Effective treatment of Achilles bursitis. Achilles bursitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Effective treatment of Achilles bursitis. Achilles bursitis: symptoms, causes and treatment
Effective treatment of Achilles bursitis. Achilles bursitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

The human body is a fairly complex mechanism, but its structure is the best match for the functions it performs. This is well seen in the example of the joints. Each of them, and there are many of them in the skeleton, is both a strong and mobile connection.

The strength of the joint is provided primarily by the synovial bag and tendons. It happens that this mechanism fails and bursitis develops. This disease is divided into different types depending on localization. In our article, I would like to discuss the symptoms and causes, as well as the treatment of Achilles bursitis, which occurs most often.

A bit of anatomy

The Achilles tendon, which runs from the triceps muscle of the lower leg to the calcaneus, is considered one of the strongest in the human body. The triceps muscle in its lower part passes into the Achilles tendon. When it contracts, the foot flexes. It is thanks to her work that we can stand on our toes. She takes part in various movements, from walking to running and jumping.

If this muscle is constantly under heavy stress, then there may be problems in the normal functioning of the Achillestendon.

Achilles bursitis treatment
Achilles bursitis treatment

The bursa, or bag, is filled with a fluid that makes it easier to slide in the joint. When it becomes inflamed, a disease such as bursitis occurs. Between the lower part of the tendon and the calcaneus is the bag of the Achilles tendon, if it becomes inflamed, then Achilles bursitis develops. We will analyze the symptoms, causes and treatment of bursitis in more detail.

Causes of disease

Bursitis occurs, usually from excessive exercise. This often happens to athletes, but besides this, there are some other reasons that can lead to this problem:

  • wearing shoes with high heels (this problem is purely female);
  • hematogenous or lymphogenous infection; inflammation in the bursa can lead to tendon rupture;
  • overweight;
  • injuries and bruises of the heel;
  • tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • arthritis of the ankle.

If at least one of the listed items is observed, then you need to carefully monitor the condition of your joints and pay attention to your own feelings, so that, if necessary, start the treatment of Achilles bursitis in time.

Symptoms of bursitis

The first sign of this disease is most often pain that spreads along the Achilles tendon along the back of the leg. You can also watch:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • exacerbation of pain when walking.

If you wear uncomfortable shoes at this time, the situation is even more aggravated. Gradually, the inflammatory process spreads throughout the tendon, even the lower part of the triceps swells.

Achilles bursitis symptoms and effective treatment
Achilles bursitis symptoms and effective treatment

If suddenly there is a rupture of the Achilles tendon, then this is determined by a characteristic crunch, and the injury site becomes swollen and painful. The person is very lame, and it is not possible to stand on tiptoes at all.

We looked at Achilles bursitis (symptoms). Treatment at home will be described below, and now let's talk about the diagnosis of this disease.

Diagnosis of disease

The diagnosis is not particularly difficult. The doctor talks with the patient, asks him about the sensations, symptoms, feels the foot. Examination is most often painful for the patient, but the doctor must make sure that the tendon is intact and intact.

When very little time has passed since the rupture, it can be determined by swelling of the lower leg and foot, as well as by hematoma. During the examination, the doctor finds a retraction at the site of tendon rupture. If you ask the patient to bend the foot, then he will practically not be able to do this.

foot bursitis Achilles bursitis and methods of treatment
foot bursitis Achilles bursitis and methods of treatment

The doctor assumes bursitis of the foot - Achilles bursitis, and the methods of treatment in this case will be selected after clarifying studies.

  • Since soft tissues are poorly visualized on an x-ray, an ultrasound is prescribed to the victim, which allows you to determine the location of the tendon rupture.
  • MRI is considered to be even more accurate, as wellthe structure of tissues is visible.

Both of these methods do not require preparation, but they accurately confirm or refute the doctor's diagnosis, and also allow you to determine what treatment of Achilles bursitis is required, whether the patient needs surgery or can be dispensed with drug therapy.

