Herpetic stomatitis is a problem that often occurs in modern medical practice. The causative agent of this disease is the herpes virus, which, in fact, is evidenced by its name. According to statistics, most often this form of the disease is diagnosed among children. Therefore, many are interested in questions about what are the causes and symptoms of this disease.
Herpetic stomatitis: main causes

As you know, stomatitis in this case is an infectious disease, accompanied by lesions of the oral mucosa. The herpes virus is transmitted along with saliva, so the most common household route of infection is when sharing dishes, towels, toys and other items. It is worth noting that this infection is extremely common - statistics confirm that most of the world's population is affected by this virus.
On the other hand,The penetration of viral particles into the body does not mean at all that a person will get sick. Here the state of the immune system is of great importance. That is why herpetic stomatitis is most often found in children whose immunity is still being formed. In addition, risk factors include other acute or chronic diseases that weaken the body's defenses, as well as beriberi, malnutrition, hypothermia, stress, hormonal disruptions.
Herpetic stomatitis: photos and symptoms
Most often, stomatitis begins with the appearance of the usual signs of intoxication - body temperature rises, nearby lymph nodes increase, a person complains of weakness and fatigue. The soft tissues of the oral cavity swell and acquire a reddish tint. In the future, the mucous membrane becomes covered with a characteristic vesicular rash. When herpetic vesicles open, wounds and sores form in their place.

Herpetic stomatitis is accompanied by pain and itching. It is difficult for a sick person to talk, swallow, eat and drink. In some cases, ulcers spread to the skin of the lips, often affecting the mucous membrane of the larynx.
If untreated, the development of a chronic form of the disease is possible. Such stomatitis is accompanied by damage to the membrane of the tongue, cheeks and lips - not small sores are formed on them, but very large areas of erosion.
Herpetic stomatitis and methods of their treatment
Of course, the first thing to do is to see a doctor. Only a specialist can supplydiagnosis of acute herpetic stomatitis. Treatment for this disease includes both general and local therapy.

To begin with, the patient is prescribed special gels or solutions for the treatment of the oral mucosa. For this purpose, the tool "Stomatidin", "Yoddicerin" and other drugs that have antiseptic properties and, in addition, reduce pain are used. The appearance of open sores sometimes contributes to the activation of a bacterial infection - in this case, additional antibiotics are required. In addition, doctors prescribe ointments with an antiviral effect - most often these are drugs containing interferon.
It is worth noting that the patient should be isolated, since the herpes virus is extremely contagious - he must have his own dishes, hygiene items, towels. It is important to monitor the patient's diet - food should be liquid, not hot, but not cold, not contain s alt and hot spices that irritate the mucous membrane and only aggravate well-being. After each meal, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with boiled water or chamomile decoction.