Cold is an unpleasant phenomenon that can befall at any time of the year. The sooner the elimination of symptoms begins, the greater the chance of avoiding complications and sick leave. Folk remedies for colds have proven themselves well, which have been effective at all times, but only if the diagnosis is determined correctly. The process can begin and proceed with both normal and elevated body temperature. Therefore, you should be careful when applying some methods. It is worth noting that a cold can be confused with allergic rhinitis.
Plentiful drink
It is very important for a cold, even if the first symptoms appeared only 1-2 hours ago, to start drinking clean drinking water.

It should be lukewarm or room temperature, but never cold or hot.
Water intakes can be done like this:
- on an empty stomach 10-15 minutes before meals 1-2 cups;
- after 1.5-2 hours after eating in the same volume;
- between meals (doesn't matter iflunch, dinner, snack or tea).
The more water enters the body, the better it will be cleansed of toxins, viruses and microbes. In addition, each cell must receive enough water so that it can activate the protective functions of the whole organism. Drinks also include fruit drinks, black and herbal teas, breast collection, unsweetened compote, various decoctions.
Tea with lemon
Black and green tea are popular all over the world, and the tradition of brewing Ivan tea has also begun to revive in Russia. Any of these products are great for colds. Only the brewing recipe is different for everyone:
- Black tea is poured with boiling water and infused for up to 5 minutes.
- Green tea is infused for about 10-15 minutes under the lid. It is advisable to drink it immediately. But so that it is not hot, it is better to dilute it with cold boiled water.
- Ivan tea is brewed under a lid or in a thermos for 20 minutes. You can drink during the day. It is believed that the longer Ivan-tea is left, the more useful it becomes.
To the selected tea before brewing, add a thick slice of lemon. It is better to knead it with a spoon so that the juice stands out. Then the tea itself is brewed.
These are effective folk remedies for colds and flu, which are used by many people who do not want to be treated with pills.
Using garlic
Garlic is one of the strongest antimicrobial and antibacterial foods. It is used either just like that, or added to dishes, tinctures are made. With a cold, you can use it a little more than usual. If you eat garlic rarely or not at all, then you need to be careful, as this is a fairly strong plant, not only in terms of taste, but also in terms of effects on the body.

If you eat garlic regularly, some folk remedies for colds based on this wonderful natural healer are perfect for you:
- adding pressed cloves to salads and ready meals;
- preparing garlic tincture with water;
- eating 1 clove with any fruit or vegetable.
The main thing here is not to overdo it. It is advisable to listen to the body in order to understand whether enough is eaten in a day.
Steam feet with mustard
We note right away that this "grandmother's" recipe is applicable only if the body temperature is normal! If it is increased, the procedure should not be carried out in any case.
You will need about 5 tablespoons of mustard powder per 10 liters of hot water. You need to dip your feet in this suspension and cover your lower limbs with a towel so that the "greenhouse effect" is preserved. As it cools, hot water is added from the kettle or from the tap. The session lasts about 20-25 minutes.
When finished, dry your feet with a towel and immediately put on warm socks. You should immediately go to bed. You can not get cold feet after such a procedure. That is why it is best to bathe before going to bed.
How to cure a cold with folk remedies in a short time? We recommend steaming your feet in mustard powder orjust put it in your socks and sleep like that all night.
Healing honey
Honey has been valued for its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties since ancient times. It varies depending on where the bee collects nectar. Unfortunately, at present, the food industry knows how to synthesize honey, that is, to make it artificial. Therefore, it is better to buy the product directly from beekeepers.
So, if you have a jar of honey at home, you can safely use it in several ways. But the most popular is the combination with tea. Only one rule should be observed: it is impossible to heat honey above 40 degrees, otherwise nothing useful will remain, on the contrary, the product will even be harmful.

