Blisters in the mouth: causes, diagnosis, treatment, explanations and advice from a dentist

Blisters in the mouth: causes, diagnosis, treatment, explanations and advice from a dentist
Blisters in the mouth: causes, diagnosis, treatment, explanations and advice from a dentist

The mucous membranes in the oral cavity are prone to the development of primary dermatological diseases. These pathologies manifest themselves in different ways, but they all have a number of characteristic features. Dentistry studies these manifestations, and in some cases, specialists manage to diagnose the disease before the onset of symptoms on the mucosa.

blisters in the mouth
blisters in the mouth

One of the most common pathological manifestations encountered in dental practice are blisters in the mouth on the palate, on the cheeks and even on the lips. Such a symptom is an alarming signal and requires examination to identify the cause of such a manifestation. Blisters can appear in patients of all ages. Having an identical clinical picture, they indicate different viruses and infections.


A characteristic feature of blisters in the mouth is considered to be a short period of their existence. As a rule, they quickly open after the appearance, and erosion forms in their place. At the same time left withoutThe upper protective layer of the mucous membrane can be exposed to various pathogenic microorganisms that are constantly present in the oral cavity. Thus, the first symptoms of dental diseases, such as stomatitis, appear, and the pain of erosion worsens. A person in this state cannot sleep and eat properly.

What is this?

A blister in the mouth is a cavity element that reaches 5 mm in diameter. It occurs as a result of the accumulation of any liquid at the site of damage. The most common disease, which is characterized by blistering of mucous membranes or non-inflamed skin, is called pemphigus. Without timely treatment, this pathology tends to affect large areas of the skin and mucous membranes; over time, it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

blister on the palate in the mouth
blister on the palate in the mouth

Pemphigus refers to a number of diseases of the mucous membranes, which are accompanied by the formation of blistering rashes, but with different clinical indicators, such as the presence of acantholytic cells in smears.

At the initial stage, the disease is most often localized in the oral cavity, which leads to erroneous diagnoses and incorrect treatment.


The pemphigus is subdivided into the following varieties:

  1. True, or acantholytic.
  2. Vulgar.
  3. Vegetative.
  4. Leaf-shaped.
  5. Seborrheic, also called erythematous.
  6. Senier-Uscher Syndrome.
  7. False, or non-acantholytic.
  8. Strophic, mucosineahial, bullous dermatitis.
  9. Lever's pemphigoid bullous type.
  10. Benign non-acantholytic.

Risk factors

The defeat of the oral mucosa with a viral infection is an unpleasant and painful phenomenon. The factor provoking the appearance of blisters in the sky in the mouth is a disease called "viral stomatitis".

blisters in baby's mouth
blisters in baby's mouth

This is a common type of infectious lesion that occurs as a result of several pathologies at once, among them:

  1. Chickenpox
  2. Herpes simplex virus.
  3. Flu.
  4. Paraflu.
  5. Adenovirus and other factors

Allergic reaction, infection and injury can also cause blisters in the mouth on the cheek. Vitamin deficiency, disorders of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. can also be considered risk factors. In addition, hematological diseases, intoxication of the body, especially in case of heavy metal poisoning, can lead to this unpleasant phenomenon.


In some cases, blisters in the mouth indicate the presence of serious diseases that occur in a latent form. Most often we are talking about the following pathologies:

1. Gerpangina. It affects the oral cavity and nasopharynx quite intensively. characterized by an increase in body temperature,pain during swallowing, loss of appetite. In some cases, diarrhea appears. The blisters at the initial stage look like red spots, but later they transform into blisters with a clear liquid inside. A possible complication of herpangina can be a pathological lesion of the meninges, as well as the liver and heart. However, the causes of blisters in the mouth should be determined by a doctor.

2. Herpes. The vast majority of the inhabitants of our planet are carriers of the herpes virus. At the time of relapse, the symptoms of the disease have characteristic features. The affected area begins to itch, there is a burning sensation and redness. A day after this, transparent blisters form with a yellowish tint of liquid inside.

3. Aphthae. As a rule, the appearance of aphthous ulcers is a consequence of complications after past diseases of the oral cavity. However, as an independent disease, aphthae are often encountered. Pathology is characterized by severe pain, especially during chewing and swallowing, high body temperature, and swollen lymph nodes.

4. Shingles. Nerve fibers are damaged. The disease is localized at the site of infection and is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition, fever, etc. Some time later, edema forms on the affected areas of the skin, which later turns into transparent bubbles. Further, the liquid in the blisters becomes cloudy.

