Fungal pharyngitis is a rather severe pathology that is difficult to treat. In order to achieve optimal results, it is very important to detect the nature of the pathology in time. It is necessary to accurately carry out all the doctor's prescriptions.
Under fungal pharyngitis means inflammation of the pharynx. Yeast-like bacteria can be initiating factors. You will learn more about the symptoms, causes and treatment of fungal pharyngitis in adults and children in the article.

The clinical manifestation of pathology consists of acute and chronic forms. They are characterized by the appearance of inflammatory vesicles on the distant wall of the pharyngeal mucosa, tonsils. Acute pharyngitis often changes into a chronic form. The course of pathology is often chronic, the disease worsens a couple of times a year.
The acute form is expressed by a general deterioration in he alth. There is weakness, body temperature gradually rises. Developing, the disease can spread and provoke a runny nose.
Chronic type is not so pronounced. To himaccompanies a sore throat and coughing, no general malaise is noted. But continuous coughing can provoke irritation of the mucous membrane and deliver unpleasant sensations.

In the oral cavity lives a huge number of different bacteria. In a he althy body, all representatives of the microflora interact with each other, maintaining the established balance. In a number of situations, the balance between microorganisms is disturbed, in one direction or another, and in this case, microbial or fungal diseases occur.
Causes of fungal pharyngitis:
- Prolonged, unwise drug use.
- Treatment with immunosuppressants (for example, after organ and tissue transplants).
- Chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
- Taking steroids (anabolic steroids).
- Immunodeficiency of any nature.
The most common factor in the development of fungal pathology is the prolonged and incorrect use of antibiotics. Medicines eliminate both necessary and harmful bacteria, as a result of which various fungal microorganisms are activated and rapidly multiply. A particularly common causative agent of fungal pharyngitis is a fungus of the Candida family, in particular Candida albicans. They belong to relatively pathogenic microorganisms that are part of the normal microflora of the oral cavity.
They have such a name due to the fact that in an amount not exceeding 103 CFU (colony-forming units), they do not stimulate practically any diseases. In listmore than 103 CFU candida provoke fungal pharyngitis / oropharyngomycosis / candidiasis of the oral cavity.

Pharyngomycosis has a standard medical picture. In the acute course of the disease, a complication of the general condition is traced. A person may experience weakness, the temperature rises - in some cases above 39 degrees. As the disease spreads, the patient develops rhinitis. According to the emerging signs, it is possible to determine the disease and immediately consult a doctor.
The most popular indicators of pathology include the following:
- pain when swallowing;
- prickly sensation of dryness in the form of sore throat;
- permanent urge to cough.
Chronic pharyngitis has more than just obvious symptoms. With this disease, there is a continuous sore throat. In some cases, there is a dry cough. At the same time, the general condition remains within the boundaries of generally recognized norms, however, local manifestations increase serious discomfort. As a result, high nervousness and sleep disturbance are formed.
Quite often, a prolonged form of pharyngitis is not considered an independent disease, but becomes one of the indicators of pathologies of the digestive system. Therefore, adults experience discomfort in the intestinal tract and stomach.

In children
Severe pharyngitis in a child has a similar clinical picture. Butto detect pathology, for example, in an infant, is quite difficult. The child, as a rule, is picky, his sleep is disturbed and there is no desire to take food. In young children, the disease has nonspecific manifestations. The features are similar to the medical picture of any cold.
In childhood, malaise for a short period is modified into nasopharyngitis. This is justified by anatomical distinguishing features. As a result, the child develops rhinitis.
In addition, with the development of acute pharyngitis, children begin to cough reflexively. This is due to irritation of the throat. The cough is dry and paroxysmal.

When Pregnant
Pharyngomycosis is dangerous for women during pregnancy. Untimely detection and unprofessional treatment of pathology leads to a detrimental effect. In the early stages of pregnancy, infectious attacks provoke the loss of a child. And in the later ones, early labor activity is likely.
Negative effects are toxic substances released by the fungus during the disease. A pregnant woman should use pharmaceutical preparations with caution. They may include substances that are unsafe for fetal development.
You must adhere to the following recommendations:
- try not to raise their voice;
- gargle every hour;
- drink plenty of warm water;
- exclude spicy and s alty foods, smoked meats;
- take your doctor's prescriptions.
For rinsing it is necessary to use decoctions of medicinal plants - calendula, sage, chamomile. You can also use ready-made preparations. Hexoral is considered a good medicine in the form of a spray.

