Proctologist is a doctor who solves delicate problems

Proctologist is a doctor who solves delicate problems
Proctologist is a doctor who solves delicate problems

Proctologist is a doctor who deals with the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with the rectum and perineum. All diseases that occur in these areas require the intervention of a proctologist, no matter how uncomfortable or embarrassing.

In recent years, the treatment and prevention of not only the rectum, but the entire colon area has been added to the field of proctology, which is why very often a proctologist is called a coloproctologist (colon means “large intestine” in Greek).

Causes of diseases

A proctologist is a person who will cure or alleviate the course of a disease such as hemorrhoids, as well as help with other problems, including cracks, tailbone pain syndromes, and so on.

The causes of such diseases are many, here are the most common:

  • lack of active movement. Today, many people work in offices, which requires constant sitting, and, therefore, leads to stagnation of blood,which can later cause hemorrhoids;
  • malnutrition, including dry snacks or fast food, as well as other bad habits that affect blood flow, body slagging and human immunity;
  • environmental problems are not the last in the development of children's proctological diseases, this area is led by a pediatric proctologist;
proctologist is
proctologist is

Very often, due to false modesty, people try to solve such delicate problems on their own, starting to self-medicate, and this can lead to an aggravation of the problem.

In addition to hemorrhoids, there has been an increase in the number of colon tumors recently, and more and more people are learning about who a proctologist is.

In order to get the profession of a proctologist, you need to study for 9 years, and then practice. Only after that the doctor will receive a narrow specialization - a proctologist. This will allow him to get a job in his speci alty and receive patients.

Complaints that go to the proctologist

who is a proctologist
who is a proctologist

Experts advise not to wait for unbearable pain, but to go for an appointment as soon as the first disturbing symptoms appear. Here are the most common ones:

  • pain and itching in the anus;
  • tangible tightness or lumps in the anus;
  • feces mixed with blood or bleeding (here it is more expedient to call an ambulance);
  • constipation;
  • purulent or mucous discharge with or without feces;
  • fecal incontinence or false urge to defecate;
  • Foreign body stuck in the rectum.
pediatric proctologist
pediatric proctologist

Of course, these are not all the symptoms that you need to see a doctor like a proctologist. These are just the most common problems.

It is worth noting: most experts agree that a visit to the proctologist should be carried out at least once a year, and for people over 50 years old - twice a year as a preventive measure.

And do not forget: no matter how embarrassing or unpleasant (uncomfortable), a proctologist is the doctor who will not only relieve you of pain, but also prescribe, if necessary, adequate treatment, incomparable in effectiveness with the recommendations of friends, therapists and pharmacists from the pharmacy. Do not deprive yourself of he alth, visit doctors regularly!
