Swollen gums in a child: causes and methods of treatment. Diagram of teething

Swollen gums in a child: causes and methods of treatment. Diagram of teething
Swollen gums in a child: causes and methods of treatment. Diagram of teething

Swollen gums in a child often cause him great discomfort and anxiety. It is not only difficult for him to chew, but it is also difficult to speak. It also negatively affects the well-being of the child, and therefore parents need to respond in a timely manner to the problem that has arisen. At the same time, soft tissues can also become inflamed in adults - the problem does not depend on the age of the person.

Toothless childhood
Toothless childhood

In some children swollen gums are accompanied by fever and a number of other symptoms. In this case, it is already easier for parents to understand that something is wrong with the child. At the same time, it is important not only to detect the problem in time, but also to clearly understand what needs to be done. But first, let's look at why the gums can swell.


This dental disease affects a person in childhood, because immunity at this time is still quite weak. This is especially true in cases where daily hygiene is carried out incorrectly, and the menu includes a large number ofcarbohydrates.

Typically, many parents do not pay attention to the fact that the child has white swollen gums, and this should definitely alert them. After a certain period of time, the teeth turn black, pain appears. This indicates that the infection has penetrated into the deep layers of the tissue, and subsequently a serious complication develops - periodontitis.

It manifests itself in the form of swelling of the gums over the affected tooth. A purulent mass accumulates inside it, which can break through soft tissues, which leads to the formation of a fistula.


This is another cause of oral soft tissue swelling in children 5 to 6 years of age. The disease is often accompanied by increased bleeding of the gums. This is especially noticeable when the child eats or performs daily hygiene procedures. There is also pain and bad breath. Often the disease is provoked by bacteria that appear due to tartar.

One reason is caries
One reason is caries

Swollen gums in a child in this case are not uncommon.


This term refers to small painful sores in the mouth. In turn, they can arise due to various factors:

  • too sour or spicy food;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • getting burned;
  • autoimmune reaction.

In addition, the child may accidentally damage the mucous membrane of the mouth, which can also lead to the formation of sores. Fortunately, in most cases, their healingoccurs on its own and can be dispensed with without treatment. But if stomatitis does not go away for a long time, then you need to seek medical help.


Another most common disease among young children. The infection is fungal in nature, which affects the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The disease manifests itself in the form of white spots of a milky hue, which are easily erased. The disease is fully manifested by irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and fever. If a child has swollen gums over a milk tooth, treatment in this case is carried out using antifungal agents.

Oral herpes

Also known as the common cold. Often causes swelling, as well as inflammation in the gums. The causative agent of the infection is herpes simplex, which is easily transmitted through contact with infected people. In addition, the virus is able to spread through the saliva of an infected person. Moreover, the problem may be recurring. However, some people may not show any signs or symptoms.

Proper hygiene is the key to he alth!
Proper hygiene is the key to he alth!

Tellingly, there is no cure for this. Therefore, parents need to be attentive to their child: make sure that he drinks more fluids, natural foods should be present in his diet, acidic and s alty foods should be avoided.


In most cases, a child's gums swell when teething. Often the problem concerns children over the age of 5-6 months. However, there were cases when the gums began to swellin three month old babies. Teeth break through soft tissues, this process causes swelling of the gums. But as soon as milk teeth appear, everything will immediately return to normal. But how exactly does teething occur, and in what way?

Features of teething in children

Often, the process of teething in children causes sleepless nights and anxiety for parents. As a rule, by the age of 2.5 years, a child should have 20 teeth, and no significant changes will occur until 6 years of age. It is desirable for every parent to know this for a clear understanding of the development of the child. By noticing the slightest inconsistencies in a timely manner, many complications can be avoided.

The timing and pattern of teething may vary under the influence of a number of factors:

  • Gender (boy or girl).
  • Child's diet.
  • Medication taking.
  • Maternal nutrition during fetal development.
  • Genetics.

First, the upper lateral incisors appear, then the lower elements will be visible, the rest begin to grow in the reverse order.

Diagram of teething
Diagram of teething

The general schedule for teething can be as follows:

  • aged 6 to 7 months - 2 teeth;
  • 2 months later, 2 more appear;
  • at 10 months of age there are already 6 of them;
  • in the first year of life, the number of teeth increases to 8;
  • after another 90 days there are already 12;
  • from the age of 1.5 years to a year and 8 months, there should be 16 teeth;
  • at 2.5 years old - 20pieces.

When the growth of temporary teeth is stopped, the formation of permanent teeth begins. Parents should not be scared when a child has a tooth and the gums swell during the same period. From a physiological point of view, this is considered normal. In most cases, everything goes away by itself, but as an additional measure, it is still better to give the child herbal decoctions or other special mouthwashes.