Therapy of disease

Treatment of bursitis is carried out in several directions. It will be more effective if a whole range of procedures is carried out. The following treatments can be distinguished:

  • drug therapy;
  • shock wave;
  • limit physical activity;
  • surgery;
  • folk remedies.

You will achieve the best results if several methods are used in combination.

Achilles bursitis symptoms, causes and treatment of bursitis
Achilles bursitis symptoms, causes and treatment of bursitis

Conservative treatment

Since the patient is in severe pain when the tendon is torn, first of all, it is necessary to carry out anesthesia. To do this, use the introduction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directly into the tendon. Also, the doctor usually prescribes an anti-inflammatory ointment as a topical remedy.

Treatment of Achilles bursitis with shock wave therapy is considered to be the most effective treatment and a good alternative to surgery.

Achilles bursitis symptoms and effective treatment
Achilles bursitis symptoms and effective treatment

This method is good because it does not cause gross disturbances in the tissues of the body and does not have a negativeimpact. The number of sessions is usually determined according to the severity of the disease.

A break is set between sessions for at least three days, but not more than six. This is due to the fact that more than 2000 medium and low level pulses should not be applied in one procedure.

If we talk about non-drug treatment, then it usually includes the following activities:

  • applying a tight bandage to the damaged area;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • necessity to wear low-heeled shoes;
  • it is desirable that the shoes were orthopedic, and even better to make them to order;
  • in some cases, you need to get rid of excess weight.

We looked at Achilles bursitis, symptoms and effective treatment of the disease with the use of drugs and other procedures. But if the result of a whole range of measures is ineffective, then you will have to resort to prompt intervention.

Surgical treatment

Most often you don't have to resort to surgery, but there are times when you just can't do without it. If drug therapy and physiotherapy do not give the desired result, the tissues thicken, the inflammatory process does not stop, then surgical treatment is indicated.

Achilles bursitis symptoms home treatment
Achilles bursitis symptoms home treatment

During the operation, the doctor makes an excision of the tissues around the tendon and examines it. If there are degenerative changes, thickening of the organ, as well as significant changes, then plastic surgery may be required.

When breakingsewing of tissues, removal of hematoma and damaged tissues. The tendon sheath is then carefully repaired.

If more than 4 weeks have passed since the rupture, then most likely an Achilles tendon plasty will be required.

Treatment of bursitis: do-it-yourself treatment

Folk methods will not cope with such a disease, but they can become auxiliary means in treatment. All methods of such influence can be divided into several groups:

  • compresses;
  • warm;
  • cold;
  • potions.
bursitis treatment do it yourself
bursitis treatment do it yourself

From compresses, the following can be advised.

  1. Grate black radish, wrap it in a napkin and apply to the joint for 1 hour. Before use, it is necessary to lubricate the place of application with vegetable oil. Perform the procedure twice a day.
  2. A good effect is the application of fresh uns alted fat to the heel. Before this, the leg should be well steamed, attach a piece of fat and fix it. You can do this procedure at night.
  3. Take 1 part of aloe, 2 parts of honey and 3 parts of vodka, mix everything and put a compress for the night on a sore spot.
  4. A leaf of fresh cabbage applied to the heel at night helps well.

Heat is an effective method:

  • use a s alt or water heater;
  • hot brick is also good; with it, you need to warm up the joint for about 30 minutes, and then lubricate with oil and wrap;
  • you can warm up the flax seeds, put in a linenbag and attach to the leg.

The opposite of heat is cold, which can also alleviate the condition of the patient. To do this, you can apply a heating pad with ice water to the damaged area. Cold can help relieve pain.

We reviewed Achilles bursitis, symptoms and effective treatment of this disease. It is worth noting that not only athletes, but also ordinary people can get such an ailment. Such cases happen quite often, because no one is safe from injuries in this area: sometimes an unsuccessful jump is enough - and the inflammatory process is already starting.

At the first sign of illness, do not immediately resort to home treatments. It is better to consult a doctor so that the therapy is as effective as possible. Only in this case it will be possible to avoid surgical intervention.
