There is no such person who does not care about his appearance. An important detail that affects the attractiveness is the condition of the oral cavity, or rather the front teeth.
When you have problems with your teeth, you need to contact the appropriate specialist. Dentistry in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov and other cities of our country is quite affordable. You just need to choose the preferred method of treatment. One of the highest quality and relatively affordable types of prosthetics is cermet (on the front teeth), reviews of which leave no room for doubt in the choice.
Let's consider this process in more detail.
Basic concepts
Many dentists use a design consisting of a metal base, on which a special coating is applied, for prosthetics of damaged teeth. This is the cermet. A photo of the results of this type of prosthetics is located below. There are many varieties of crowns, for the manufacture of which certain alloys are used.

To meet all the requirements, metal-ceramic prostheses are made on the basis of chromium alloys with cob alt or nickel. In special cases, for example, at the personal request of the patient, various combinations of precious metals can be used: platinum and gold. By the way, their use allows you to achieve maximum resemblance to he althy teeth.
However, such technologies greatly affect how much ceramic-metal costs in the end, since the final amount includes not only the salary of the prosthetist, but also the cost of purchasing materials.
Despite this, you should not stop at too cheap options, because the beauty and dazzling shine of your smile will depend on the final result. Metal ceramics, the price of which is lower and the quality is worse, will differ in color from the rest of the teeth, which will not add to your pleasure from contemplating your own reflection in the mirror.
Features of prosthetics
Before we turn to a description of the positive and negative aspects of metal-ceramic prostheses, as well as to a story about the procedure for the procedure itself, let's dwell on some features that will be of interest.
Given that during a conversation and when smiling, the front row of teeth is always in sight, their appearance should be impeccable. Therefore, despite the high cost, it is recommended to manufacture metal ceramics based on alloys containing gold and platinum.
The varieties of chromium compounds described above have a grayish color, therefore, when a stronglight (for example, on a sunny summer day), the cermet will have a somewhat unnatural shade.
In addition, there is a possibility of darkening of the gum tissue under the implant, since these metals, although slowly, but oxidize. Of course, you can replace chromium with titanium, because it does not react with oxygen. However, its color also leaves much to be desired.
Gold has the closest natural color, therefore it is quite acceptable for use in prosthetics. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the prosthesis, which, however, fully corresponds to the quality received.
- The best effect can be achieved when metal-ceramic is used for prosthetics of two, three or four front row teeth in a row. First of all, the use of the bridge allows you to reduce the cost of the work performed by almost an order of magnitude. In addition, possible differences in the shades of the glaze covering the artificial organ and the colors of the enamel will not be evident when talking, since the teeth included in the prosthesis are arranged symmetrically.
- It is necessary to control that the preparation of the organs of the oral cavity of the anterior row, performed during their preparation for prosthetics, is carried out with strict observance of the necessary technology.
First of all, the lateral surfaces of the teeth in contact with neighboring (he althy) organs are subject to treatment. After that, the so-called support platforms with vertical surfaces are created (they look like small ledges). At the final stage, a supporting surface is formed, which looks like a smallgroove, barely protruding above the surface of the gums. By the way, it is absolutely necessary for prosthetics without depulpation. The very last phase is the treatment of the surface turned towards the tongue.
Pros of technology

If a patient has problems with their teeth, various technologies are used to treat them, only one of which is cermet. Prosthetics using this technique allows you to achieve maximum similarity in color of the artificial structure and natural enamel. The greatest effect is achieved when several teeth are to be treated at once.
Because metal-ceramic dental bridges and prostheses made of the same material are more often used in the treatment of the anterior row of teeth. Artificial teeth will give your smile a natural and attractive look.
Dentistry in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of our country widely uses the described technology. Among other things, the latter has many other advantages (which echo the reviews):
- Ensures that the color of the prosthesis matches the shade of the natural tooth enamel as closely as possible (as already mentioned above), which allows you to achieve the most aesthetic end result.
- If this technology is used to insert teeth (cermet), its price is quite affordable, and they will last for a very long time - at least 10 years.
- The shape of the finished dental structure repeats the outline of the tooth with 100% accuracy.
- Prostheses and bridge fromcermets are not destroyed during operation, they have increased reliability and strength.
- Installation technique and required equipment are available at most dental clinics.
Some nuances
Metal ceramics for the front teeth, reviews of which are mostly positive, have some drawbacks. Here are some of them:
- There is a need for the so-called depulpation of the affected organs, which naturally reduces their service life and reduces overall reliability.
- Before installing the prosthesis, mandatory procedures are performed to prepare teeth for metal ceramics: preparation and resizing on each side.
- If ceramic-metal is used for dental treatment, in this case, prosthetics should be carried out using high-quality materials that completely eliminate the occurrence of allergic reactions.
