The pantry of nature is full of essential trace elements and vitamins. Traditional medicine is 90% herbal medicine. Treatment with herbs, infusions and decoctions based on them is quite understandable. They have a whole arsenal of useful substances, the effectiveness of which has been tested for centuries. Sometimes traditional medicine methods can bring an effect that cannot be achieved with the help of synthetic drugs. Today on the agenda - horseradish leaves. How they are used, for what, what properties they have - is described below.
Spectrum of use of horseradish
Horseradish is a perennial plant with fairly high (up to half a meter) leaves, resistant to temperature extremes. It grows in almost every garden, in every dacha of Russians. It is known as a spice used in the preparation of various dishes. The root is usually crushed for use, has a pungent flavor, and horseradish leaves are commonly used in pickle preservation. Pickles become crispy and savory in the presence of crushed horseradish leaves.
The sauce is also made from it, which is especially famous in Asian cuisine. Due to its spicy taste, it is a wonderful addition to meat andrice, which is used by Asians in the preparation of rolls and sushi.
People believe that storing horseradish root with other foods keeps them fresh longer and does not go moldy.

Useful properties of horseradish
The plant is very useful, contains a lot of vitamins (B2, B6, C, A and others) and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.). Previously, it was used to combat scurvy. Now horseradish leaves are considered a wonderful remedy during the period of spring and autumn beriberi. They help the body to endure hard times more easily, making up for the deficiency of vitamins.
The beneficial properties of horseradish leaves were also used in the treatment of dropsy and tuberculosis. Of course, in combination with other drugs, but its effect turned out to be very important.
Horseradish leaves are a wonderful prophylactic for respiratory viral and bacterial diseases and even asthma. Horseradish has a pronounced antiseptic effect, which helps protect the respiratory tract from pathogenic microorganisms. This quality makes it indispensable during periods of mass epidemics.

Diseases treatable with horseradish
Horseradish rhizome juice is saturated with a special enzyme that helps to cope with diseases of the digestive system. This means that it will be useful for gastritis. It also helps to cope with pathogenic bacteria - sticks in the intestines, copes with dysentery.
When gargling with a decoction of horseradish root, you will protect yourself from colds. It is believed that the same method can prevent tooth decay and toothache. The only negative can be considered a sharp smell of broth. Before going out in public, you should not carry out this procedure if you do not want to scare off your interlocutors.
Many people use horseradish as part of complex therapy in the treatment of kidney and liver diseases. It is believed that horseradish reduces the likelihood of cancer. However, this opinion has not yet been substantiated.
Horseradish leaves are used for osteochondrosis, sciatica and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also be treated with horseradish. But in this case, you need to be careful. Some diseases may worsen when taking this plant, so consult your doctor before you start treatment with alternative methods. By the way, horseradish is not recommended as a medicine for children under 12 years of age due to its extreme pungency. In this case, a pediatrician's consultation is also necessary.

Horseradish recipes
The simplest and most commonly used recipe for horseradish for the treatment of colds is to grind the leaves of the plant to a state of homogeneous gruel. The resulting mass is applied to the neck, below the occipital part of the head. It is also put into warm woolen socks under the foot in case of hypothermia.
When nasal congestion is necessary to breathe alternately left and right nostril overchopped or grated horseradish. With the same ailment, horseradish juice mixed in equal proportions with lemon juice will help. You need to take one teaspoon half an hour - an hour before meals.
Crushed horseradish root successfully replaces mustard plasters. Also root with honey helps to improve appetite and digestion.

Treatment of joints with horseradish leaves
The most common recipe for fighting diseases of the musculoskeletal system is chopped horseradish (leaves) placed in a bag of thick gauze. Treatment of joints with horseradish leaves is carried out by taking a warm bath with this bag.
Another recipe is to grind the root of the plant in a meat grinder, combine the resulting mass with a grated apple. Use the mixture as a compress on problem areas.