In the article, consider the instructions for aversectin ointment.
External parasites in the form of ticks, fleas and withers, found on the body of pets, not only cause discomfort to the animal, causing itching and allergies. In addition, such parasites can provoke the defeat of the animal with infectious diseases. Insects on the body of a pet can be carriers of viruses and pathogens. It is for this reason that owners of pets and farms are forced to regularly carry out preventive treatments for pet hair using special products. You can buy such insect-acaricidal preparations at a veterinary pharmacy and clinic. One of the commonly prescribed remedies is aversectin ointment, which will be discussed below.

Description and composition
The drug is a complex drug that has an insecticidal-acaricidal effect and has a systemicimpact on the animal. Aversectin-based ointment is intended for external use and can be used during therapeutic measures in animals, fur-bearing animals and birds. The consistency of the ointment is thick and homogeneous, its color is yellow, the smell is specific. The drug is packaged in plastic containers of 15, 20, 30, 60 and 500 ml.
The composition of aversectin ointment contains the active substance aversectin, as well as additional substances such as glycerol and polyethylene oxide. Subject to the instructions of the veterinarian and the instructions for using the ointment, the animals perceive the drug well. Ointment based on aversectin does not provoke irritation on the skin of the animal, and also does not have a teratogenic, sensitizing and carcinogenic effect. The drug does not have the ability to accumulate in the tissues of the body, therefore it is not capable of causing an allergic reaction. The ointment is considered a low-toxic drug used for warm-blooded animals.
According to the instructions, aversectin ointment should be stored in a cool place, the temperature of which is not higher than 22 degrees and not lower than 0. It is considered optimal to store the ointment in the refrigerator door. The drug is considered usable for two years.

Aversectin as an active component of the ointment is a natural avermectin complex, which is obtained through microbiological synthesis based on the bacterium Streptomyces avermytilis.
The drug is complexveterinary remedy. When using aversectin ointment, a pronounced insect-acaricidal effect is observed. The agent is active against ticks of the sarcoptoid and demodectic varieties, fleas, withers and other varieties of ectoparasites, as well as arthropod blood-sucking insects.
Aversectin affects the current of chloride ions through the nerve and muscle cell membranes of insects, provoking innervation of their muscles and paralysis of parasitic organisms. The ointment after application is evenly distributed at various levels of the dermis.
When using the ointment, aversectin acts in contact in areas of the greatest accumulation of parasites, as a rule, these are hair follicles, dermis and sebaceous glands. Absorbing, the ointment begins to have a systemic effect of an insect-acaricidal nature. The maximum concentration of aversectin in the blood serum is observed on the 3-5th day after applying the ointment. The substance is excreted unchanged with feces after 10-13 days.
The effectiveness of aversectin is due to the effect on glutamate-sensitive chloride channels, as well as gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. Such action causes instant death of parasites.

Indications for use
Aversectin ointment is used exclusively externally. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of fur-bearing animals, birds, dogs, cats and other warm-blooded animals. Indications for prescribing the drug are the following conditions:
- Demodekoz. Reviews aboutaversectin ointment for this disease is mostly positive.
- Notoedrosis.
- Psoroptosis in rabbits.
- Sarcoptic mange.
- Mixed entomoses, including felicosis, trichodecosis and ctenocephalosis.
The drug should be prescribed by a veterinarian for the treatment of dermatitis of various origins, as well as to eliminate the manifestations of an allergic reaction that has arisen against the background of damage by ticks, fleas and other ectoparasites. Especially often the remedy is used for dogs.
Instructions for use for aversectin ointment are very detailed.
Before starting a course of treatment with ointment, you should carefully read the attached instructions for the drug. This will avoid adverse reactions and deterioration of the animal's condition. The specialist must determine the optimal dosage of the drug to achieve the maximum effect.
According to the instructions for use of aversectin ointment, the dosage should be calculated depending on the age and variety of the animal. In the treatment of dermatosis and acarosis, it is necessary to cut the hair in the affected area before applying the ointment. In addition, at the preparatory stage of treatment, it is necessary to remove scabs and crusts, as well as treat the skin with an antiseptic.
How to apply aversectin ointment? It must be applied with a sterile cotton swab in a thin even layer, gently rubbing the product into the affected area of the skin. Repeat the procedure is allowed up to five times a day, after which a break of one week is taken. Next, the doctor decides on a secondtreatment of the animal with the drug.
If the ointment is applied in the area of the auricle, the animal's ear is folded in half lengthwise, and then a light massage is performed at the base of the temple. To make the massage more convenient, you can use disposable cotton swabs or a brush. If the cause of the discomfort of the animal is ear scabies, aversectin ointment, according to the instructions for use, is placed immediately in both auditory canals. Before applying the ointment to the ear canal, it must be washed and the accumulated sulfur, dry crusts and other contaminants removed. This can be done with a wet sterile swab.

Otodectosis, psoroptosis and notoedrosis are treated by applying the ointment twice with an interval of 5-7 days. With demodicosis in the squamous form, the drug is applied three times with a break of a week. Mixed or pustular forms will require the application of aversectin up to seven times with re-treatment after 7-8 days. If we are talking about significant lesions of the skin of the animal, as well as advanced cases, the interval between treatments can be 5-6 days. If necessary, the veterinarian may prescribe a second treatment.
One should strictly adhere to the multiplicity of treatments, otherwise the use of the ointment will not work. Mixed type entomosis therapy can be carried out not only with aversectin ointment, but also in combination with other veterinary drugs such as sulfonamides and antibacterial agents.
Adverse reactions
Aversectin-based ointment cancause an allergic reaction if there is intolerance to the components of the drug. Manifestations of allergies can be in the form of lethargy and drowsiness, as well as itching at the site of application of the ointment. In addition, after using the drug, the animal may experience vomiting and nausea, chills and a slight increase in body temperature.
The use of aversectin ointment is contraindicated when the female is carrying cubs or feeding them, as well as against the background of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In addition, the drug is prohibited for use in animals under two months of age.

It is not recommended to use Aversectin-based ointment in combination with preparations containing avermectin, as well as with other antiparasitic agents used to treat animal hair.
Before starting treatment with aversectin ointment, you should consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions for using the drug.
If the use of the drug for any reason is not possible, it is necessary to choose a similar drug. According to numerous reviews and the opinion of both veterinarians and pet owners, the following drugs are the most effective substitutes for aversectin:
- Sulfur ointment.
- Lamisil.
- Terbix.
- "Benzyl benzoate".
- Ketoconazole.
- Sulsen.
- Tar ointment.
- "Myoseptin".

Aversectin-based ointment is one of the few affordable and effective remedies that can be used to treat not only cats and dogs, but also budgerigars. The cost of the drug is more than low, one small bottle of ointment will cost an average of 75 rubles.
Reviews of aversectin ointment are rather contradictory. For some animals, the ointment was ineffective. You can also come across the opinion that if the animal is extensively affected by ticks, the drug will not have the proper effect.

However, you can also find reviews in which the ointment is described as fast-acting and effective, as well as safe. Usually it is about the treatment of dermatological problems in animals. The relative safety of the drug is also emphasized, which causes almost no adverse reactions.