Cancer tumors, unfortunately, are quite difficult to treat. And more and more people learn about their deplorable condition already at those stages when the chance for recovery or remission is very low. However, there is a drug that promotes the destruction of cancer cells. The tool is called "Refnot". Reviews of doctors about the drug speak for themselves.

Pharmacological group
"Refnot", reviews of doctors about which are very different, belong to the group of anticancer drugs. Many oncologists successfully use the drug to treat a variety of tumor diseases. Including cancer of the stomach, intestines, lungs.
Issue form
The drug "Refnot" is produced in the form of an injection preparation for further subcutaneous administration. The active substance is called leophysilate. There is simply no other form of release. Therefore, if somewhere there is an offer to purchase the drug in the form of tablets or sprays,medicines and other things, then with a 100% guarantee we can say that this is a pure scam.

The drug is produced in Russia. Actually, it was also invented and patented on the territory of the Russian Federation. The drug "Refnot" was developed, reviews of which will be somewhat lower, in 2002. The company that conducted the experiment, research and release is Pharmaclone. And only after that, in 2006, the patent was transferred to Refnot-Pharm. And only then the drug received wide publicity and began to be sold by prescription. Until 2006, it was only offered as an experimental drug for cancer patients. The drug was tested at different stages of the disease, which made it possible to identify its strengths and weaknesses.

Side effects
Speaking of such a drug as "Refnot", the reviews of doctors about which are very contradictory, one cannot but mention its weaknesses. Particularly the side effects. So, these include a temporary increase in temperature by 1-3 degrees from the norm, increased sensitivity, which can develop while taking the drug. In addition, at the first application, redness or irritation may occur at the injection site. As a rule, after a day, all side effects disappear by themselves. In some cases, Ibuprofen is necessary to normalize body temperature.

When to take
It is noted that the drug shows the best result when it is used to treat breast cancer at different stages. Naturally, no one can guarantee a complete recovery at the last stage of cancer development and the spread of metastases throughout the body, but the drug is able to improve the patient's condition. In particular, with symptomatic treatment, when therapy is aimed not at fighting the tumor, but at alleviating the pain syndrome of this disease. In addition, more and more oncologists recommend Refnot for use during chemotherapy. True or false about the miraculous effect of the drug, it is difficult to figure it out.

Should we hope for a miracle?
A rare doctor will reassure a patient or his relatives with very optimistic forecasts. As well as pessimistic. Most often, oncologists try to state the facts dryly. That is why it is very difficult to understand whether Refnot (true or false about the panacea in the form of this drug) really helps people. Speaking of cancer, one cannot be 100 percent sure that a particular remedy or method of treatment will be effective. Most often, the disease develops unpredictably, anything can provoke its spread. However, one must always hope for a miracle, otherwise it will never happen.
Drug action
Manufacturers claim that the product has a direct antitumor effect based on in vivo and in vitro, which destroys malignant cancer cells at different levels. ATas a result, the drug can be used at any stage of the disease. However, as it turned out, Refnot is not very effective in the treatment of stage 4 stomach cancer. Reviews about the application are not the most positive, but it is noted that the pain syndrome is significantly reduced. Therefore, you can still use the drug, if there is such an opportunity and the recommendation of a doctor. At the same time, the toxicity of Refnot is a hundred times lower than that of TNF.

When testing the drug, it was noted that it increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy. In particular, medicines such as:
- "Cytozar";
- "Actinomycin D";
- "5-fluorouracil".
All these drugs are quite difficult to penetrate into the body, positively and at the same time negatively affecting it. Refnot, whose reviews of doctors are similar in this matter, allows you to eliminate resistance. That is, it can and should be used in chemotherapy in order to increase its effectiveness, and most importantly, to reduce the number of its applications. The body receives many times less toxic substances that slow down the growth and development of cancer cells.
Clinical trials and various experiments were carried out in Moscow and St. Petersburg long before the drug was put into use. Testing was carried out on cancer cells of different stages. In Moscow, at the Russian Cancer Research Center named after N. N. Blokhin, clinical trials of the first phase were conducted, where it was found that the drug has a very lowtoxicity. As a result, the initial reviews of Refnot turned out to be positive among doctors. Clinical trials were conducted on squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, which is important. Subsequently, in St. Petersburg, at the N. N. Petrov Oncology Research Institute, more tests were carried out already at the second and third stages of cancer. In particular, locally advanced and metastatic breast cancer in combination with chemotherapy. And here the drug showed brilliant results. After that, feedback on the action of "Refnote" became even better.

Study treatment groups
In order to find out how effective the drug is, people were selected (in both the first and second trials), united by special factors. Specifically, these are:
- Expected life expectancy. She had to be at least three months old.
- Age. He was not supposed to be more than 75 years old.
- Consent of the patient himself. Not everyone in this state is ready to take risks.
- General condition. It should have been within 0-2 WHO.
- Full confirmation of the earlier diagnosis.
The drug was injected daily at a dosage of 100,000 IU. At the same time, an individual method of dosing the drug was found for each patient. For example, before a course of chemotherapy, an injection (100,000 IU) was mandatory. In general, the drug has proven itself well at different stages of the disease, so the research was continued. It should be noted that patients participating inexperiment, were able to prolong life, and most importantly, slow down the growth of cancer cells.
Research result
After the clinical trials were completed, all doctors unanimously came to the conclusion that the most effective drug was in the treatment of breast cancer in combination with chemotherapy. That is why today it is recommended in such cases, almost ignoring all the others. That is why Refnot is so ineffective in the treatment of stage 4 stomach cancer. Reviews about this are not only from relatives of patients, but also from the doctors themselves. It was they who were the first to note the almost complete ineffectiveness of the drug in such a disease. Later, it became clear to the people themselves that Refnot is not a panacea, but only one of the possible medicines, which does not necessarily have to help.
Worth it?
If an oncologist strongly recommends using Refnot to slow down the spread of the disease, then you still need to listen to his advice. In most cases, specialists know much better what can help at one stage or another of the cancerous tumor. In addition, the reviews of the doctors themselves about the drug, although contradictory, are similar in one thing - with chemotherapy, there is simply no other adjuvant to be found. "Refnot" is almost non-toxic, has minor side effects, is produced and tested by Russian specialists, has no analogues in the world, which means that there is no reason not to trust it. If there is an appropriate recommendation from the attending physician, then the medicine should be used. Especially when it comes to breast cancer, whichtreated with chemotherapy drugs.