Dentistry 2024, October

Oral hygiene. Facts in favor of occupational hygiene

Oral hygiene. Facts in favor of occupational hygiene

Causes of dental problems. Oral hygiene: the basics of the procedure, prevention of dental diseases. Benefits of professional oral hygiene

Angular stomatitis. Seizures in the corners of the mouth: causes and treatment

Angular stomatitis. Seizures in the corners of the mouth: causes and treatment

Causes of angular stomatitis. Clinical picture of the disease. Streptococcal and candidal lesions of the oral cavity. Zayeda is a harbinger of serious he alth problems. Drug treatment and folk remedies for seizures

Which teeth are better to insert? Types of prostheses

Which teeth are better to insert? Types of prostheses

Modern dentistry offers the widest range of dentures. It is difficult for an unprepared person to understand all the intricacies of the issue. About which teeth are better to insert, is described in this article

What is a professional teeth cleaning?

What is a professional teeth cleaning?

Unfortunately, food and bad habits cannot but leave a mark on tooth enamel. A soft plaque first appears on the surface of the tooth, which eventually hardens, turning into tartar. It is almost impossible to clean your teeth on your own. Therefore, professional teeth cleaning is becoming more and more popular

Prevention of caries: to keep your teeth he althy

Prevention of caries: to keep your teeth he althy

Prevention of dental caries includes the use of pastes with a high fluoride content. The most popular is the fluoristat system, which produces toothpastes with a special use of this chemical element. It is also important to choose the right toothbrush that can be used for different types of enamel

Causes, symptoms of gingivitis and its treatment

Causes, symptoms of gingivitis and its treatment

The symptoms of gingivitis can vary depending on the form of the disease. However, when the slightest signs of the disease appear, treatment should be started immediately

How is gum disease treated? Helpful Hints

How is gum disease treated? Helpful Hints

Before you learn about how inflammation of the gums is treated, it is necessary to determine the cause of the pathology, as well as the degree of its development

Treatment of gingivitis with drugs and folk remedies at home

Treatment of gingivitis with drugs and folk remedies at home

Everyone has heard about the dangers of caries. Many people know from their own experience how unpleasant stomatitis is, but the treatment of gingivitis is a much less familiar topic to the layman. This term is used to refer to gum disease. It so happened that many do not pay enough attention to this area of the oral cavity, but the approach is wrong: the quality of the teeth and the general condition of the person as a whole largely depend on the he alth of the gums

Tooth crowding: treatment and causes

Tooth crowding: treatment and causes

In orthodontics, crowded teeth are a common problem. This anomaly occurs in both adults and children. If nothing is done, serious problems with the periodontal tissues may appear in the future

Tooth alignment without braces in adults: the most effective ways

Tooth alignment without braces in adults: the most effective ways

Teeth straightening without braces in adults is a very effective way to make your smile attractive and prevent the development of many pathologies in the future. However, this technique often discourages patients, and often because of the high cost. However, these options are better than braces, which, in turn, scare patients with their unattractiveness

An alternative to braces: what can be replaced?

An alternative to braces: what can be replaced?

Braces are often used to correct an overbite. Designs are used for adults and children. But there is an alternative to braces, as not everyone wants to wear a complex orthodontic product for a long time. The types of popular designs are described in the article

Toothpaste BlanX: composition, instructions for use, reviews

Toothpaste BlanX: composition, instructions for use, reviews

The main priority of the Italian brand "Blanks" is the development and production of oral care products. The company was the first in the world in 1989 to start producing whitening toothpastes. Their uniqueness lies in the composition, the main component of which is arctic moss. Blancx toothpaste is, first of all, an investment in a beautiful smile

How to treat periodontal disease at home - the experience of ancestors

How to treat periodontal disease at home - the experience of ancestors

Periodontosis - a disease of the teeth without obvious signs of early manifestation. In addition to the medical, laser and vacuum treatment methods, there is another reassuring argument - periodontal disease can be treated at home using folk remedies

