To strengthen the immune status, increase endurance and body resistance to various infections, completely different vitamin complexes, tinctures and so on can be used. All of them are designed to saturate the patient's body with vitamins and minerals, significantly improving his well-being and contributing to a speedy recovery from various diseases.

The most effective and popular drug with similar properties is ginseng tablets. Consumer reviews about this medicine will be presented below. You will also learn how to take this drug, what properties it has, and so on.
Packaging and composition of the medicinal product
What do ginseng tablets contain? The instruction indicates that the active ingredient of this medicine is ginseng root extract in an amount of 200 mg. This corresponds to 8 mg of ginsenosides.
It should also be noted that for the production of a film-coated drug, excipients are also used in the form of calcium hydrogen phosphate, gelatin, corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose,macrogol 400, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, iron oxide and magnesium stearate.
Ginseng is produced in tablets, goes on sale in blisters placed in cardboard packs.
Pharmacological characteristics
How does ginseng (pills) work? The instructions for use indicate that the active ingredient of this medicine (i.e. ginseng root extract) is one of the most studied herbal remedies in the world.
According to experienced specialists, the complex of biologically active substances of this drug has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, and also increases the patient's physical and intellectual activity.

Ginseng root extract is produced according to special technologies for obtaining the main elements from the root of the said plant.
Ginseng tablets are used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. It is prescribed in the following cases:
- to increase the physical endurance of athletes;
- to improve the patient's physical and intellectual performance, including during increased stress and overwork.
It should also be noted that ginseng extract tablets can be used in complex treatment for neurasthenic syndrome, including:
- impaired sexual function;
- vegetovascular dystonia of hypotonic type;
- asthenic conditions during convalescence;
- recovery afterprevious surgeries and serious illnesses.
In addition, this medicine is prescribed to increase the patient's resistance to various infections.
Ginseng tablets should not be taken when:
- convulsive states;
- hypertension;
- pregnancy;
- increased nervous excitability;
- during breastfeeding;
- acute period of infectious diseases;
- under the age of twelve;
- hypersensitivity to one of the drug's substances.

How to take ginseng tablets?
The dosage of the agent in question is determined on an individual basis. To prescribe a medication, you should consult a therapist. If the patient does not have such an opportunity, then it is necessary to study the instructions. According to the latter, this remedy is recommended for adults and children over twelve years of age in the amount of one tablet per day.
Take this drug preferably in the morning.
Side effects after taking medication
The drug in question very rarely causes side effects. Sometimes, while taking pills, patients experience disorders of the digestive tract, which manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Reactions associated with the patient's hypersensitivity to the elements of the drug (for example, skin rashes) are also possible.
On rare occasions thisthe drug causes tachycardia, insomnia, headaches, increased nervous irritability and increased blood pressure.

Pregnancy and lactation
Can I take the drug in question while breastfeeding or while carrying a baby? According to experts, this medication is prohibited to use in such conditions without consulting a doctor.
Special recommendations for taking pills
If side effects occur during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, discontinue treatment immediately and consult a doctor.
For other categories of citizens, doctors strongly recommend taking the medication in the afternoon to avoid sleep problems.
Cost and analogues
Ginseng, produced in the form of tablets, is not very expensive. As a rule, its price fluctuates around 70-100 rubles.
This tool has many structural analogues. Similar medicines with such an active ingredient as ginseng root extract include the following medicines: "Bioginseng", "Panaxel", "Gerbion", "Ginsana", "Gerimaks", "Ginsana tonic", "Ginsana" (tonic without alcohol), "Ginseng Plus", "Doppelhertz", "Ginseng with minerals and vitamins", "Ginseng-Royal Jelly", "Ginseng with Vitamin C", "Ginseng Biomass".

Experts say that the medicinal properties of this drug are due to the beneficial substances contained inGerman As you know, the root of this plant contains pectins, tannins, resins, alkaloids, vitamin C, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, silica, zinc and aluminum.
According to consumer reviews, taking this remedy contributes to a significant improvement in memory and attention. In addition, it helps with depression, affects sugar levels, stimulates the immune system, maintains the pancreas in a normal state, stimulates the respiration of brain cells, lowers the heart rate and stimulates the production of bile.
There are quite a lot of positive reviews about this medicine and from men. As a rule, they use it to correct violations in the genital area.