Anti-shock drugs are used by doctors to help patients in life-critical situations. Depending on these situations, doctors may use different drugs. In resuscitation and burn units, ambulances and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, there are mandatory anti-shock kits.

Since an unforeseen situation can happen, unfortunately, not only in the presence of doctors, every enterprise must have a first-aid kit containing anti-shock drugs. We will consider a short list of them in our article below.
The need for a first aid kit for anaphylactic shock
According to the recommendation of the Ministry of He alth, a first aid kit containing anti-shock therapy drugs should be available not only in every dental and surgical office, but also in any enterprise. It will not hurt to have such a first-aid kit in the house, while it is necessary to have at least minimal knowledge abouthow and when to use its content.

Unfortunately, medical statistics show that the number of cases of sudden anaphylactic shock is increasing every year. This shock condition can be provoked by an allergic reaction of a person to food, a medication, contact with a cosmetic product, or an insect bite. It is almost impossible to predict in advance the likelihood of such a reaction of the body, and the huge problem of anaphylactic shock is the lightning speed of its development.
It is for this reason that a person's life may depend on the presence of this or that drug in the first-aid kit and understanding how to use it.
Anti-shock drugs list
The Ministry of He alth has approved a list of drugs that should be in every first aid kit to help with the onset of anaphylactic shock. These include:
- "Adrenaline" (0.1%) in ampoules.
- "Dimedrol" in ampoules.
- Sodium chloride solution.
- "Eufillin" in ampoules.
- "Prednisolone" (in ampoules).
- Antihistamines.
Next, we will briefly review how each drug works.
Why do you need to inject Adrenaline?
This medicine can safely be called the main drug in the anti-shock kit. If we consider its use in anaphylactic shock, then it is necessary to understand that when a strong allergic reaction occurs in the human body, suppression occurs.hypersensitivity of immune cells. As a result, immunity begins to destroy not only the foreign agent (allergen), but also the cells of its own body. And when these cells begin to die, the human body goes into a state of shock. All his systems begin to work in intensive, emergency mode in order to provide the most important organs with oxygen.

A shot of "Adrenaline" (0.1%) instantly constricts blood vessels, due to which the circulation of histamine produced by the immune system is significantly reduced. In addition, the introduction of "Adrenaline" prevents the rapid fall in blood pressure, which is accompanied by shock conditions. Also, an injection of "Adrenaline" improves the functioning of the heart and prevents its possible stop.
"Dimedrol" - a remedy not only for insomnia
Most people who are not related to medicine mistakenly consider Diphenhydramine to be an exclusively hypnotic drug. This medicine really has a hypnotic effect, but besides this, Diphenhydramine is also an anti-shock drug. After the introduction, it dilates the blood vessels, while relieving bronchospasm. In addition, it is an antihistamine. It blocks the production of histamine and additionally suppresses the overactive activity of the central nervous system.
Why do you need a solution of sodium chloride in an anti-shock first aid kit
This solution is most often used in medical practice for dehydration, because after intravenous administration it is able to correct the work of various systemsorganism. "Sodium chloride" is used as a detoxification drug. Also, with severe bleeding, this solution is able to raise blood pressure. In cerebral edema, it is used as an osmotic diuretic.
"Eufillin" - quick help with bronchial spasm
This drug is quite a powerful bronchodilator. In a state of shock, it helps to activate additional life support mechanisms in the body.

"Eufillin" is able to expand the bronchi and open the reserve capillaries, which stabilizes and greatly facilitates breathing in a state of shock.
"Prednisolone" is the closest analogue of the hormone produced by the body
"Prednisolone" is quite an important drug in helping a patient in a state of shock. By its action, it is able to suppress the activity of immune cells that provoke cardiac arrest.
This synthetic hormone is indeed the closest analogue of the anti-shock hormone, which is independently secreted by the body in life-critical situations. After its introduction, the shock state of the body subsides in a very short time. It is worth noting that this anti-shock drug is used not only for anaphylactic shock. Doctors also use it for burn, cardiogenic, intoxication, traumatic and surgical shocks.
When should anti-shock drugs be used?
The shock state of the human body can provokenot only anaphylaxis due to an allergic reaction. Anti-shock kit preparations are used to provide first aid and in other situations, they are especially relevant in cases where there is no possibility to promptly deliver the victim to the hospital and he will have to be transported for a long time.

The following situations can provoke a critical state of the human body, in addition to anaphylactic shock:
- pain shock;
- being seriously injured;
- toxic shock;
- bite by poisonous insects, snakes and animals;
- getting hurt;
- drowning.

In such cases, the list of drugs in the anti-shock kit can be supplemented with the following medicines:
- "Ketanov" (a solution of ketorolac tromethamine) - is a strong pain reliever. Helps relieve severe pain from serious injuries.
- "Dexamethasone" is a drug that is a glucocorticoid hormone. It has an active anti-shock effect, and also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
- "Cordiamin" - 25% solution of nicotinic acid. It belongs to the pharmacological group of respiratory stimulants. It also has a stimulating effect on the vasomotor center of the brain.
Depending on the situation and the degree of criticality of the patient's condition, doctors can use these drugs both together,and separately.
Drugs used in critical situations in resuscitation
In a hospital setting, to assist a patient in critical condition, in addition to those already considered by us earlier, other antishock drugs are also used - solutions for administration:

- "Polyglukin" is a drug that has a powerful anti-shock effect. It is used by physicians as an anti-shock drug for wounds, burns, severe injuries and serious blood loss. After intravenous administration, Polyglukin improves and activates the coronary current and restores the total volume of blood circulating in the body. Also, the drug normalizes the level of blood pressure and VD. It is worth noting that its greatest anti-shock effectiveness is manifested when administered together with canned blood.
- "Hemovinil" is a drug solution that is used for severe intoxication, traumatic and burn shock. It is often used to remove toxins from the body, as it is a strong adsorbent. Helps to reduce ascyst and eliminates swelling of the brain. A characteristic feature is that after the introduction of "Hemovinil" an increase in body temperature is often observed.
- "Polyvinol" - a solution that is injected into / in with severe bleeding, serious injuries, burn and operational shock, which are characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure. The drug quickly increases blood pressure, maintains the level of plasma circulating in the body and, if necessary, restoresits volume (that is, it is used as a plasma substitute). With all its advantages, this drug is not suitable for stopping shock conditions that are accompanied by cranial injuries and cerebral hemorrhages.
- "Gelatinol" - an 8% solution of hydrolyzed gelatin, which is injected into / in with traumatic and burn shocks. Removes harmful and toxic substances from the body, performing a detoxification function.
- "Droperidol" is an antipsychotic, antiemetic and protoshock drug. Belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. Introduced intravenously with severe pain shock.
- "Dexaven" - refers to the pharmacological group of glucocorticoids. It is administered intravenously in the event of an operational or postoperative shock. It is also used for anaphylactic and traumatic shock and angioedema. It has a pronounced anti-allergic activity and strong anti-inflammatory properties.