Eye teeth: rudiments or useful fangs?

Eye teeth: rudiments or useful fangs?
Eye teeth: rudiments or useful fangs?

The period of teething of the first teeth of the baby is still coming, and parents are already beginning to be interested in questions about the future eye teeth of their crumbs and the symptoms of their teething. Due to the fact that the topic “eye teeth” seems very complicated and incomprehensible, especially for parents who are inexperienced in this matter, and everything that they have heard or read about this pops up in their memory, the situation in the family begins to heat up. You must immediately decide that these teeth and eyes are completely unrelated to each other. Therefore, even if it becomes necessary to remove them (teeth), this will not affect visual acuity in any way.

Let's try to figure it out: what are eye teeth? How can they be distinguished from the rest, and what to do if the little one has this problem?

Teeth like diamonds

The eye teeth (or fangs) are the strongest and strongest human teeth. As a rule, each person has two pairs of fangs - on the top andlower jaw. They are the point that completes the frontal group of teeth. Eye teeth are a kind of frame for the circular muscles of the mouth.

eye teeth
eye teeth

Nature ordered in such a way that they, unlike chewing ones, are practically not subject to caries; there are no depressions or pits on their surface, so any food does not linger on them. In appearance, the canines are elongated, the crown is spear-shaped, the dentin layer is thicker than that of the rest of the teeth.

The order of appearance "on the light"

Eye teeth in babies are cut with quite painful sensations. Babies may develop symptoms of a runny nose and even have a fever. The incisors, which are located on the lower jaw in the center, appear first in the little ones. Following them are the central and lateral incisors in the upper jaw, and the lateral incisors in the lower jaw.

What are eye teeth?
What are eye teeth?

The eye teeth, which can be seen in many books on babies and their he alth, erupt after the upper and lower first molars have appeared. Usually, the teeth begin to "be born" according to a certain pattern. But it happens that the child's mouth begins to be enriched with them in a completely different sequence.

Does it hurt?

Pain is experienced by all the little ones. This does not depend on the order in which their teeth are cut. Kids immediately become restless, sleep poorly, their appetite decreases. There may be a rise in temperature and even a rash on the skin. Paincan be alleviated by buying special gels at the pharmacy that have the ability to relieve the inflammatory process and stop pain in the child.

Eruption terms

Both the order and timing of teething for all children can be completely different. Some of the babies have their first teeth already at 5 months, some at 9, some have snow-white incisors in their mouths only by the year. The main part of pediatricians is sure that moms and dads should not worry, because there is no certain norm. Everything is individual here.

eye teeth photo
eye teeth photo

But on average, the central incisors appear first in the lower, and then in the upper jaws when the baby reaches from six months to 9 months. By the first year of life, the lateral incisors gradually erupt: first the upper ones, then the lower ones. From a year to a year and three months, the first molars appear - above and below. And only then - at 16-22 months - you can see the eye teeth. Which ones? These are the fangs of the upper jaw, which erupt in those places where the ophthalmic nerves lie. Because of this, it may happen that babies during this period will have severe lacrimation. Another important point: since the optic nerve is responsible for the connection of the upper jaw of the little one with the central nervous system, the growth of fangs is quite painful for both the baby and his parents.

Symptoms of fangs

The first thing a mother should pay attention to when a baby should have eye teeth is a runny nose and watery eyes. Due to the fact that the baby is constantly crying, he maystart conjunctivitis. The temperature can often rise - up to 38oC. During this period, the gums swell and redden in the little one, salivation is very strong, the gums itch and hurt. The kid, trying to cope with this on his own, pulls into his mouth everything that he can reach with his hands. Children have pain in the nose and ears. Common symptoms include diarrhea and indigestion. Parents are advised to carefully monitor the he alth of the baby and his well-being, because the body is weakened these days, therefore, infection may develop.

eruption of eye teeth
eruption of eye teeth

If these symptoms are present when the eye teeth erupt, it is necessary to determine what exactly one has to face, because other diseases have similar symptoms. Therefore, the best way to know the correct diagnosis is to show the baby to the doctor.

Help the little one

To help the baby cope with such a difficult task for him as teething of the eye teeth, and to alleviate his suffering, a mother can purchase a silicone teether specially designed for this purpose at the pharmacy. You just need to cool it a little in the refrigerator and give the baby to chew.

teething in children
teething in children

You can also offer your child a slice of cool banana, dry bread or a terry towel. A gum massage is also suitable, during which you can apply chamomile oil, anesthetic gel or bee honey (if there is no allergy). You can apply compresses with a decoction of medicinal herbs. But it's forbidden to giveaspirin, analgin. When the teething of the eye teeth occurs in children and the temperature rises, the maximum that can be used is paracetamol syrup or suppositories. And only after talking with the doctor.
