
A front tooth broke off: what to do, types of fillings, a selection by color and advice from dentists

A front tooth broke off: what to do, types of fillings, a selection by color and advice from dentists

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Modern dentistry has many options for solving problems associated with when a piece of tooth breaks off. The choice directly depends on the size of the fragment that was lost, whether it is an anterior or chewing incisor, as well as on the patient's financial ability and his general aesthetic preferences. Nevertheless, in any case, there is sure to be the most suitable option

Functions and structure of the human gums

Functions and structure of the human gums

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Gum is the mucous membrane that covers the upper and lower jaw around the teeth. The gum tightly covers the jawbone, and then passes into the soft palatine tissue and the mandibular pterygoid fold. In addition, the gum covers the teeth and fuses with the periosteum of the alveolar bone, which surrounds the roots

Irrigator CS Medica AquaPulsar OS-1: customer reviews, instructions for use and replacement nozzles

Irrigator CS Medica AquaPulsar OS-1: customer reviews, instructions for use and replacement nozzles

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Medica AquaPulsar OS-1 is a stylish design, ergonomics, excellent water pressure and nozzles with which you can clean the entire oral cavity, including hard-to-reach places. The device allows you to clean not only the easily accessible part of the teeth and gums, but also the cervical areas, interdental spaces and gum pockets

Periodontal indices in dentistry

Periodontal indices in dentistry

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Periodontal indices in dentistry are designed to measure the dynamics of periodontal tissue damage. They help the doctor track the entire process of the spread of the disease, its depth and prognosis, and the need for specific treatment. At the appointment, the doctor uses both standard research methods and an index system, therefore, the assessment of the condition of the periodontium is accurate and comprehensive

Toothpaste R o c s: description, reviews

Toothpaste R o c s: description, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

It is very important for every person to choose the right toothpaste. The right choice can not only protect your teeth from various dental diseases, but also significantly improve their appearance. Among the huge number of similar products, it is extremely difficult to choose the most suitable option

Teamwork is the key to effective dentistry. How to get a certificate "nursing in dentistry"?

Teamwork is the key to effective dentistry. How to get a certificate "nursing in dentistry"?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

A nurse is an integral part of the dental practice. Why is she needed? How to get a nursing education in dentistry? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article

Toothpaste "Vivax Dent": product overview

Toothpaste "Vivax Dent": product overview

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Most people have experienced gum or tooth problems more than once. It could be both in childhood and in adulthood. As a rule, in such situations, dentists advise patients to pay attention to their toothpaste

Why does a tooth hurt under a filling when pressed?

Why does a tooth hurt under a filling when pressed?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Does a tooth hurt under a filling when pressed? A similar problem can manifest itself for a number of reasons, many of which can only be determined in the dentist's office. However, in some cases, pain is quite normal and disappears with time. Because of what a person may experience discomfort, how to determine the degree of danger of a toothache for he alth, and for what symptoms should a specialist be consulted? We will talk about this and much more in our article

What is periodontitis of the tooth? Treatment of periodontitis of milk teeth

What is periodontitis of the tooth? Treatment of periodontitis of milk teeth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The chronic form of the disease often occurs after the acute stage. This can happen within 2-10 days. But inflammation is possible not only against the background of untreated acute periodontitis. Probably independent development due to weak immunity. Symptoms of the disease are practically absent, there are rare bouts of slight pain or discomfort when biting

A black dot in the mouth on the cheek: causes and methods of treatment. Mouthwashes. Anti-inflammatory dental gel

A black dot in the mouth on the cheek: causes and methods of treatment. Mouthwashes. Anti-inflammatory dental gel

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

A black dot in the mouth on the cheek can appear for a variety of reasons, and this is mainly due to mucosal injury. If such a violation occurs, you should immediately visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Can teeth hurt on nerves: causes, drug treatment, doctors' advice

Can teeth hurt on nerves: causes, drug treatment, doctors' advice

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Many people have noticed that if you are very nervous, your he alth deteriorates and various pains arise. Answering the question of whether teeth can hurt on nerves, it must be said that this happens quite often. The problem is that many go to the dentist but do absolutely nothing to try and eliminate the stress. That is why medicines help only temporarily, and then the pain returns again

Strips for teeth: overview, pros and cons, principle of operation, reviews

Strips for teeth: overview, pros and cons, principle of operation, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

One of the effective tools that allow you to whiten your teeth without going to the dentist for help is whitening strips. In our article, we will talk in detail about what they are, when and how to use them

