Pulse rate is one of the vital signs. Its deviation from the norm can indicate dangerous conditions, the development of pathologies. Therefore, it is so important to measure your pulse not only for certain diseases, but also for relatively he althy people. Why does the pulse quicken? When is this normal, and when should you be concerned? What to do in case of an increased heart rate? How to define pathology? In the article we will answer all these questions.
Normal performance
How to understand that everything is in order with your heart? First of all, you need to start from standard indicators:
- Systolic blood pressure: 100-140 mmHg.
- Diastolic blood pressure: 70-80 mmHg.
- Pulse: 60-80 beats per minute.
These indicators are not universal. Each person has his own limits of working pressure and working pulse, at which his body functions normally, even if the measurement values differ from the standard ones. Therefore, it is so important to periodically measure blood pressure and pulse in order to know yourindividual numbers. There will be cause for concern if your measurement results become noticeably different from the usual.
As a rule, blood pressure changes along with the pulse. There are many reasons for this - a change in blood viscosity, the elasticity of the vascular walls and the overall resistance of the vessels. It can also talk about the development of pathological processes in the body.
Non-dangerous reasons
Why does my heart rate increase at night? The reasons for this may not always be precisely pathological. Do not worry if the pulse is more than 95 beats per minute, and the pressure remains the same. Remember what preceded this.
Non-pathological are the following natural external causes of increased heart rate:
- Physical activity. The pulse may speed up even due to slight movement.
- Emotional turmoil. Delight, anger, excitement, joy, sadness, irritation, despair and other strong emotions make our heart beat faster.
- Innate features. It may be a simple predisposition to a rapid heartbeat. There are also congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
- Ambient temperature. The hotter it gets outside, the faster our heart beats.
- Total body weight. If a person suffers from excess weight (especially gained in a short period of time), then this can affect his pulse.
- Bad habits. Smoking, addiction to alcohol and drugs can also increase the pulse. Moreover, in some cases, to critical indicators.
- The period of gestation.
- Abuse of caffeinated drinks.
- Fever. The pulse rises if your body temperature is above 38 degrees.
- Physical and psychological strain.
- Lack of sleep.
- Long-term use of strong drugs.
In such cases, the pulse returns to normal on its own, as soon as the external or internal factors that caused its increase stop affecting the body.

Problems with the cardiovascular system
Why does my heart rate soar? If you systematically note that your pulse is increased for no apparent reason (more than 90 beats per minute), this is a reason to worry. A similar symptom may indicate the development of the following pathologies of the cardiovascular system:
- Angina.
- Heart failure.
- Myocarditis.
- Myocardial infarction.
- Cardiomyopathy.
- Adhesive pericarditis.
- Infectious endocarditis.
Other pathological causes
Why does my heart rate increase with exercise? This is due to the fact that the tissues of the organs require more oxygen - oxidative processes are accelerated, the body needs more energy. The heart is forced to supply the organs with blood more intensively, which is why it contracts more often.
But the pulse can rise for no apparent reason. In addition to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, this may indicate the following pathological conditions:
- Anemia.
- Endocrinediseases.
- Renal colic.
- Vascular insufficiency.
- Neuroses.
- Inflammation, infections (including heart complications).
- Intoxication of the body.
- Inflammation of the lungs.
- Bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
- Hormonal imbalance in the body.
- Avitaminosis.
- Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
- Chronic liver and kidney disease.
- Thromboembolism.

