Cerebellar damage: signs, diagnosis and consequences for the body as a whole

Cerebellar damage: signs, diagnosis and consequences for the body as a whole
Cerebellar damage: signs, diagnosis and consequences for the body as a whole

The cerebellum is part of the central nervous system, located between the cerebral hemispheres in the posterior lower region of the brain. This department is responsible for coordination of movements, speech and functionality of human muscles. Therefore, damage to the cerebellum, first of all, manifests itself in impaired motor functions, speech disorders, and a decrease in muscle tone. Such pathological conditions are caused by damage to the membranes of the brain as a result of injuries, neoplasms, strokes, etc. According to the ICD-10, this disease has several codes: G46.4, G11.1 and G71.6, which includes various kinds of pathologies of the cerebellum.

Description and characteristics of the problem

The cerebellum includes two hemispheres, between which there is a worm, these structures are divided into lobules by transverse grooves, and there are also three pairs of legs. This part of the brain also consists of gray and white matter. The first forms the cortex and the paired nuclei of the cerebellum.

stroke damage to the cerebellum
stroke damage to the cerebellum

Legs represent paths alongthat carry signals to and from the brain. The worm is responsible for regulating the body's center of gravity, muscle tone, and the body's balance and stability. The hemispheres provide the movement of the eyeballs. Some scientists claim that the cerebellum plays an important role in the process of thinking, and is also associated with human speech and mood.

Cerebellar lesion is a set of pathological conditions that develop against the background of brain damage and lead to disruption of its functions.

Causes of pathology

There are many reasons for the development of pathology:

  • congenital malformations;
  • complications of drug addiction;
  • defeat by various neuroinfections;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • circulatory disorder in the brain as a result of atheroslerosis, ischemia, stroke;
  • injuries to the occipital region and fractures of the base of the skull;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • infection of the nervous system.

Atherosclerosis of the blood vessels that supply the cerebellum leads to their spasm, and this can provoke ischemic attacks. Causes and stroke damage to the cerebellum, which occurs due to rupture of the vessel with an increase in blood pressure, hypertensive crisis. This problem is especially relevant in elderly people, whose vessels are clogged with cholesterol plaques. Also, thrombosis or embolism of various origins can cause pathology.

Also, damage to the cerebellum of the brain can be triggered by metastasis of a cancerous tumor or by directits location in the body. In some cases, pathology is observed with a disorder of the outflow of cerebral fluid.

cerebellar lesion
cerebellar lesion

Symptoms and signs of disease

In most cases, the disorder of the cerebellum manifests itself in impaired coordination of movements, speech and muscle tone. A person has eye twitching as a result of trembling of the eyeballs, explosive speech, uneven handwriting.

The main signs of damage to the cerebellum include:

  • disorder of movement and muscle control;
  • disturbance of walking and speech;
  • wrong eye movements;
  • pain in the head.

A stroke can affect any part of the brain. This pathology, when the cerebellum is damaged, provokes the appearance of nausea, accompanied by vomiting, dizziness and headache, ataxia. Malignant neoplasms in the brain are manifested in the form of vomiting, in which there is no nausea, severe pain in the head and impaired coordination of movements.

The defeat of the cerebellar vermis leads to a breakdown of statics (stability, balance and body position). At the same time, a person develops ataxia.

signs of damage to the cerebellum
signs of damage to the cerebellum

Impaired writing, which manifests itself in pathology, you can see above.

Cerebellar Ataxia

Ataxia is the loss of muscle control as a result of damage to the cerebellum. This pathology can be triggered by a benign or malignant neoplasm, virus, genetic mutations. In the latter case, it is a rarea hereditary disease that is diagnosed in one person in fifty thousand.

When the cerebellum is affected, there is a loss of coordination of movements, blurred vision, difficulty in swallowing, constant fatigue, mood changes. If the disease is not hereditary, then they speak of idiopathic ataxia. In this case, a person's speech is disturbed, fainting, arrhythmia, erectile dysfunction, and uncontrolled urination are observed.

When the hemispheres of the cerebellum are affected, the human body leans strongly in the direction where the pathological focus is located, so it regularly falls. This disorder leads to the development of kinetic ataxia. It is expressed in the impossibility of performing precise movements.

cerebellar hemisphere damage
cerebellar hemisphere damage

Ataxia is often observed, provoked by toxins that have a detrimental effect on brain cells. Pathology can be provoked by such harmful substances as ethyl alcohol, mercury, lead, solvents, barbiturates.