Teeth hurt from cold: causes and treatment

Teeth hurt from cold: causes and treatment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every person has had problems with their teeth at least once. These are various diseases that are manifested by certain symptoms. But sometimes the teeth hurt from the cold. This condition causes severe discomfort. What to do if your teeth hurt after a cold? The causes and treatment of this condition are presented in the article

"Invisalign": reviews. Aligners "Invisalign" (Invisalign) for alignment of teeth

"Invisalign": reviews. Aligners "Invisalign" (Invisalign) for alignment of teeth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Previously, braces were used to align the teeth, which were visible on the surface of the crowns. Many people had a complex to apply such designs. Now for this purpose, convenient Invisalign aligners are used. Reviews about them confirm the effectiveness of such devices. Read more about this tooth alignment tool in the article

How to put a bridge on your teeth: installation methods, denture hygiene and possible complications

How to put a bridge on your teeth: installation methods, denture hygiene and possible complications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

There are many problems with gaps in the dentition. These include disruption of the digestive tract, bone tissue atrophy, jaw deformity. Therefore, many are interested in whether it is possible to put a bridge on the teeth? Installing this design just allows you to solve these problems. And how they put bridges on the teeth, is described in the article

Dentistry "Galaktika" (Yekaterinburg): services, specialists, address, patient reviews

Dentistry "Galaktika" (Yekaterinburg): services, specialists, address, patient reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Dentistry "Galaktika" in Yekaterinburg is the most modern center in the whole city, where they can restore teeth with high quality, without pain and in the shortest possible time. Consider further the main activities of the clinic, as well as some of the reviews left by its clients

Invisalign aligners. Reviews, application features and characteristics

Invisalign aligners. Reviews, application features and characteristics

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In the article, we will consider reviews of Invisalign mouthguards. They are removable orthodontic structures that are superimposed on the dentition and are designed to align it. These devices are made from a transparent biopolymer. This material allows you to wear mouthguards completely unnoticed by others

Theories of caries: description, causes, risk factors

Theories of caries: description, causes, risk factors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Currently, the occurrence of dental caries is associated with the fact that the pH of saliva changes on its surface, there is plaque with bacteria, fermentation of carbohydrates (glycolysis) occurs. To this is added the activity of acid-forming microflora. Due to the influence of sucrose and organic acids, tooth decay occurs

Dentistry of Samara: patient reviews, list of clinics, description of services, staff qualifications

Dentistry of Samara: patient reviews, list of clinics, description of services, staff qualifications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Samara is a large Russian city with a large number of dental clinics. Let us further consider the most popular places where the best specialists in the field of dentistry and implantology work, as well as the reviews left by patients

Tooth cyst: photo, symptoms, treatment, removal and consequences

Tooth cyst: photo, symptoms, treatment, removal and consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

A tooth cyst at the first stages of its development practically does not manifest itself. When severe symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the doctor to avoid disastrous consequences

Tooth extraction: indications, consequences, recommendations. How long does the gum heal after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction: indications, consequences, recommendations. How long does the gum heal after tooth extraction

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Recommendations after tooth extraction will help maintain the overall he alth of the body. And what to do for this - read the article

A beautiful smile is the key to success

A beautiful smile is the key to success

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The most important criterion for a beautiful smile is well known to everyone - he althy, white, even teeth. Dentists who are armed with many modern ways to make your smile truly beautiful will be able to help you with this

Teeth cleaning and polishing

Teeth cleaning and polishing

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

From early childhood, our parents taught us to brush our teeth in the morning and in the evening. This not only guarantees fresh breath, but also protects against many oral diseases. Unfortunately, just brushing your teeth is not enough. Each person must necessarily monitor the oral cavity in order to avoid gum disease and caries

Tooth enamel: structure, color, damage, strengthening, whitening

Tooth enamel: structure, color, damage, strengthening, whitening

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Tooth enamel is the strongest defense in the human body. Enamel protects teeth from the harmful effects of external factors, including malnutrition. Attentive attitude to oral hygiene is the key to he althy teeth and a beautiful smile. How to protect and restore tooth enamel

Secondary caries: causes, treatment and prevention

Secondary caries: causes, treatment and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Even if you filled a bad tooth, this does not mean that the problem is solved. Within a few months, a new carious focus may appear under the filling. This is secondary caries. It is sometimes mistakenly confused with recurrent

Deep caries: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Deep caries: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

By its nature, deep caries is an extensive lesion that extends to the hard tissues of the teeth. In the event that the patient does not want to treat the disease, inflammation can move to neighboring areas. It is for this reason that the disease is often confused with pulpitis

