Candidiasis stomatitis is a kind of fungal diseases that cause a lot of problems and inconvenience to a sick person. Pathology is localized on the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx and tongue. Very often this problem appears in children, since they still do not have very strong immunity. However, in adults, the presented disease is also common.

Candidiasis stomatitis appears due to the development of a yeast fungus. Weakened immunity, prolonged use of antibiotics or other drugs, infectious diseases of the teeth, caries, or trauma to the mucous membrane can provoke its reproduction. In addition, the cause of the growth of the fungus can be a rather large level of sugar in the blood. It should be noted that the lack of treatment contributes to a strong spread of pathology.
Candidiasis stomatitis requires the mandatory intervention of a doctor, as it can be a sign of more complex diseases (for example, Sjögren's syndrome). It should be noted that the presented pathology is contagious and can be transmitted through contact.with the carrier or through objects that the patient picked up. The symptoms of this disease are quite simple:
- dryness and itching in the mouth;

- white plaque, if removed, small bleeding sores are found under it;
- discomfort that prevents a person from eating normally.
Candidiasis stomatitis requires serious treatment. First of all, it is necessary to establish a diet so that it is enriched with vitamins and minerals. It is advisable at this time to take immunostimulating drugs that will stimulate the defenses to stop the growth of the fungus. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity: regularly brush and treat teeth, as well as rinse with various antimicrobial agents.

Candidiasis stomatitis in adults should be treated in much the same way as in children. That is, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with various antiseptic decoctions of herbs (calendula, oak bark, chamomile). It is also advisable to wipe the affected areas with an aqueous solution of boric acid or baking soda. The fact is that the fungus is afraid of an alkaline environment. As for the duration of the procedures, it can be completely different and depends on the degree of development of the disease, its prevalence and localization.
Doctors usually prescribe local remedies for treatment: lubrication of wounds with methylene blue, as well as antifungal ointments ("Candide"). After the symptoms of the disease have been eliminated,carry out the procedure for a few more days for a complete recovery. In principle, the full course of treatment is often approximately two weeks.
If you do not know how to treat candidal stomatitis, it is better to consult a doctor. Self-selection of drugs can aggravate the situation. Moreover, in addition to the ointment, you may be prescribed other antifungal medications that need to be taken orally. They are prescribed in the event that the fungus has entered the stomach. There are also special preparations in the form of lozenges. In very difficult cases, even injections may be prescribed to the patient.