Significant in the diagnosis of pharyngomycosis is a survey of the patient, during which the doctor must find out what diseases of the pharynx were previously diagnosed, how they proceeded and what kind of therapy was carried out, whether the patient took a long course of corticosteroids or antibiotics, etc.
Detection in the anamnesis of the patient who applied for information about immunosuppressive therapy or about the presence of an aggravated and poorly treatable inflammatory disease of the pharynx from time to time allows the doctor to suspect pharyngomycosis.
Examination of the pharynx and pharyngoscopy reveals infiltration and swelling of the pharynx, damage to its blood vessels, and the presence of deposits on the mucosa. Characteristic of chronic pharyngomycosis is the uneven nature of the reddening of the posterior pharyngeal wall, the identification of hypertrophy of the lateral ridges against the background of subatrophic modifications.
But based on the results of visual examinations of the pharynx, it is impossible to talk for sure about the etiology of the detected changes. For this reason, the laboratory detection of fungi in throat swabs is considered the basis for confirming the diagnosis of pharyngomycosis.
The screening method for diagnosing pharyngomycosis is a microscopic examination of a smear from the tonsils and pharynx. In such a study, it is likelydetection of fungal cells, spores and filaments of pseudomycelium.
Cultural examination of plaques and throat swabs is much more time-consuming than microscopy, but can help determine the type of fungus and their susceptibility to antimycotic agents.
In order to reveal the background conditions of the body that served as a factor in the formation of pharyngomycosis, patients are prescribed a consultation with an immunologist and an endocrinologist, perform immunogenetic and endocrinological examinations, medical tests, RPR analysis for syphilis, determination of blood sugar, a blood test for HIV and markers hepatitis B and C.
Pharingomycosis must be distinguished from enterobacterial pharyngitis, tonsillitis, cancer of the pharynx, diphtheria, syphilis, scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis. In certain situations, the implementation of the differential diagnosis of pharyngomycosis will require additional consultation with an oncologist, venereologist, infectious disease specialist.

To overcome the described pharyngitis is much more difficult than bacterial or viral. Methods for treating the symptoms of fungal pharyngitis, the photo of which is not posted in the article for ethical reasons, should be selected by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease.
Often the patient needs to be treated in a hospital setting. The duration of therapy in a medical institution is determined individually. This usually takes up to fifteen days.
Therapy must be systematic. Drug therapy is focused on the elimination of the causative agent of the disease andstrengthening immunity. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to eliminate exacerbations.
General recommendations
In the absence of special indications, home therapy for pharyngitis is carried out. The following activities are mainly recommended:
- Dry heat on the affected area - for example, a heating pad, a dry bandage.
- Constant rinsing with disinfectant solutions.
- Sucking medical lozenges.
- Frequent and heavy drinking of warm liquids.
- Inhalations.
Medication treatment
In order to overcome fungal pharyngitis, fluconazole-based antimycotic drugs are used - Mikosist, Diflucan, etc. In addition, Nystatin, Natamycin and other medications can be used.
Treatment of fungal pharyngitis is sure to be long enough. There are various treatment regimens. The doctor may prescribe a single dose of 500 mg of fluconazole, and then take 100 mg of the drug for a week.
After the end of the use of antimycotic drugs, it is necessary to take medications that renew the intestinal microflora. They include Linex, Normobact and the like. The patient's menu should certainly include fermented milk products - yogurt, yogurt and kefir.
Local therapy for pharyngitis involves rinsing the mouth. It is most useful to use herbal preparations for this. Powerful antiseptics, such as "Chlorhexidine" and "Miramistin", and in addition, tablets withantibiotics and antiseptics do not need to be used. Such medicines lead to the destruction of the standard flora in the oral cavity. This makes rebalancing difficult. It is possible to classify Bio Blis tablets as more effective medicines. They are a throat probiotic that contains beneficial bacteria.

Preventive measures are based on simple rules:
- Tempering the body.
- Rejection of harmful hobbies.
- Improving immune barriers.
- Performing manipulations to humidify the air.
- Without drinking and eating about an hour before bedtime.
- Frequent replacement of the toothbrush.
In general, fungal pharyngitis is not a dangerous disease today. But with its initial manifestations, it is recommended to immediately begin to take radical actions to combat the pathology. The development of the disease will lead to a deterioration in the general condition, a difficult long-term cure and painful sensations. Having identified an ailment confirmed by the results of the analysis, one should be guided by the doctor's instructions and take preventive measures.