Cardiac ECG is an excellent method for diagnosing diseases

Cardiac ECG is an excellent method for diagnosing diseases
Cardiac ECG is an excellent method for diagnosing diseases

According to statistics, mortality due to heart disease is constantly increasing. The reasons are completely different. Someone has congenital heart problems, someone begins to suffer from heart pains from adolescence, and someone in the prime of life suddenly finds a heart attack, although there were no prerequisites for it as such. Therefore, for prevention, it is necessary to undergo an ECG of the heart 2 times a year. This is especially true for those who lead an unhe althy and unhe althy lifestyle (monotonous diet, smoking, drugs and alcohol), which significantly increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

ECG of the heart
ECG of the heart

ECG examination of the heart must be done at:

- rheumatic diseases;

- syphilis;

- diseases caused by high blood pressure, or atherosclerosis;

- congenital heart disease;

- functional diseases.

Heart ECG
Heart ECG

cardiac ECG is a medical test that monitors the electrical activity of the myocardium by marking each heartbeat with a pointed line. By the frequency of the waves, including their externalmind, a cardiologist will be able to diagnose heart disease. The procedure itself is quite simple and does not cause discomfort.

cardiac ECG does not require special preparation. However, you need to pay attention to the fact that many drugs can change the results of this test. Be sure to tell your doctor about all medications you take. On the day of the procedure, strong physical exertion should be avoided (at least 2 hours before it).

For an ECG, the patient must lie down on the couch, remove all jewelry from the neck, arms and wrists. Men, as a rule, bare their torso during the test. Women can leave a T-shirt or dress. If stockings are worn, they must be removed. One electrode is attached to the limbs, which are pre-lubricated with a special gel. Six electrodes are attached to the chest. After that, the patient needs to relax and lie still for a few seconds. At the end of the test, the doctor evaluates the results of the cardiogram and writes a conclusion. After examining the results of the electrocardiogram, the doctor prescribes treatment.

ECG of the heart shows the rhythm of cardiac activity. If there are any deviations or doubts about the accuracy of the results obtained, other checks and procedures will be prescribed (for a more detailed diagnosis of the disease).

ECG study of the heart
ECG study of the heart

At a more thorough examination, an ECG with a load is performed. In this case, the electrodes are attached to the patient during exercise and the examination takes longer than usual. This type of examination should be prepared more seriously. Three hours before the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking. The day before the electrocardiogram with a load, as prescribed by the doctor, it is worth stopping taking certain drugs that stimulate the heart. An exercise ECG should not be performed after exercise. The body should be rested and relaxed.

Once heart disease has been diagnosed and treated, a repeat ECG should be performed to determine the effectiveness of the treatment and the stability of the condition.
