The mere thought of lice leads to numbness and disgust. This is a rather unpleasant disease that can befall anyone. Parasites on the hair are very unpleasant, but sometimes pubic lice can appear on the eyelashes and eyebrows, which causes even more fear and disgust.

Reasons for appearance
Phthiriasis, in which eyelashes and eyebrows are affected, is a rare disease. The manifestation of its initial symptoms goes unnoticed, which contributes to the spread of lice. There are several reasons why parasite infestation occurs.
Direct contact
The most common way is through direct contact with an infected person. Most often this happens during sexual intercourse. Such lice are able to move quickly through the body, moving higher, including on eyelashes and eyebrows. Infection can also occur when shaking hands with a sick person.
When pediculosis occurs in the pubic area, the infected person experiences unbearable itching, as a result of which he constantlyscratches the affected area. This leads to the accumulation of lice eggs and adult insects under the nails. After that, it is enough to rub your eyes to move the parasites to the eyelashes and eyebrows.

Using someone else's stuff
Infection with lice is also possible when sharing objects with a sick person, such as a hat or bed linen. In addition, you can get infected by using mascara testers in the cosmetics store. Infection also occurs in public places. For example, such places are a swimming pool or a sauna. This type of lice infestation is extremely rare, but precautions should be taken.

They are not easy to get rid of
Lice larvae are characterized by the highest degree of viability than adult parasites. They are able to remain viable for over a week. Infection can occur even through washed clothes. Parasites attach to eyebrow hairs and eyelashes due to the stickiness of the component they secrete. Therefore, they cannot even be washed off with running water.
How to get rid of lice?
The process of eliminating lice when they occur on eyelashes and eyebrows is very laborious. After the parasites enter the body, they attach to the skin. At the same time, the insect begins to feed on the blood of a sick person and secrete a special component that provokes the development of infection and the appearance of severe itching. After that, a secret remains in the wound that prevents clottingblood, and therefore the bite does not heal for a long time. With an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wounds, an increase in the number of infected foci that can lead to inflammation of the conjunctiva occurs. A safe way to solve the problem of lice on eyelashes and eyebrows is to cut the hair completely. In addition, phthiriasis is treated in the following ways.

Chemical method
The chemical method of treatment is carried out using special creams and ointments, which are prescribed by an ophthalmologist. The following anti-pediculosis drugs are used:
- Medifox.
- "Pedilin".
- "Nittifor".
- "Permethrin".
- "Nike".
Drugs should be applied to the infected area with gentle movements. When processing eyelashes, it is necessary to avoid getting the drug into the eyes, since such agents are distinguished by their aggressiveness and are dangerous for the eyes. Before starting the application procedure, the product must be diluted in warm boiled water in proportions 1:1.
Chemical agents must be applied with a cotton swab. The application is made according to the growth of hairs. The average duration of the procedure is 30 minutes, after which the applied agent should be washed off under running water. These preparations contain one active ingredient and require re-treatment of the infected area after 7 days to consolidate the effect achieved.

In addition to aggressive medications, mercury and sulfur ointments can be effective in the fight against eyelash lice.
Before applying medicinal ointments, it is required to pre-treat the hairline with petroleum jelly. Next, using a cotton swab, the ointment is applied to the eyelid. To achieve the effect, it is required to carry out this procedure up to 5 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 1 month. It is forbidden to use products containing vinegar or kerosene, due to the danger they pose to the eye area. To speed up the healing process, other areas of the hairline that are inhabited by parasites should also be treated.

Mechanical method
The mechanical way to get rid of lice is good because it is completely safe. To solve the problem of phthiriasis, a special comb is used, with the help of which the parasites are combed out. The disadvantage of this method is the duration of the combing process. You need to do the procedure every day for two weeks. Combing should be repeated until complete removal of eggs and adult parasites from the infected area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelashes and eyebrows is achieved. In addition to combing with a comb, tweezers can be used to control lice.
Before you start the procedure, lubricate your eyebrows and eyelashes with petroleum jelly - this will slow down the insect. Then, with the help of tweezers, each larva and parasite is removed. Not recommendedindependently carrying out such a procedure, it is better to seek help from a loved one. When removing parasites mechanically, make sure that the parasites or their fluid does not get into the eyes. Otherwise, the hit will contribute to the development of conjunctivitis.
Additional measures
During the treatment of lice on the eyelashes, the photo of which is presented above, it is necessary to process the linen of an infected person: both bedding and underwear. Soak it in hot water before washing for 1-2 hours. Subsequent washing should be carried out at maximum temperature with the addition of washing powder or detergent. When the washed linen is dry, heat treatment should be carried out with an iron, ironing the linen on both sides. Items for personal use that the infected person has in daily use should be treated with antiseptic agents. After the bed linen and clothes are washed and ironed, they can be additionally treated with some preparation, the action of which is aimed at the destruction of insect larvae (A-par aerosol, etc.). In addition to treating the problem of lice on eyelashes and eyebrows, preventive measures should also be followed.

Prevention rules
To prevent the development of lice on the eyelashes of a child and an adult, it is recommended to follow some rules:
- Compliance with hygiene. Regular showering, bathing and washing allow you to notice the appearance of lice and start treatment in a timely manner.
- Use extra precautions when in public areas.
- Washing hands and treating areas of the body through which contact with strangers could cause infection.
- Do not share hygiene items.
- Avoid contact with the infected.