How to measure correctly?
The most accurate indicator is the pulse at rest. This is the minimum number of heartbeats in the absence of physical activity. Measurements are best done in the morning, after waking up, when you have not yet got out of bed. Your nervous system is still sleeping at this time, not excited by previous events and intense physical activity.
Every person needs to control their pulse for two important reasons:
- Resting heart rate is the best indicator of your fitness level. As you get stronger, more resilient, your heart rate drops.
- An increase in heart rate compared to previous measurements is the first sign that something is wrong with the body. But in this case, it is important to focus only on your individual indicators. If your pulse is faster than that of a relative, friend, family member, this is not a cause for concern.
Why does my heart rate increase at rest? This could be due to a number of factors. Consider them.
Why does my heart rate increase during sleep? This does not always indicate the development of pathology. On the contrary, this is a natural process - with age, a person's pulse speeds up. This is due to the deterioration of physical form, wear and tear of the heart muscle.
Training level
Normal heart rate fluctuates around 60-80 beats per minute. But if you are constantly exercising, exercising, it is only natural that your own normal level will be below these numbers.
Why? A low heart rate in people who lead an active life is due to the "athletic heart". The heart muscle under the influence of training is modified, the heart itself increases in size. Accordingly, it works more efficiently, throwing out more blood in one contraction than before. Therefore, the body needs to beat less often in order to do its usual work.

Ambient temperature
Why does your heart rate increase when you are not doing anything? The ambient temperature also has an effect. Along with it, the pulse also grows, because the body needs cooling.
Under hot conditions, blood vessels expand, blood flow occurs closer to the surface of the skin. This increases heat transfer, which allows our body to cool. And the heart at this time beats more often to speed up blood circulation and normalize the temperature inside the body.
If it is cold outside or indoors, your heart rate, on the contrary, decreases. Vessels in this condition narrow, blood circulation(especially in the arms and legs) slows down. Therefore, the pulse also decreases.
Why does my heart rate increase at rest? This can also speak of a rather dangerous condition - dehydration. Lack of fluid in the body contributes to the thickening of the blood. The amount of plasma decreases, the blood becomes less.
Accordingly, for the full supply of body tissues with oxygen, the heart needs to work more efficiently. It beats faster, which increases the pulse.
Stress and state of mind
Why does the pulse quicken in the absence of physical activity? This may indicate both physical and psychological stress, which has an exciting effect on the ANS - the autonomic nervous system. Namely, it regulates the work of our internal organs, glands of external and internal secretion, lymphatic and blood vessels. And, of course, hearts.
If a person is in difficult conditions, both physical and psychological, the sympathetic department of this system is activated. It is he who controls the heart, brain and important organs, prepares the body to meet the danger. This is the so-called "fight or flight" response. Not surprisingly, this condition increases the heart rate.
Any emotions, change of state of mind also affect the pulse. It is at its lowest only when you are mentally calm. Why does my heart rate increase during sleep? One of the reasons is a dream that made you experience vivid emotions. Therefore, you can sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with a rapid pulse and a pounding heart. Get rid of itstates are simple - just calm down, switch your thoughts about sleep to something pleasant and peaceful.

After workout
Why does my heart rate increase when I run? The body spends more energy, its organs work more actively, calories are burned. To produce a new portion of energy, an enhanced oxidative process is needed. And for him, in turn, an increased rate of oxygen. He comes with blood. Therefore, the heart needs to pump this fluid more actively in order to deliver the necessary oxygen to tissues and cells. It beats faster, the pulse increases. This is why your heart rate increases when you run.
But why doesn't he calm down after a workout? The problem is that the hormonal background is changing. In particular, the level of adrenaline increases. It makes the heart work faster.
We must not forget that after a workout, the body needs time to recover. And this, too, can cause an increased heart rate for several hours.
Why does my heart rate increase after exercise? If it is high for a long time, it indicates overtraining. It is difficult for the body to cope with a given load, it does not have time to recover quickly.
Hereditary predisposition
Why does my heart rate increase after eating? Of course, it may be that you ate too heavy, unusual, spicy, spicy food. The load on the body in this case makes the pulse quicken.
But the answer may lie in the hereditary factor. Scientists have proven that the frequency of our pulsegenes also influence. If your parents, close relatives have a higher than normal pulse rate, you may also have the same.
And this is confirmed by research. In people of the same age, the same physical fitness, sometimes the pulse rate differs by 20 beats per minute.

