Mulberry, the harm and benefits of which should be taken into account when using preparations based on it, was brought to our country from the Middle East. There, mulberry (the second name of the plant) can be found in almost every yard. Mulberry, the harm and benefits of which are already quite well known, is mainly popular in folk medicine due to its fruits. They are used to make potions and natural dyes. This tree appeared in our country thanks to Peter I. And some dishes from its fruits, such as jam, have already become national food.

What is useful mulberry? The harm and benefits of it are based on such elements as vitamins (ribovlavin, thiamine, pyridoxine), sucrose, glucose, m altose, fructose, sterols. There are malic, citric, nicotinic, ribonucleic, folic, pantothenic, fumaric and palmitic acids, essential oil in its fruits. They also contain guaiacol, phenols, eugenol, methyl salicylate.

When should you use mulberry? In what cases does its harm and benefit matter? After all, this is not an everyday food, but a product that has a certain pharmacological effect.
Mulberry relieves various inflammatory processes, so it should be used for diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Mulberry syrup is recommended for people with diabetes. A decoction of it will help people suffering from hypertension. The properties of mulberry are such that it is an effective remedy for fatigue and headaches.
Almost all drugs and products made from it are curative. Mulberry compote contains all the same vitamins that are found in fresh berries. It also preserves the dried mulberry useful properties, so in this form it can be harvested for the winter. For this, fresh fruits are taken. They are dried in the sun in a well-ventilated place for at least two weeks, after which they are brought to the standard humidity (10%) in an oven at a temperature of 35 degrees.

In addition to berries, other parts of the plant are also used for medicinal preparations. An infusion is prepared on the basis of the roots. To do this, take 50 grams of well-ground raw materials per liter of hot water. The heated infusion is aged for an hour, then it is put on a low fire, where it should be for fifteen minutes, then it is filtered. Due to the fact that the drink does not have a very pleasant taste, it is recommended to add honey to it. It is used 1/3 cup three times a day. This remedy is useful for normalizing blood pressure. For iron deficiency anemia, mulberry pureed and mixed with honey and applesauce is recommended.
Due to the high concentration of various substances, the mulberry tree can affectorganism and negative influence. With excessive use of unripe berries, you can get digestive problems. When purchasing fruits from unreliable purveyors, one can be poisoned by s alts of heavy metals if the berries were collected in environmentally unfavorable areas. It is undesirable to use berries and mulberry juice with other similar products so as not to cause fermentation processes in the stomach. Mulberry quercetin can cause an allergic reaction.