Indications for tooth extraction with periodontitis

Indications for tooth extraction with periodontitis
Indications for tooth extraction with periodontitis

Despite the fact that modern dentistry is quite developed and has high-tech equipment for dental treatment, sometimes specialists from this field still resort to tooth extraction. Such a procedure is performed quite rarely and only in the case when it is impossible to save the tooth with the help of conservative treatment. Consider the main indications for tooth extraction.

When does a doctor recommend tooth extraction?

indications for tooth extraction with periodontitis
indications for tooth extraction with periodontitis

In the old days, tooth extraction was quite common. However, thanks to the development of modern dentistry, at the moment they are trying to save their teeth, if there is even the slightest opportunity. Since even with significant destruction, the tooth can be built up thanks to modern materials.

But there are several cases when there are indications for tooth extraction, namely:

  • acute periodontitis, in which there is no possibility to create a conclusionproducts resulting from the inflammatory process;
  • fracture of the entire part of the tooth at the site of the crown;
  • osteomyelitis of the jaw, in this case, only the tooth that provoked the development of this disease is removed.

Why should a tooth be extracted?

It is worth noting that partly due to the removal of a diseased tooth, it becomes possible to create an outflow of exudate from the thickness of the jaw, which contributes to better treatment when osteomyelitis occurs.

Quite often, there are indications for tooth extraction when a person has chronic periodontitis and an autoimmune disease. The problem is that the impossibility of quickly getting rid of chronic periodontitis is dangerous for the development of intoxication of the body and exacerbation of autoimmune pathology.

As a rule, the removal is recommended by therapists and surgeons, thus trying to prevent the possible risk of developing more serious complications. But orthopedists, on the contrary, recommend saving the tooth, because they are sure that your own tooth will be the most ideal for the prosthetics procedure.

Important reasons for removal

indications for wisdom tooth extraction
indications for wisdom tooth extraction

But at the same time, the doctor makes the final decision on the removal or preservation of the tooth in a particular case. In general, indications for tooth extraction can be as follows:

  • If the inflammatory process of periodontal disease has manifested itself in milk teeth.
  • Incorrect teething that injures the mucous membrane in the mouth.
  • Problems in teethingwisdom. Indications for the removal of a wisdom tooth (photo below) are at a significant risk of developing inflammation.
  • indications for tooth extraction
    indications for tooth extraction
  • Jaw contusion, in which the teeth are on the fracture line, resulting in no way to correctly match the fragments.
  • Periodontitis grades 3 and 4.

Often it is the indications for the removal of a wisdom tooth that cause a lot of controversy. But doctors believe that they do not carry any practical significance for humans. Therefore, they are removed.

When is tooth extraction necessary for periodontitis?

At the moment, tooth extraction with periodontitis is a rarity. Since modern dentistry is equipped with the latest technologies, with which you can save a tooth. But at the same time, there are several cases when removal is unavoidable. Indications for tooth extraction for periodontitis:

  • in the case when the periodontal pocket is large enough and exceeds the size of 6 mm;
  • if the teeth are inflamed and carious, with a complete loss of the alveolar process;
  • if there is complete obstruction of the root canal;
  • if there is a foreign body particle in the channel;
  • when tooth decay is more than 60%;
  • in the case when there is a suspicion that the tooth may cause a permanent septic process;
  • if there is no result after a month of treatment;
  • if the inflammatory process spreads quickly enough throughout the jaw;
  • a tooth with a completebuckling.

All these are indications for tooth extraction. The standard is as follows: during tooth extraction, the apex and tissue gums are monitored in parallel. And after the surgical manipulation was carried out, therapeutic treatment is prescribed. In general, the healing process lasts about a week, but most often healing begins on the first day.

What preventive measures will help to avoid the development of periodontitis?

indications for wisdom tooth extraction photo
indications for wisdom tooth extraction photo

Basically, so that a disease such as periodontitis does not bother a person throughout his life, it is advisable to take preventive measures from early childhood, when children have their first teeth. It is important to understand that the inflammatory process in the tissues is much easier to prevent than to treat it later. In addition, chronic periodontitis is now observed in many people. Indications for tooth extraction in chronic periodontitis are very serious.

Preventive measures

Virtually all dentists give some actionable advice to prevent this disease.

Oral care. Regularly brushing your teeth twice a day will help reduce the risk of developing cavities, which in turn will prevent the onset of periodontal inflammation.

The main condition is the use of high-quality medical toothpaste. This is exactly the case when saving on such funds is not recommended. Since it is high-quality toothpaste that can effectively prevent many diseases of the dental system.

A prerequisite is the use of a quality toothbrush. Such a kind of weapon against many diseases will help the dentist choose, taking into account the structure of the gums and the condition in which the teeth are. In addition, the toothbrush should be changed every three months, and the old brush should be disposed of immediately.

The diet of a person from an early age should consist only of he althy foods, but the consumption of sweets should be limited, especially chocolate and candy.


indications for tooth extraction standard
indications for tooth extraction standard

Don't ignore regular dental checkups. A visit to this specialist should be mandatory even if absolutely all teeth are he althy. Do not forget that with the timely detection of the disease, it is much easier and easier to treat than in the advanced stage.

When the enemy No. 1 of all mankind, caries, appears, treatment must be done in a timely manner. Since it is caries that is the main culprit that provokes the onset of the disease periodontitis.

Treatment of pulpitis should take place in a timely manner. This rule must also be observed in the case when, after the first visit to the dentist, the pain noticeably subsides. It is important to understand that inflammation must be treated until it is completely eliminated.


indications for tooth extraction in chronic periodontitis
indications for tooth extraction in chronic periodontitis

In general, we can draw the following conclusions. To date, modern dentistry successfully treatsperiodontitis, but only under certain conditions on the part of the person himself. And one of the main conditions is an attentive attitude to your oral cavity.

Pain and fear are old associations that some people may have. Modern dentistry has a huge number of different methods and technologies with which you can cure a tooth absolutely painlessly.

It is worth adding that it is unfounded fears that are the main culprits, which only exacerbate the development of all inflammatory processes in which periodontitis can result in a rather serious complication. A modern person is simply obliged to have a beautiful smile with he althy teeth, since it is this that is the hallmark of a person.

Take care of your mouth and give a smile with whiter teeth.