Smoker's teeth. Darkening of tooth enamel. The effect of nicotine on teeth

Smoker's teeth. Darkening of tooth enamel. The effect of nicotine on teeth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Smoking is a risk factor for dental disease. This is a habit that negatively affects oral tissues. Smoking is exposed to high temperatures, irritating combustion products and toxic resins. Smoker's teeth darken, decay, bad breath appears. The types of dental diseases with this habit and methods of treatment are described in the article

Rinse for inflammation of the gums: a review of drugs and folk recipes

Rinse for inflammation of the gums: a review of drugs and folk recipes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Most of the funds intended for rinsing the mouth with inflammation of the gums can be conditionally classified into antimicrobial (antiseptics) and anti-inflammatory. Preparations with antiseptic properties act directly on pathogenic agents that provoke the inflammatory process

Teeth aching. Causes of toothache. Folk advice, recipes, list of medicines

Teeth aching. Causes of toothache. Folk advice, recipes, list of medicines

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Most people are familiar with toothache firsthand. What to do when a tooth aches a lot, for what reasons can this happen? We will talk about this in our article, and at the same time we will publish a list of medicines and folk recipes that will help relieve pain

How to remove inflammation of the gums: drugs and folk remedies

How to remove inflammation of the gums: drugs and folk remedies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How to remove inflammation of the gums is of interest to many, since such a problem occurs quite often. The inflammatory process can develop for various reasons, therefore, it is necessary to carry out not only treatment, but also prevention

Early caries of milk teeth

Early caries of milk teeth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Caries in a young child is most often not taken too seriously, because milk teeth tend to fall out and be replaced by indigenous ones. But it will take a long time to wait until the change process occurs. In addition, carious cavities will also affect newly growing teeth, so measures must be taken today. Let's talk about available methods for the prevention and treatment of early caries

The main signs of caries

The main signs of caries

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

According to research, the most common dental disease is caries. There is not a single person who has not faced this problem during his life

Dental deposits: types, causes and methods of removal

Dental deposits: types, causes and methods of removal

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Tooth deposits inevitably appear in the oral cavity after eating. If you do not follow oral hygiene, then from soft formations they will gradually turn into hard tartar, which will have to be disposed of in the dentist's office

Lingual braces: advantages and disadvantages

Lingual braces: advantages and disadvantages

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Not everyone has straight teeth by nature, but only with them a beautiful smile is possible. To make the treatment invisible to others, lingual braces are used. They are located on the inside of the teeth. Such designs do not cause inconvenience during a conversation and eating. The types and installation of such systems are described in the article

When do wisdom teeth grow? At what age do wisdom teeth usually grow?

When do wisdom teeth grow? At what age do wisdom teeth usually grow?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Wisdom teeth appear in adults at different times, causing sometimes excruciating pain with fever. The whole process of growth of wisdom teeth occurs in stages, only after the loss of milk teeth, when permanent ones appear. It takes a different amount of time for each person

How often can x-rays of teeth be done and is it harmful?

How often can x-rays of teeth be done and is it harmful?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In the treatment of dental diseases, it is important to make an accurate diagnosis. This is done using x-rays. Diagnosis allows you to get accurate information about pathologies. X-ray of the teeth helps to compose the entire clinical picture and find out the anatomical features of the structure of the jaw. This is necessary to complete the treatment. Details about this procedure are presented in the article

How to whiten teeth: recipes, methods and remedies

How to whiten teeth: recipes, methods and remedies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Hollywood smile is the dream of millions. It is in pursuit of her that many representatives of both male and female seek to whiten their teeth by all possible methods. How to whiten teeth? How safe is it and what improvised means can be used? All this further

Cervical caries: causes, treatment and prevention

Cervical caries: causes, treatment and prevention

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In modern society, a he althy lifestyle and he alth care have become a trend. And an important part of this is considered to be dental he alth. A beautiful and he althy smile is the key to success and attractiveness. In the article we will talk about dental problems, the most unpleasant and dangerous cervical caries, how to save teeth, methods of treatment and prevention of dental he alth

Stomatitis in the tongue: types, causes, symptoms and treatments

Stomatitis in the tongue: types, causes, symptoms and treatments

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Stomatitis on the tongue is a disease that is more common in children. However, adults also face it. This is a kind of immune response to the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body, which declares itself as an inflammatory process in the oral cavity

Bleeding gums: treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Prevention of bleeding gums

Bleeding gums: treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Prevention of bleeding gums

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Bleeding gums is not a disease, but a sign that should not be ignored, because this phenomenon, in addition to the usual damage to the mucous membrane, can hide serious diseases - gingivitis and periodontitis. Bleeding gums should not be ignored and treated, as the risk of developing severe consequences is high