Traumatic stomatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Traumatic stomatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Traumatic stomatitis is an inflammatory disease of the oral cavity. It develops against the background of constant exposure to soft tissues of irritating factors. The disease can occur at absolutely any age. However, it is most often detected in children, which is explained by frequent microtraumas

Periodontal pocket: inflammation and treatment

Periodontal pocket: inflammation and treatment

The parodontal pocket is a space equal in size to the area of the destroyed bone. Its contents are represented by granulation tissue, food debris and purulent secretions

Tooth pulled out. Necessary restrictions

Tooth pulled out. Necessary restrictions

The question of what can and cannot be done after tooth extraction arises in those patients who did not listen to the dentist. A pulled out tooth is far from a trivial operation, where, in addition to the professionalism and accuracy of the surgeon, certain restrictions must be observed, since a wound in the gum is not a banal scratch that can easily disappear in a couple of days

Tooth bone tissue: structure and properties

Tooth bone tissue: structure and properties

The structure of bone tissue is different from other human cells. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts are special cells found in hard tissues. Osteoblasts produce collagen, which allows bone to continue to grow, while osteoclasts cause bone atrophy

Gum problems: main diseases and treatment

Gum problems: main diseases and treatment

Sparkling smile, snow-white teeth attract attention with their beauty. A he althy oral cavity indicates the overall he alth of the body. And the shamans of ancient Sumeria believed that only those with strong teeth could communicate with spiritual deities

Gum fibromatosis: causes, forms, symptoms, treatment. gum hyperplasia

Gum fibromatosis: causes, forms, symptoms, treatment. gum hyperplasia

Gum fibromatosis is a pathological growth of soft tissues that causes physical and psychological discomfort. Treatment of the disease can be conservative and surgical

Tooth anomalies: types, classification, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Tooth anomalies: types, classification, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests and treatment

Tooth anomalies are various deviations from the norm that can manifest themselves in functionality and appearance. Deviations can be in the number, color, position of the teeth in the oral cavity, as well as in the timing of their eruption (mainly in children). Such anomalies entail serious consequences: malformed bite, deformation of the maxillofacial region, can cause severe difficulties during biting and chewing food, and of course, aesthetic flaws

Darkened tooth: causes, treatment and prevention

Darkened tooth: causes, treatment and prevention

Milk teeth are so called due to the special white shade of tooth enamel. But sometimes parents notice that their children's teeth lose their original color, and at the same time turn black. In our article, we will talk about what causes the tooth to darken in children and adults, and also find out why blackness on the teeth is dangerous and what needs to be done in such situations, and, moreover, why blackness of the incisors should not be left without therapy. Let's start by considering the causes of darkening

Bad bite? Herbst's invention will help you - an apparatus for which nothing is impossible

Bad bite? Herbst's invention will help you - an apparatus for which nothing is impossible

Distal bite is a feature of the structure of the dental apparatus, when the lower jaw is too small, disproportionate in size relative to the upper jaw. To correct this imperfection, the Herbst apparatus is used

How to care for the teeth of adults and children?

How to care for the teeth of adults and children?

How to take care of your teeth? Surely this question is of interest to absolutely everyone, despite the fact that most people are inert about the problems of oral hygiene, not considering it necessary to resort to troublesome, in their opinion, procedures

Uneven teeth: causes, how to fix?

Uneven teeth: causes, how to fix?

Uneven teeth in the understanding of many people are those that are significantly different in size, shape or position from adjacent ones, which is basically correct. But there are different curvatures, and they are formed at several levels. For example, there are anomalies in the dentition, teeth and bite, that is, their ratio

Gum care: features, requirements and recommendations

Gum care: features, requirements and recommendations

Gum he alth affects dental he alth. That is why it is important to carefully care for the oral cavity in order to exclude the occurrence of diseases. This is done at home and in the dental office. Learn how to properly care for your gums in this article

Dislocation of teeth: types, treatment, photo

Dislocation of teeth: types, treatment, photo

Dislocation of teeth can be triggered by a strong blow, trauma or some accidents. It is urgent to consult a doctor to provide not only first aid, but also try to return the tooth to its place

Black dots on teeth: what to do?

