Oral diseases in adults. Oral diseases and their treatment

Oral diseases in adults. Oral diseases and their treatment
Oral diseases in adults. Oral diseases and their treatment

Each of us dreams of beautiful snow-white teeth, but, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a Hollywood smile. Today, dentists are increasingly diagnosing various diseases of the oral cavity in adults. The most common types of ailments, as well as their causes and methods of treatment, will be considered in the article.


The human oral cavity performs a variety of specific functions. Almost all pathological processes in it are closely interconnected with diseases of various systems and human organs.

Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity can develop due to:

  • unsupervised antibiotic treatment;
  • eating too spicy and hot food, alcoholic beverages, smoking;
  • various infections;
  • dehydration;
  • vitaminosis of various types;
  • pathologies of internal organs and systems;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • genetic predisposition.

Onthe picture below shows an example of an oral disease (the photo shows what stomatitis looks like).

oral diseases photo
oral diseases photo

In the normal state, the oral cavity is inhabited by microorganisms, which are classified as opportunistic pathogens. Under the influence of negative factors, certain types of microflora increase their virulence and become pathogenic.

Oral diseases: classification and treatment

Diseases that occur in the human mouth can be divided into infectious-inflammatory, viral and fungal. Let us consider in more detail each of the types of pathology and the main methods of therapy.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

Infectious diseases of the oral cavity in adults is the most common problem today, which leads to the dentist, otolaryngologist or general practitioner. Pathologies related to this species are:

  • Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat. Basically, the disease is manifested by symptoms such as discomfort, perspiration and severe sore throat. Pharyngitis can develop due to inhalation of cold or dirty air, various chemicals, tobacco smoke. Also, the cause of the disease is often an infection (pneumococcus). Often the disease is accompanied by general malaise, fever. The disease is diagnosed by a general examination and a swab from the throat. Antibiotics for the treatment of pharyngitis are used in rare cases. As a rule, it is enough to follow a special diet, do hot foot baths, apply warm compresses on the neck,inhalation, rinsing, drinking warm milk with honey.

  • Glossitis is an inflammatory process that changes the structure and color of the tongue. The cause of the disease are infections of the oral cavity. Glossitis can develop as a result of a burn of the tongue, trauma to the tongue and oral cavity, all this is a “pass” for infection. Also at risk are lovers of alcoholic beverages, spicy foods, mouth fresheners. Of course, the risk of glossitis is higher for those who neglect the rules of hygiene and do not take good care of the oral cavity. At the first stage, the disease is manifested by burning, discomfort, later the tongue becomes bright red, salivation increases, taste sensations become dull. Treatment of glossitis should be prescribed by a dentist. Therapy consists in taking medications, the main ones are drugs such as Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt, Actovegin, Furacilin, Fluconazole.

    oral diseases in adults
    oral diseases in adults
  • Gingivitis is manifested by inflammation of the gum mucosa. This disease is quite common among adolescents and pregnant women. Gingivitis is divided into catarrhal, atrophic, hypertrophic, ulcerative necrotic. Catarrhal gingivitis is manifested by redness and swelling of the gums, their itching and bleeding. With atrophic gingivitis, a person reacts sharply to cold and hot food, the level of the gums decreases, the tooth becomes exposed. Hypertrophic gingivitis is characterized by an increase in the gingival papillae, which begin to cover part of the tooth, in addition, the gumspainful and bleeding slightly. A sign of ulcerative necrotic gingivitis is the appearance of ulcers and necrotic areas, and the disease is also manifested by bad breath, severe soreness, general weakness, fever, swollen lymph nodes. get rid of this problem in a short time. In addition, the specialist will give recommendations regarding oral hygiene, following which you can avoid the occurrence of such a disease in the future. For the treatment of catarrhal gingivitis, decoctions of medicinal plants are used (oak root, sage, chamomile flowers, marshmallow root). With atrophic gingivitis, treatment involves the use of not only medications (vitamin C, B vitamins, hydrogen peroxide), but also physiotherapeutic procedures such as electrophoresis, darsonvalization, vibration massage. Therapy of hypertrophic gingivitis consists in the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Salvin, Galascorbin) and antibacterial agents of natural origin (Tanin, Heparin, Novoimanin). In the treatment of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, antihistamines and medications such as Pangeksavit, Trypsin, Terrilitin, Iruxol and others are used.

    treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa
    treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa
  • Stomatitis is the most common infectious disease of the oral cavity. The causes of infection in the body can be different,such as mechanical injury. Penetrating, the infection forms characteristic ulcers. They affect the inner surface of the lips and cheeks, the root of the tongue. Ulcers are single, shallow, round, with smooth edges, the center is covered with a film, the wounds are usually very painful.

    Stomatitis often develops in the throat. The disease is manifested by painful sensations when swallowing, itching, swelling, perspiration. A disease can occur due to a variety of reasons: a burn of the mucous membrane, poor-quality processing of the filling, taking certain medications (hypnotics, anticonvulsants, some types of antibiotics). Stomatitis in the throat can be confused with manifestations of the common cold. But on examination, white-yellow sores formed on the tongue or tonsils are found. Treatment of the disease involves the use of special toothpastes and mouth rinses that do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. Anesthetics are used to relieve soreness of ulcers. To gargle, use a solution of hydrogen peroxide, an infusion of calendula or chamomile using medicines such as Tantum Verde, Stomatidine, Givalex.

Drug treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa must be combined with a special diet based on semi-liquid food, in addition, it is recommended to stop eating spicy, too s alty and hot food.

oral diseases classification
oral diseases classification

Viral diseases

Viral diseases of the oral cavity in adults are caused by papillomavirushuman and herpes virus.

  • Herpes is one of the most common ailments. According to scientists, 90% of all inhabitants of our planet are infected with herpes. Quite often, the virus in the body is located in a latent form. In a person with strong immunity, it can manifest itself as a small pimple on the lip, which dies off within 1-2 weeks without any outside help. If a person has weakened the body's defenses, herpes manifests itself much more significantly. Stress, surgery, colds, lack of sleep, cold, wind, menstruation can activate the virus.

    Herpes develops gradually. Initially, there is itching and a tingling sensation on the lips and adjacent tissues, after the lips swell, become red, there is soreness that interferes with speaking or eating. Further, single bubbles or their whole groups appear. After some time, these bubbles begin to burst and turn into small ulcers, they are covered with a hard crust that cracks. Gradually, the ulcers disappear, the pain and redness subside. At the first manifestations of herpes, it is recommended to moisten the lips with special balms and apply ice to them. The bubbles that appear should be lubricated with a special ointment that can be purchased at a pharmacy, for example, Penciclovir.

  • Papillomas can occur on different parts of the body. A certain type of virus causes the development of papilloma in the oral cavity. White plaques appear in the mouth, looking like cauliflower. This disease can be localized in the throat and becomecause hoarseness and difficulty breathing. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of the human papillomavirus, therapy is aimed only at eliminating the clinical manifestations of the disease.

Fungal diseases

Fungal diseases of the oral cavity are quite common. Half of the world's population are inactive Candida carriers. It is activated when the body's defenses are weakened. There are several types of candidiasis (a disease caused by Candida).

The disease manifests itself with dryness and white coating on the inside of the cheeks and lips, on the back of the tongue and palate. Also, the patient feels a burning sensation and severe discomfort. Children endure candidiasis in the mouth much easier than adults. The most painful type of candidiasis is atrophic. With this ailment, the oral mucosa becomes bright red and dries up very much. Hyperplastic candidiasis is characterized by the appearance of a thick layer of plaque, when you try to remove it, the surface begins to bleed. Atrophic candidiasis in the mouth develops as a result of prolonged wearing of lamellar prostheses. The mucous membrane of the palate, tongue, corners of the mouth dries up and becomes inflamed. Treatment of candidiasis in the mouth involves the use of antifungal drugs such as Nystatin, Levorin, Decamine, Amphoglucomin, Diflucan.

diseases of the teeth and mouth
diseases of the teeth and mouth

Tooth and gum disease

Dental diseases of the oral cavity are very diverse. Consider the most common dental pathologies.