If the cerebellar lesion was caused by viruses, then the symptoms of the pathology will subside for two months after the disappearance of signs of a viral infection. Most often, cerebellar disorders are provoked by Coxsackie, Einstein-Barr viruses, chickenpox, Lyme syndrome and HIV infection.

Congenital ataxia is characterized by a delay in motor activity. The child begins to sit and walk late, talk, he may lag behind in mental development. Usually at the age of ten, compensation of brain functions occurs.

Syndromescerebellar lesions

Also, a disorder of the cerebellum can manifest itself in the following diseases:

  1. Thomas-Jumenty Syndrome - a strong separation of the fingers when trying to take an object.
  2. Barraquer-Lara disease, which occurs when the cerebellum is damaged as a result of metastasis of cancer cells in bronchial cancer. In this case, intoxication of the body is observed.
  3. Tom's syndrome usually occurs after the age of fifty and manifests itself in the form of impaired movement, speech, handwriting, tremor of the limbs, muscle tone disorder.
  4. Feldman's disease, which is accompanied by early graying, trembling of the limbs. The disease is usually diagnosed in people after twenty years of age, it leads to disability.
  5. Fan-Turner syndrome is caused by a disorder of coordination of movements, mental retardation.
  6. Betten's disease is characterized by nystagmus, impaired coordination of movements and gaze, muscle hypotension, and immunosuppression. Over time, a person adapts to these anomalies.
  7. Mann syndrome is characterized by the development of ataxia and nystagmus.
  8. Goldstein-Reichmann disease, in which there is a disorder of muscle tone, hypermetria, asynergy, trembling of the limbs, movement disorder.
  9. Zeeman's syndrome is caused by the development of ataxia, a delay in the development of speech.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of pathology begins with the study of history, questioning and examination of the patient. The doctor checks reflexes, conducts vestibulometry and electronystagmography. Then he assignsexaminations:

cerebellar injury
cerebellar injury
  • Laboratory blood test.
  • Lumbar puncture to detect infection, inflammation and the presence of a stroke.
  • Head MRI.
  • Angiography of cerebral vessels.

Examination of patients is carried out by a neurosurgeon together with a neurophysiologist, otoneurologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist.


Treatment of cerebellar lesions will depend on the cause of the disease, the age of the patient and the severity of symptoms.

During a stroke, doctors perform lysis of blood clots. Then the patient is prescribed fibrinolytics, for example, Urokinase. To prevent the formation of thrombosis, they resort to drugs such as Aspirin, Mexidol. They help improve metabolic processes in brain tissues. Special medicines are used to lower cholesterol levels.

Antibacterial drugs are used to treat neuroinfections. With brain intoxication, doctors conduct detoxification therapy, forced diuresis, dialysis. If intoxication occurred as a result of the use of medicines or food, then gastric lavage is performed, followed by the use of sorbents. If the patient has impaired CSF outflow, he is shown surgical intervention with craniotomy.

cerebellar injury syndromes
cerebellar injury syndromes


The most commonly used remedies in the treatment of lesions of the cerebellum:

  • Nootropics and antioxidants: Piracetam, Actovegin,Phenibut.
  • Drugs to improve blood circulation: Sermion, Cavinton.
  • Drugs that normalize muscle tone: Mykodalm, Sirdalut.
  • Anticonvulsants, such as Carbamazepine.
  • Vitamin complexes, which include B vitamins.

Also, in the treatment of this pathology, exercise therapy, massage, magnetotherapy, electrical stimulation, therapeutic baths, classes with a speech therapist are prescribed. Your doctor may also recommend mobility aids such as a walker, cane, or wheelchair.


The prognosis of pathology depends on the cause of its development. For example, after removal of a benign neoplasm, the prognosis will be favorable. They also respond well to pathology therapy, which is associated with circulatory disorders and TBI, neuroinfections. Malignant tumors will have a poor prognosis. In severe cases, a person may become disabled, he will need constant care.

observed in cerebellar injury
observed in cerebellar injury


Doctors recommend avoiding injuries, not abusing nicotine and alcohol, and not using drugs for a long period of time and in large dosages. When the first symptoms of pathology appear, it is necessary to undergo an examination and begin appropriate treatment.

Cerebellar damage is the result of neurological diseases or injuries. It is important to identify the cause of the development of pathology in a timely manner in order to conduct effective treatment and reduce the risk of complications. By taking preventive measures, you can saveyour he alth for years to come.
