When an abscess appears on the baby's gums, parents begin to get nervous and worry, not knowing what to do. Most often, it is formed due to problems with the teeth.
If nothing is done, the purulent lump will increase and begin to bleed. In addition, the child's gums will swell up, and pain will occur. All this will lead to the development of flux. To avoid such complications, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.
The main causes of purulent bumps on the gums
In medicine, such an abscess is called an abscess. Moreover, it can be observed even in small children. Outwardly, this formation looks like a small bump. Pustules on the gums of a two-year-old child are dangerous, because if they are not treated, the infection will begin to spread. In advanced cases, this condition can even lead to blood poisoning.
Abscesses on the gums of a child, the causes of which are very different, cause many problems. They are formed, as a rule, due to:
- infection in a cyst-like structure that forms at the site of teething;
- damage to the gums with a sharp object;
- poor-quality tooth filling;
- decay of a milk tooth, which led to pulpitis.

How does a purulent bump develop?
In most cases, abscesses on the gums of a child appear due to caries. At an early stage, no symptoms occur, so the infection penetrates into the tooth. When it gets to the root, toxins will begin to penetrate through the tissues, causing swelling of the gums. Since bacteria are the cause, a purulent sac is formed during the inflammatory process, which is soft to the touch.
This swelling is clearly visible on the x-ray, and on it you can also see the area of inflammation in the bone tissue of the tooth. In the absence of proper treatment, the amount of purulent mass inside the formation will increase until it bursts. After that, a hole in the gum will appear at the site of the swelling, connected to the inflammatory focus.
When the inflammation passes, the fistula will heal, but every time the immune system is weakened or the slightest infection, a purulent lump can form again.
Signs of an abscess
Parents begin to worry and worry when they notice an abscess on the child's upper gum. The photo above allows you to see what it is. The symptoms of this disease are very specific. At an early stage in the development of the inflammatory process, the baby may complain of a feeling of fullness and pain in the tooth area. It is at this moment that a red bump appears on the gum, which gradually grows, and pus accumulates in it. With the progression of the inflammatory process, the swelling becomeswhitish, a white abscess appears.
The general well-being of a child during the formation of this formation may worsen: the temperature rises, appetite disappears, anxiety appears. If you do not start treatment at this stage, then as a result of the accumulation of pus, the white bump will burst. After that, the baby will feel relief: the pain will subside, the mood will improve.
However, you should not think that recovery has come, since the purulent focus will remain unsanitized. When the immune system is weakened, the disease can reactivate with the re-formation of a purulent bump. That is why it is so important to see a doctor when you notice an abscess on a child’s gum (the photos presented in the article will tell you what such a formation looks like).

Possible Complications
As already known, a purulent formation on the gums of a baby is an accumulation of infection. With reduced protective functions of the body or untimely treatment, negative consequences may occur:
- development of malocclusion and pathology of the formation of the jaw apparatus;
- death of rudiments of molars;
- permanent complications that lead to premature tooth loss;
- penetration of infection into nearby tissues and organs: eye socket, veins or mediastinum.
Among other things, it is possible to attach pathologies of periodontal tissue (periodontitis). A long process of formation of an abscess can weaken the child's immunity, which can lead to the development of allergies. If pus enters the venoussystem, thrombophlebitis will occur, which can spread to the base of the skull and sinuses.

Even in advanced cases, infection of the skeletal system with the formation of osteomyelitis and septicemia, as well as blood poisoning, is not ruled out. The penetration of infection into the tonsils provokes the appearance of tonsillitis. That is why, as soon as an abscess is found on the gums of a child, do not delay treatment.
How to help a child with such an ailment?
If a child has an abscess on the gum, not everyone knows what to do in such a situation. The first thing to do when you find a bump on the gum is to see a doctor. But before seeking medical help, you can not squeeze, pierce or burn abscesses on the gums of a child. They should not be touched at all, so as not to introduce an additional infection.
You don't need to apply bags of heated s alt or a heating pad to the swelling on the baby's gums. Hot compresses and rinses are also not recommended, as heat will only speed up the spread of bacteria. A child with this problem should not be given any medicines, especially antibacterials.