Honey is an excellent folk remedy for hoarseness with a cold. You can hold one teaspoon of the product in your mouth, dissolving for several minutes, until it dissolves. Natural honey should burn or "tear" the throat. This is a normal process and should not be washed down with anything.
Be careful - this is an allergenic product. If you are going to use for the first time, put a drop of honey on the inner crook of the elbow. If there are no skin manifestations during the day, then there is no allergy.
Propolis, like honey, is a bee product, so it is advisable to test yourself for allergies before the first use.
It is an excellent antiviral and antimicrobial agent. Propolis copes with various strains of pathogensmicroorganisms. Propolis is a fast-acting folk remedy for colds, an excellent analogue of synthesized antibiotics and antiviral drugs.
You can prepare medicines from it both at home and buy a ready-made tincture in a pharmacy. And also with sore throat and runny nose, you can simply chew a small ball of this product instead of chewing gum. Alcohol tincture is good to gargle, rinse your nose. 1 teaspoon of tincture is added to half a glass of warm water. Gargling should be done 5-6 times a day for 5 minutes.
Echinacea flowers and leaves
Echinacea is a flower that grows both in Russia and in southern countries. It can be found in some garden plots. Both flowers and leaves, stems are useful.

1 teaspoon of raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water. Be sure to cover with a lid. Infused for about 20 minutes. Take half a cup a day.
This remedy is a strong immune stimulant that will help the body recover in the shortest possible time. But be careful if you or your loved ones show signs of an autoimmune disease.
Decoction of echinacea can be combined with other folk remedies. But the main thing is not to overdo it. Do not use the decoction in larger dosages than indicated in the instructions. Consider children's age as well.
Rosehip decoction
High-vitamin rose hips hold records for the content of vitamin C, which is so necessary for the body to fight the virus and to recover afterdisease.
You can take both whole fruits collected on your own (in the amount of 5-10 pieces), and purchase ready-made chopped raw materials in bulk or in phytobags at the pharmacy.
Rosehip decoction can be used to treat a child. Folk remedies for colds have always been the first aid for both adults and children. Only the dosage will, of course, be less so that there is no excess of vitamin C in the body.

1 tablespoon of chopped raw materials is added to a 500 ml thermos, poured with boiling water and infused for about 45 minutes. Just be sure to express the broth through several layers of gauze so that thin needles from rose hips do not damage the gastrointestinal tract.
Fresh ginger root or dried ginger root is practically the same thing. This product can be used in one form or another. Fresh ginger should be chopped and added to any dish, soup or tea. You can also chew a thin slice. Ginger should burn your mouth. This is an excellent folk remedy for colds, runny nose and coughs. In addition, the fresh root of the plant copes with nasal congestion as well as nasal preparations from a pharmacy.
Ground ginger can also be added to dishes, mixed with tea and cooked with it in soups every day, even after a significant improvement.
Like the other products listed above, it perfectly fights viruses and microbes in the human body.
Leaves and fruits of raspberries
Combat colds in complex therapyraspberry fruits and leaves help. Dried raw materials are added to warm tea and infused for 15-20 minutes under the lid. Thus, the drink itself will be saturated, and you will be able to get all the useful substances.
Only raw materials should not be used if there are serious problems with the kidneys, the metabolism in the body is disturbed. Raspberries can also be used as fruit drinks.

This folk remedy for colds was always used by our ancestors, it was recommended by healers. A plant in the form of a decoction can not only saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, but also create a diaphoretic effect. As you know, if a person sweats well, it means that he will quickly recover.
There is another wonderful folk remedy for colds - inhalations over boiled potatoes. You can also conduct aromatherapy sessions with essential oils of cedar, eucalyptus, fir or sage. Inhalations with garlic or onions have also proven themselves well.
Only in no case should any inhalations be carried out at elevated body temperature!

To successfully conduct a session, you need to put a deep container with hot water or potatoes, cover your head with a towel and breathe. Just be careful - the steam is very hot, you can burn yourself. It's better to wait a bit, as it cools down a bit.
cedar resin
In Siberia there is a wonderful plant - cedar, which gives people its fruits that can cure many ailments. A folk remedy for colds during pregnancy, when doctors prohibit the use of many types of medicines, will be cedar resin - the resin of a mighty tree that stands out in the bark. But inside you can use it in the form of cold-pressed vegetable oil with the addition of a small piece of resin.
The finished product can be used daily - use 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals twice a day and at bedtime. The bitterness of resin will help to get rid of the symptoms of a cold soon.
You have studied folk remedies for colds with honey, garlic, raspberries and other products. It is recommended to choose only two or three options. You should not use all the means at once, so as not to provoke malfunctions in the body.