- There is a danger of developing an inflammatory process if dentistry, in which prosthetics were performed in violation of the procedure, did not take care of carefully observing all prescribed precautions.

Metal ceramics on implants
What should I say here? If you have bad teeth, there is another way to use the described prosthetics. This is a long-used technique for placing metal-ceramic coatings on pre-installed implants. This method, among other things, allows you to restore the aesthetics andthe integrity of the anterior teeth in case of insufficient bone tissue, which is needed under normal conditions.
Previously, it was believed that if metal-ceramics are used for treatment, prosthetics with a metal alloy are not necessary. However, now it is used only in conjunction with a special implant that replaces the natural tooth root.
This kind of aesthetic restoration is used in several varieties:
- as a single prosthesis placed on an artificial root;
- as a bridge, which includes several crowns (their number, however, should not exceed 5 pieces);
- like a prosthesis that can be easily removed if necessary.
The question arises why metal-ceramic is sprayed onto the installed implants. The fact is that it is very difficult to use only this new material for the production of artificial tooth roots: it is easily destroyed and can crumble already in the oral cavity. However, it allows you to achieve the best aesthetic result, for which it is appreciated.
That's why this combination was created to achieve the necessary strength and give the smile a "Hollywood" shine.
Pre-installation step
Before proceeding directly to fixing the prosthesis, teeth for metal-ceramic must be carefully prepared. During the initial visit to a specialist, the following activities are carried out.
- X-ray examination. In the picture, the dentist immediately detects foci of inflammation, as well as possible negativeprocesses occurring in places previously treated. All existing pathologies must be eliminated if you decide to insert teeth in this way (cermet, the price of which does not include preliminary procedures, is mounted only on an absolutely he althy organ).
- At the preparatory stage, among other things, the issue of using the so-called stump tab should be resolved. Its use is indicated in the case when the dentist has established a significant destruction of the diseased tooth. In half of the cases of seeking help, an appropriate pin is installed before building an organ (with the exception of molars).
- Depulpation. This process must be carried out before dental crowns are placed. Reviews about this procedure are different and depend on the clinic where the prosthetics is performed. Currently, there are techniques that allow you to install a crown on a tooth with a nerve.

Final procedures
Subsequently, the cermet itself is installed. The service life of the finished prosthesis depends on the quality of all the main procedures. They include such processes.
- Turning all the necessary organs of the oral cavity. The quality of this process directly affects the number of years during which the installed cermet will remain. Photos of finished teeth are presented in the article.
- Making the prosthesis itself (crown). It is produced in special production laboratories. Based on special casts made in advance by the dentist,which specializes in cermets for the anterior teeth. Reviews (positive or negative) about the quality of the work performed will depend on how correctly the samples for prosthetics were taken.
- For the period of time between the creation of the impression and the installation of the prosthesis (in order to protect the treated tooth), a temporary crown made of plastic is installed here. Among other things, this allows you to maintain the aesthetics of the oral cavity during a conversation.
- In addition to materials, the shade of the finished prosthesis is subject to careful selection. It is selected individually, taking into account the color of the enamel of adjacent teeth. Metal ceramics, the price of which is more significant, allows you to reproduce all the necessary semitones with the highest accuracy.
- Before applying the final layer of coating, the resulting crown is tried on. This allows you to make additional adjustments to the size of the prosthesis.
- After the final fit, it's time for the glaze application.
- Fixing the prosthesis in place is carried out using special adhesives that guarantee a secure fixation of the finished structure in the oral cavity.
Installation of cermet without pulp removal
Currently, technologies that allow the installation of a metal-ceramic crown on a tooth that has not been subject to depulpation are gaining popularity.
This process is longer and laborious, but it has some advantages over conventional prosthetics.
cermet prosthetics A living organ (that is, a tooth in which nerves are preserved) is much better than a pulpless one. The latter after a certain time becomes very fragile. After a few years, the organ treated in this way can break along with the ceramic-metal covering it. Largely because of this, specialists insert pins from various materials into the treated teeth before prosthetics. This procedure is indicated in most cases, with the exception of prosthetics of large chewing teeth (molars). The amount of bone tissue in them already allows you to securely fix the manufactured prosthesis.
- A tooth with preserved nerves is better able to resist negative environmental influences. For example, caries is very rarely diagnosed in such organs.
- If the depulpation procedure is abolished, the cost of prosthetic work decreases. After all, the procedure for getting rid of the dental nerve qualitatively requires considerable financial costs. In addition, work on the installation of an internal pin is not paid, since the metal-ceramic crown is put on without it.
- Among other things, this type of prosthetics allows you to observe the fundamental principle of medicine "do no unnecessary harm."
- Preservation of the nerve makes it possible not to violate the principle of reversibility, because it is not possible to return the mortified organ back.