Oral Care Rules
Be sure to observe hygiene, brush your teeth at least twice a day, use rinses. It is advisable to rinse your mouth with various decoctions of medicinal plants or antiseptic solutions to reduce the number of infections. If the baby has a fever with such inflammation, then you can give himantipyretic drug.
It is recommended to apply ice wrapped in a towel or a bottle of cold water on the child's cheek in the place of purulent formation. It is better to feed him with warm and soft food, so as not to damage the abscess and not cause pain. It is better to give preference to various purees. Drinking plenty of water is also helpful in situations like this.
In case of a critical deterioration in the condition of the baby, you must immediately call an ambulance. In the event that the bump has not burst, it is worth rinsing your mouth with a weak solution of s alt and soda or chamomile infusion. But if it is opened, you can only hold the medicinal decoction in your mouth for a few seconds.
For young children, the solution is injected with a syringe. To do this, the child's face is tilted over the sink or bath and irrigate the sore spot.
How is an abscess on the gums of a child treated?
The first thing to do is to consult a dentist, as only he can assess the condition of the tooth. The specialist will prescribe effective therapy and stop the spread of pus.
It should be noted that the treatment of permanent and milk teeth is slightly different. For example, if an abscess appeared in the area of a milk tooth, the latter is immediately removed. They resort to such a measure due to the fact that it can infect the rudiments of permanent teeth located around it. In addition, the lymph nodes can also be affected. Inflammation in them or tonsils leads to the development of chronic tonsillitis.
Eliminate abscesses on the gums of a child in the following way:
- first the dentist carefullyexamines the area of localization of the bump;
- then he anesthetizes the affected area;
- after these manipulations with special instruments, the doctor opens the abscess;
- then the specialist cleans the cavity from the accumulated purulent mass and treats the affected area with an antiseptic.
If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. If the inflammatory process has gone far, the tooth will most likely be removed.

Prevention of oral diseases
As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. So that purulent sacs do not appear in the child's oral cavity, it is necessary to constantly and carefully carry out hygiene procedures.
Parents will help little children with this, and those who are older should be able to wash themselves and handle the oral cavity. So that abscesses do not appear on the gums of a child, milk teeth should be cleaned from the moment of eruption. Now there are many different means for such purposes.
After feeding babies, always wipe their mouth with a sterile bandage wrapped around their finger. You need to visit the dentist regularly with your child. Did you find an abscess or inflammation on the baby's gums? Start rinsing with special solutions, of course, only after consulting a specialist.

What should I do if a bump appears in the place of an impacted tooth?
A slight swelling on the gums of the baby may occur in a fewweeks before a molar or baby tooth begins to erupt. Inside the abscess is a bluish liquid or completely transparent. Such a bump is formed in extremely rare cases, while it does not pose any danger to the child.
This swelling is not caused by pathological processes, therefore, does not require treatment. Parents of the baby only need to monitor changes in the oral cavity. Such a formation on the gum does not cause discomfort and pain, even if you press on it.
Removal of the lump is resorted to when inflammation begins, although this happens infrequently. The pathological process is indicated by pain in the area of teething, swelling and redness of the oral mucosa, as well as fever.

Cutting a boil
If an abscess bothers the parents, they get rid of it. In such a situation, the dentist, under anesthesia, cuts the cyst and cleans the cavity from the accumulated fluid. Sometimes during the operation, the doctor also removes part of the wall of the bump, after which the tip of the teething canine becomes visible.
Remember that an abscess on the gums of a baby is a very painful formation. In order to prevent surgical intervention, it is necessary to teach a child from an early age to oral hygiene, as well as periodically visit a dental office with him.