5. Mechanical damage. The most common cause of blistering in the mouth is improperly fitted dentures. ExceptIn addition, it could be an allergic reaction to medicines or a burn to the mouth from hot food or drink.

blisters appeared in the mouth
blisters appeared in the mouth

What does a blood blister in the mouth mean? Such a bubble may appear during eating or talking with accidental biting. Also, the mucosa can be injured:

  • from hard food: lollipops, crackers, bones;
  • from broken, chipped teeth or improperly made dental structures: braces, bridges, crowns, dentures;
  • during hygiene procedures, due to careless movements, tissues are affected during brushing.

Clinical course of the disease

All of the above factors and diseases are accompanied by a number of characteristic signs. If a blister jumped up in the mouth, then this would be considered a symptom common to all pathologies. Bubbles of small size can be localized on the tongue, cheeks and gums. Inside the blisters is a serous exudate.

General symptoms

The usual symptoms of the disease may be absent. The acute stage of the pathology may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  1. General malaise.
  2. Weakness.
  3. Slight increase in body temperature.
  4. Swollen lymph nodes.
  5. Swelling and redness of the mouth.
  6. Single or multiple bubbles.
  7. Erosion at the site of broken blisters.
  8. Disturbed appetite.
  9. Difficulty chewing and swallowing food.
  10. Aching pain, itching andburning.
  11. Bad breath.


Before you begin treatment of the oral cavity, you should conduct an examination and clarify the diagnosis, identifying the root cause of the blisters. To do this, you can visit both a dentist and a dermatologist. Consultation of a therapist - a generalist, will also not be superfluous.

blister in mouth on cheek
blister in mouth on cheek

Diagnostic measures involve taking the patient's history, as well as a physical examination and laboratory tests. To clarify the diagnosis, a smear of the contents of one of the vesicles is taken. Further research is carried out and the causative agent of the disease is detected. This is the most effective diagnostic method in this case.

Experienced professionals can determine the diagnosis by clinical indicators, without the use of additional methods. However, a laboratory test will confirm the diagnosis and allow the correct treatment to be prescribed.

What to do when blisters appear in the mouth?

Treatment at home

Full treatment at home is impossible. It is imperative to get the advice of a specialist and follow the recommendations prescribed by him. However, if it is not possible to immediately go to the doctor, you can use several methods to alleviate the condition on your own. For example, you can start rinsing the mouth with a solution of soda or herbal decoction. Rose hips and chamomile are best suited for these purposes, which have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It is also good to use tincturepropolis.

You can combine traditional methods of treatment with traditional medicine. However, this option is also desirable to discuss with your doctor. Especially when it comes to blisters in a child's mouth.

blisters in mouth causes
blisters in mouth causes

There are quite a few recipes that help solve various problems. Most often, it is recommended to use herbal preparations that will help relieve inflammation and swelling or have an antiviral effect.

Aloe or Kalanchoe

These houseplants can also be helpful in the fight against blisters in the mouth on the mucosa. Plants should be used in the form of lotions. To do this, a leaf or a small part of it is cut off, peeled and applied to the affected area. After a few minutes, the cut is updated to exude fresh juice.

Conservative treatment

The main goal of the treatment of blisters in the mouth is the complete elimination of the factor that led to their formation. Therefore, simultaneously with symptomatic treatment, the underlying disease is treated. The duration of the treatment can reach from two weeks to one month. The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosis:

  1. Aphthae are treated with topical preparations (antiviral, antiseptic and wound healing).
  2. Infectious lesions will require complex treatment, including antibiotics. Rinsing with special solutions is also allowed.
  3. Antifungal drugs will be needed to treat candidiasis. Sprays can be usedointments and solutions for application on erosion.
  4. Relapsing herpes involves oral antiviral drugs. It is important to start treatment at the very beginning of the disease, namely on the first day after the onset of symptoms. Sometimes anesthetics are prescribed for herpes, which protect the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  5. Pemphigus is an autoimmune disease. Its treatment involves taking corticosteroid drugs. Various immunomodulatory drugs and vitamin complexes are also prescribed.


Themselves blisters in the mouth can not cause complications. However, the lack of treatment can lead to suppuration and more extensive mucosal lesions. All this will cause unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations, affecting the quality of human life. Consequences can occur if the root cause of the blisters is not treated.

blood blister in the mouth
blood blister in the mouth

Prevention of this pathology

Preventive measures directly depend on the causes that caused the appearance of blisters. However, there are a number of preventive rules common to any disease:

  1. Personal oral hygiene.
  2. Timely treatment of any pathologies localized in the mouth.
  3. Washing hands with soap and water before eating.
  4. Choosing the right toothbrush that won't hurt your gums.
  5. Supplement your daily diet with fresh berries, fruits and vegetables.

Thus, the most important point in the treatment of blisters in the mouth is the timely determination of the cause,causing a similar symptom.