Black dots on teeth: what to do?

A beautiful, and most importantly, he althy smile is the dream of many people. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly care for their teeth

Black plaque on teeth: causes and treatment

Black plaque on teeth: causes and treatment

Plaque in humans can be of the following colors: white, brownish, yellowish, greenish. It depends on different factors. Black plaque looks especially ugly on the teeth, which can occur in both adults and children. This should alert, because it is a symptom of some kind of malfunction in the body. What can cause black plaque, and how to get rid of it?

Bottle caries: causes, treatment, prevention

Bottle caries: causes, treatment, prevention

It is hardly possible to find a person for whom problems with teeth will be a mere trifle. And even more so for children, sick teeth are a true source of fear, pain and worries. Bottle caries is a common dental disease that can occur in infants who are not yet fed from the common table

The symptoms of periodontitis are very serious

The symptoms of periodontitis are very serious

Problems with teeth appear in every person at one age or another. In order to try to keep your teeth he althy for as long as possible, you should pay attention to the symptoms of periodontitis and try to eliminate them

The best Philips irrigators: photos and reviews of models

The best Philips irrigators: photos and reviews of models

The famous corporation Philips is a global manufacturer of home appliances. This company has been producing high-quality and durable devices for a whole century. It is not surprising that irrigators of this brand occupy a leading position in the market for devices for use at home

Caries in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Caries in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Such a disease as caries in children has recently become a common problem. Let's consider what are the reasons for the development of the disease on milk teeth, how to recognize that it is caries, how to treat it, how you can help a child at home, and what prevention methods dentists recommend

Ideal human teeth: features of care and recommendations of specialists

Ideal human teeth: features of care and recommendations of specialists

Today, a beautiful smile is in trend. No one will argue that it gives a certain charm to its owner. But what if your natural teeth are not quite perfect?

Orthodontic plate - a way to correct malocclusion

Orthodontic plate - a way to correct malocclusion

Orthodontic plate is perhaps the only way to correct malocclusion in children. And the sooner you put it on, the sooner your child will have a beautiful smile

How long does stomatitis last in children? Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

How long does stomatitis last in children? Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Stomatitis in young children is a fairly common phenomenon. Before starting treatment, you should understand the causes of the onset of the disease, and then systematically carry out the necessary prevention to prevent relapses

How to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction

How to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction

After a tooth is removed, a blood clot appears in its place. It provides painless, fast and successful healing of the tooth socket. That is why it is so important, and to avoid a clot, take the necessary precautions

Cream "Korega" for dentures. Cream for fixing dentures

Cream "Korega" for dentures. Cream for fixing dentures

How to use the cream "Korega" for dentures? What is its principle of operation, how safe is it, and can it be trusted?

How to quickly get used to removable dentures: tips and advice from experts

How to quickly get used to removable dentures: tips and advice from experts

Removable dentures are widely used in modern dentistry. Their main purpose is to restore the functionality and aesthetics of the dentition. How to quickly get used to removable dentures? A foreign body in the mouth can create problems. How to speed up the process of addiction?

Cream for fixing dentures: which is better, reviews

Cream for fixing dentures: which is better, reviews

Informative article on how denture retention creams can make them easier to wear. The article describes the comparative characteristics of some of them, based on feedback from patients who used them

Malocclusion in a child: photo, causes, treatment

Malocclusion in a child: photo, causes, treatment

Malocclusion in a child is not currently an unrecoverable problem. Orthodontists are armed with several ways to get rid of this pathology. It is only necessary to contact a specialist in time