This ailment, in one way or anothera different degree of development, occurs in more than 75% of the total population. Only a specialist can accurately determine the causes of caries, since many different factors influence the development of the disease: the patient's age, lifestyle, diet, habits, the presence of concomitant dental pathologies and other ailments.

Caries develops due to:

  • Inadequate oral hygiene. Persons who do not carry out hygiene procedures of the oral cavity after eating, in 90% of cases, face the problem of caries. With insufficient or irregular brushing of the teeth, persistent plaque forms on their surface, which eventually turns into stone and leads to the loss of trace elements from the enamel.
  • Bad diet. As a result of adherence to strict diets with a low content of microelements and proteins, the absence of foods containing calcium in the daily diet, the qualitative composition of saliva changes, the balance of the microflora of the oral cavity is disturbed and, as a result, the destruction of hard tissues of the teeth may begin.
  • Enamel pathologies. With inadequate development of tooth tissues, an insufficient amount of minerals from saliva enters the enamel, as a result, the tooth is unable to form, develop and function normally.

When examining the oral cavity, the dentist will choose the most appropriate method of treatment. If the caries is in the stain stage, remineralization (restoration of the amount of the mineral) will be sufficient. In case of formation of cariouscavity needs filling.


Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the tissues surrounding the tooth. This disease is characterized by a gradual destruction of the connection between the root and bone tissue, an increase in tooth mobility and its subsequent loss. Periodontitis is caused by an infection that, penetrating between the gum and the tooth, gradually breaks the connection between the bone and the root of the tooth. As a result, the mobility of the tooth in place increases, over time, the connection between the bone and the root weakens.

Once an infection is identified, it will not be difficult to eliminate it. But in this case, the danger is the consequences of periodontitis. After the infection is eliminated, the restoration of soft tissues occurs faster, and not the ligaments that hold the tooth root in the bone, which can cause its loss. Therefore, the treatment of periodontitis consists not only in the destruction of the infection, but also in the restoration of bone tissue and ligaments that hold the tooth in the bone.

prevention of oral diseases
prevention of oral diseases


This disease is quite rare and mostly in the elderly. What is periodontal disease, how to treat such a pathology? Periodontal disease is a gum disease characterized by:

  • bleeding and swelling of the gums, pain in the gums;
  • periodic swelling of the gums;
  • pus flowing from periodontal pockets;
  • exposure of the surface of the roots and necks of the teeth;
  • fan-shaped divergence of teeth;
  • mobilityteeth.

If periodontal disease has developed, what to treat and what methods are used, the dentist will tell you after examining the oral cavity. First of all, it is necessary to remove dental deposits and plaque, which are the cause of inflammation in the gums and destruction of the dentogingival attachment. Drug therapy consists in rinsing the mouth with the Chlorhexidine preparation, and applications on the gums with the Cholisal-gel are also carried out.

dental diseases of the oral cavity
dental diseases of the oral cavity

Prevention of oral diseases

  1. Hygiene is the basis for the prevention of oral diseases. Teeth must be brushed not only in the morning, but also in the evening, before going to bed, using high-quality toothpastes and brushes, it is also recommended to use dental floss once a day.
  2. A balanced diet and a he althy lifestyle. To maintain he althy teeth, avoid eating too hot or cold foods. It is recommended to include foods rich in calcium and phosphorus in the daily diet: fish, dairy products, green tea. Yellow-brown plaque on the teeth is an unpleasant sight, therefore, such a bad habit as smoking should be completely abandoned.
  3. Regular visits to the dentist. The above measures are extremely important for maintaining dental he alth. However, this is not enough. It is very difficult to independently detect a developing pathological process, especially at the initial stage. Therefore, a check-up with a dentist should be done regularly - once every six months.

Any oral diseases in adults are always unpleasant, but, unfortunately, they occur quite often. To prevent the development of ailments, follow the above prevention rules, and if a pathology does occur, take appropriate measures.