Why is a high heart rate dangerous?
You already know why your heart rate increases during exercise. Internal organs need more oxygen for metabolism and energy production. And oxygen comes from the blood pumped by the heart.
In itself, an increase in heart rate is not dangerous, although it can greatly disturb a person. The danger here is that serious diseases of the vascular, respiratory, endocrine, and nervous systems can sometimes be behind this symptom.
A strong increase in heart rate while maintaining normal blood pressure in some cases can lead to arrhythmic shock, pulmonary edema, loss of consciousness, cerebrovascular accident, cardiac asthma, dizziness, darkening in the eyes.
Status Diagnosis
If you are concerned about an increased heart rate, you need to see a cardiologist or a general practitioner. Since a rapid pulse is only a symptom, the doctor needs to find out the causes of this condition, their pathology. For this, the following diagnostic procedures are required:
- Visual examination, patient interview.
- Electrocardiogram recording, ECG monitoring.
- Laboratory blood test.
- Echocardiography (ultrasound examination of an organ).
- Electrophysiological studies.

First Aid
Why does my heart rate increase when I run? The answer is simple: the body needs more oxygen to produce energy. Therefore, both breathing and pulse become more frequent - oxygen is delivered to our organs with blood, which is pumped through the body by the heart.
But in cases where the pulse increased for no reason, when you are tormented by other alarming symptoms, you need to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of specialists, you can help yourself on your own:
- Remove any clothing or shoes that are restrictive.
- Lie down if possible.
- Press the closed upper eyelids with your fingertips for a few seconds.
- Try to even out your breath: 5 seconds inhale, 5 seconds exhale.
- Wash with cool water.
- Drink a non-alcoholic non-carbonated drink with ice. Better sweeten it with sugar.
Medicated treatment
Therapy regimen is compiled by the doctor individually for each patient. It is based on the results of diagnostic studies. Treatment is prescribed based on the identified causes of rapid heart rate. Aimed at eliminating the diseases that caused this symptom.
All medications that can be prescribed for high heart rate can be divided into several main groups:
- Herbal remedies. Valerian extract, tincture of motherwort, hawthorn, peony. Means contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, stabilize the rhythm of the heart. Help eliminate side effectsmanifestations of stress and insomnia. Have a slight antispasmodic effect.
- Membrane stabilizing drugs. These are "Propafenone", "Panangin", "Atropine", "Carbacholin", "Flecainide", "Tatsizin", "Asparkam", "Izadrin". Means help reduce myocardial excitability, reduce heart rate, slow down conduction in all cardiac departments.
- Beta blockers. "Practolol", "Timolol", "Metoprolol", "Atenolol", "Talinolol". Help reduce the effect of the sympathetic nervous system on the heart muscle.

Special Diet
If you are periodically worried about an increased pulse, then it will not be superfluous to slightly change your usual menu - add products with useful trace elements to it:
- Potatoes. Rich in magnesium and potassium. They help to eliminate hypertension, promote the washing out of sodium from the body - the element that causes a high pulse.
- Curdled milk. The drink is valued for its calcium and vitamin D content, which somewhat contribute to a decrease in heart rate.
- Eggs. Egg whites have been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure and heart rate.
- Broccoli. The vegetable is rich in elements that regulate the blood supply system in our body - calcium, magnesium and potassium.
- Rice, sesame oil. Fatty acids, antioxidants contained in these products, help reduceblood pressure.
- Bananas. The delicious fruit is prized for its high potassium content.
- Dark chocolate. Rich in antioxidant flavonoids, which make blood vessels more elastic. It is enough to eat about 100 g of sweets per day.
- Garnet. If you drink 300-350 ml of pomegranate juice daily, it will lower both your heart rate and blood pressure.
Why does my heart rate increase after eating? You can eat food, on the contrary, that contributes to its increase - s alty, spicy.
Problem Prevention
In order for an increased heart rate not to bother you, just follow simple tips:
- Stay away from caffeinated drinks.
- Restrict your drinking.
- Make your diet more balanced. Avoid overeating at night, snacking on the go.
- Take daily walks in the fresh air, physical activity feasible.
- Get the right work/leisure schedule.
- Try to limit yourself from stressful situations.
A rapid pulse has many causes, both natural and pathological. If it unreasonably worries you, manifests itself along with other disturbing symptoms, a visit to the doctor should never be postponed.