mouth with s alt water, but this must be done very carefully. Such procedures are allowed to be carried out no earlier than 24-48 hours after the operation.
Soda treatment helps to cope with the infection. From this tool, you can prepare a solution and rinse several times a day. With severe inflammation of the hole, you need to eliminate the infection from the inside and clean the blood. To do this, eat daily on an empty stomach a pinch of ground angelica root. The course of therapy should be carried out until the wound is completely healed.

Eliminate discomfortrinsing the mouth with a liquid prepared on the basis of sage will help. In severe cases, treatment is carried out with a herbal preparation prepared on the basis of horsetail, chamomile and blackcurrant leaves. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction, insist it for several hours, and then take it daily. Treatment with this remedy is carried out until the inflammation is completely eliminated. Such a tool helps to remove inflammation from the inside, relieve pain and swelling, and it also prevents the development of complications.
Lemon is often used for problems with the oral cavity. It is able to eliminate the inflammation of the tooth socket. To do this, you need to daily rinse the mouth with lemon juice, previously diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. This will prevent the development of the inflammatory process and stop bleeding.
Aloe juice is a good remedy. To do this, you need to mix the freshly squeezed juice of the plant in a 1: 1 ratio with strong liquor, cognac or rum. Soak a cotton swab with the resulting mixture and apply it to the wound.
If pus is released from the wound, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with immortelle infusion. To do this, pour the grass with hot water, leave to infuse until it cools completely, strain and rinse the mouth several times a day. At the same time, you should try to keep the liquid in your mouth as long as possible.
Dentist recommendations
To prevent alveolitis, dentists recommend proper care of the oral cavity. Within 2 days after the operationit is recommended to rinse the mouth so as not to disturb the blood clot that has formed on the surface of the hole.
You should stop eating hot food for a few days. Eat meals only at room temperature, drink cold drinks and apply cold compresses to the affected side. It is advisable to stop smoking, as tobacco smoke irritates the tissues of the oral cavity. It is worth temporarily eliminating heavy physical activity.
You can not feel the wound with your fingers and touch it with various objects. In the first few days after surgery, it is important to avoid mouthwashes.
Possible Complications
Various complications of alveolitis can develop after tooth extraction, which should be attributed to:
- abscess;
- phlegmon;
- periostitis;
- osteomyelitis;
- sepsis.
The disease can also affect the deep layers of hard tissue, resulting in destruction of not only the gums, but also the bones.
It is important to prevent alveolitis after tooth extraction, which means:
- informing the dentist about blood clotting problems;
- oral hygiene before tooth extraction;
- compliance with all doctor's recommendations;
- consume only soft foods.
In the first days after the operation, you need to apply ice to the jaw. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor, and their independent use is prohibited.
Patient testimonials
About the treatment of alveolitis after tooth extraction, the reviews are mostly good, the most important thing is to pay attention to the existing problem in a timely manner and consult a doctor. Many patients say that during therapy it is important to strictly follow the recommendations of the dentist, take prescribed medications and use remedies to eliminate pus and inflammation. Advanced gum and tooth diseases lead to general he alth problems. All this negatively affects the internal organs, so it is better to prevent any disease.