Features of prosthetics without depulpation
The advantages of the method are obvious, but the prosthetics themselves are fraught with certain difficulties. Let's take a look at some of the distinguishing features.
Pretreatment is done with a large amount of liquid. The work is carried out slowly and with short interruptions, while local anesthesia is used. This is done so as not to expose the dental nerve to elevated temperatures. It is also important to observe the following requirements:
● use a special tip for the tool;
● the bur for processing should only be new. If the cutting surface has already been used, the tooth tissue is not cut off immediately, in as a result, the nerve heats up and may die from adverse external influences.
teeth for cermet - At the end of processing, it is necessary to apply a special protective coating. Otherwise, the nerve may be infected with infectious agents, which will require its removal before prosthetics.
- Immediately after the preparation of the tooth, during the same treatment session, temporary plastic crowns are made and installed. This allows not only to preserve the aesthetics of your oral cavity when talking with others, but also to create additional protection for the nerve.
- Plastic protective caps are fixed with a special cement mortar containing antiseptic preparations.
It should be noted once again that during prosthetics without tooth depulpation, treated organs should not be left unprotected, as this can cause many serious complications that will require additional treatment in the future.
Tooth treatment method
Whenthe installation of a metal-ceramic prosthesis does not provide for depulping, its preliminary turning should be carried out only with a circular ledge.
This method requires a lot of time, expensive materials and modern tools. Often, a microscope or special fiber optics is used for a better result.
Prosthetic care
How long and how successfully the ceramic-metal prostheses delivered by the dentist will serve you very much, the correct measures for caring for them.
This process is quite simple and not much different from how you looked after your teeth since childhood.
Features of metal-ceramic crowns on the front teeth allow them to chew any food without restrictions. It is very important to clean your dentures in the morning and evening with non-abrasive toothpastes. To get rid of food debris stuck between dentures, it is recommended to use special dental floss.
In addition, after breakfasts, lunches, afternoon snacks, snacks, dinners and other meals, you need to rinse your mouth with a special compound or just clean water.
In some cases, complications associated with the appearance of inflammation in the gums are possible. It is very important to monitor them and, with the slightest deviation, visit the dentist to determine the causes of the violation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Danger signs should beattributed to:
- bleeding;
- edema;
- foci of inflammation.
To prevent this condition, you can use any products sold in pharmacies.
Possible Complications
Like any other medical intervention in the functioning of the human body, dental prosthetics using cermet can cause complications. We list the main disorders diagnosed most often.
- Inflammation of the gums. Pathology can be caused by a crown that was installed in violation of the recommended procedure or hygiene requirements were not observed. More often, the inflammatory process occurs in the place where a poor-quality prosthesis has a traumatic effect on the tissues of the oral cavity. The method of disposal is the complete replacement of an incorrectly installed artificial tooth.
- Blueness of gum tissue. Usually in this way the body reacts to the metal elements that are part of the design of the prosthesis. In addition to the unaesthetic appearance, the described symptoms do not cause other harm to the body.
- The difference in shades between the surface of the installed denture and the enamel of a he althy organ. To avoid such cases, the cermet specialist must be very careful in choosing the color of the material.
- The manifestation of the metal base under the ceramic layer. Sometimes it occurs in patients who underwent prosthetics of a single tooth. In the case when several organs in the oral cavity are to be replaced, unaestheticthe base will not be visible anyway.
- Discomfort and pain in the mouth. Most often, such a clinical picture passes quickly, however, with relapses, prolonged or acute pain, you should visit a dental clinic, where they will diagnose the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Prosthetic cost
So, what is the price of installing ceramic-metal crowns on bad teeth. It varies and depends on many factors.
- The cost of a prosthesis made from high-quality Japanese or German materials using an alloy of cob alt and chromium will be at least 6,000 rubles for one prosthesis. This price includes the work of a highly qualified dentist.
- In the event that the choice is made in favor of Russian or Belarusian consumables, the price does not exceed 4000–4500 rubles.
- If an alloy of gold with palladium or platinum is used for the base of the denture, the cost increases to 9,000 rubles. At the same time, the price of gold is not included and is calculated separately, based on the amount of material spent. In total, be prepared to pay about 15,000-17,000 rubles for a prosthesis.
- The cost of protective plastic caps used as a temporary means of protecting treated teeth from inflammation is calculated separately and ranges from 800 to 1200 rubles.
Despite the seeming high cost, you get a fairly high-quality prosthesis that will serve you for many years.
The described method of prosthetics is one of the most common. Its cost is quite affordable, and the result pleases not only with quality, but also with excellent appearance. The main thing is to choose a specialist who will perform prosthetics, taking into account all the requirements. The result will be high-quality cermets for the front teeth. Reviews of this type of treatment leave no room for doubt.