In children older than 6 years of age, the process of replacing milk teeth starts, which lasts up to 10-12 years. Their total number is 24. Over the next two years, 4 more teeth grow.

As for the well-known "eights", they appear at the age of 20-25. But for some people, wisdom teeth don't erupt at all.

Eruption order

The term for the formation of the jaws in a child is purely individual. Cases have been recorded when the very first tooth appeared at the stage of intrauterine development. As a rule, the basis for the milk elements is laid as early as the seventh week of pregnancy, and by the fifth month the basis for the bite already begins to form.

Professional approach to the problem
Professional approach to the problem

Each baby has its own teething pattern, however, a general pattern of teething can be identified:

  • First, the incisors appear, and first the medial and only then the lateral.
  • Then the first molars grow in.
  • After the fangs erupt.
  • And finally the second molars.

In this case, all teeth appear in pairs with a lag of 1 or 2month. After the loss of milk teeth, they are replaced by permanent ones according to the same scheme. This indicative information regarding the growth of teeth allows parents to prepare for this process, as well as receive the necessary advice from a specialist.

It is worth noting that in many children this stage is not accompanied by serious complications. Some of them just don't feel the change.


If a child's gums are very swollen, parents need to diagnose - a visual examination is enough. Many characteristic signs accompanying this problem will be found: bleeding of soft tissues, their redness, opening of the neck of the teeth. You should also pay attention to the presence of plaque or calculus.

But the diagnosis can only be made by a pediatrician who, on the basis of clinical studies, will exclude this or that disease.

Treatment Methods

We figured out the causes of swollen gums in babies, as we got acquainted with the process of teething. Now it's time to find out what methods of treatment exist. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused swelling of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Depending on the specific situation, anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics may be used in the treatment.


The child's gums are swollen - what to do? This question is asked by many parents, faced with such a problem in relation to their child. If there is plaque, it must be removed first. This is mostly due to poor hygiene.oral cavity (insufficient cleaning). At first, it still has a soft texture and is fairly easy to remove with a toothbrush. However, over time, it begins to mineralize, turning into hard plaque (tartar). But it just cannot be removed with an ordinary brush.

Professional approach to the problem
Professional approach to the problem

Nevertheless, this must be done for the simple reason that due to its presence in the gum tissues, inflammatory processes begin to develop. The procedure is performed in any dental clinic. Plaque is removed by means of special ultrasonic equipment in combination with polishing brushes. Manipulation does not cause pain to the child.

In addition, when a child has swollen gums over a milk tooth due to plaque, such a procedure should be carried out not only if necessary, but also as a preventive measure.

Drug therapy

To eliminate pain, bleeding gums, hyperemia, swelling and many other symptoms, doctors usually prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. Often rinse aids are used. Among them, the following can be considered effective:

  • "Miramistin" - approved for use by children from 3 years. The rinsing procedure should be carried out daily 3-4 times (duration 30 seconds), no less.
  • "Chlorhexidine" - this solution can be rinsed in the mouth in the morning and evening for 30 seconds. The course is 10 days and is suitable for children of any age.
  • "Tantum Verde" - with swollen gums in a child, thisthe solution must be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1. The course of therapy is 10 days, no more, 2-3 times daily.
  • "Furacilin" - this solution is recommended to be used every 2-3 hours. The effect will be noticeable the next day after application.

You can also cope with the problem with the help of topical preparations. One of these is "Metragil Denta". It should be used to consolidate the result of treatment, applied to the affected areas twice a day. At the same time, after this, food should not be taken for 2 hours, but drinking is allowed. Only suitable for children over 6 years old.

Qualified diagnostics
Qualified diagnostics

"Cholisal" - a gel, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, also has an analgesic effect. And all thanks to the content of active substances in the composition (choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride). This drug can be taken not only to relieve swelling of the gums, but also during teething. After use, it is also not recommended to eat within 2 hours.

Prevention is important and needed

The article discussed what to do when the gums are swollen, and how to remove the swelling. It should be borne in mind that often the cause of swelling of the gums lies in the formation of tartar, which, in turn, is caused by non-compliance with the basic rules of oral hygiene. Therefore, the best treatment is the correct implementation of daily procedures.

Using a good toothbrush and quality toothpaste (with fluoride) will keep your teeth properly cared for. Also atwhen carrying out manipulations, it is worth using a thread, rinsing the mouth with special liquid products, all this brings noticeable benefits.

It is no coincidence that all dentists recommend performing the procedure at least twice a day (morning and evening). Rinse your mouth after every meal. It doesn't take long.

Good habits are instilled from childhood
Good habits are instilled from childhood

In addition, in order to avoid swollen gums in a child, it is mandatory to visit the dentist every year for a preventive examination. This will allow you to monitor the condition of the oral cavity and detect any unwanted changes in a timely manner.
