Decoction of oats: benefits and scope

Decoction of oats: benefits and scope
Decoction of oats: benefits and scope

Decoction of oats, the benefits of which are recognized by official medicine and traditional healers, are made on the basis of a plant of the same name from the cereal family. Almost all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Oats are cultivated in most regions of the Russian Federation. Its stem is hollow, and it reaches a height of 1.5 m. The flowers of oats are small, in small spikelets. The fruit is a grain.

decoction of oats benefit
decoction of oats benefit

Decoction of oats, the benefits of which are due to the substances contained in it, is rich in cholines, essential oils, gum, proteins, vitamins, fats, various macro- and microelements. Oats also contain sugars, carotenoids, saponins, sterols, amino acids lysine and tryptophan, saponins.

For medicinal purposes, use products made from grains (flour and cereals) and straw. Some of them are used as diet food, others - in the form of medicinal preparations. A decoction of oats obtained from cereals, the benefits of which are highly valued, has an enveloping effect in case of diarrhea, helps to remove excess cholesterol, normalizes and strengthens the nervous system, and helps with swelling caused by kidney ailments. This tool is also used forartificial feeding of children. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, peptic ulcers, enterocolitis - it is used as a laxative. A decoction of oats will also be useful for exhaustion, decreased appetite, impaired thyroid function, and prolonged infectious ailments. Oats are also effective against smallpox and typhoid.

decoction of oats for liver disease
decoction of oats for liver disease

In addition, a decoction of oats is useful for liver disease and for colds, accompanied by a prolonged cough. Healers recommend using it at the initial stage of hypertension, after myocardial infarction. In chronic liver diseases, as a rule, a decoction of unpeeled oats is used in the proportion of 2 cups of grains per 2 liters of liquid. Cook it for 3 hours over low heat, until the contents in the pan evaporate to 1 tbsp. This remedy is used once a day for a month. Decoctions of whole grains of oats also have a diuretic effect, so they are used for kidney diseases.

There is an opinion that funds based on this cereal can be used to prevent Parkinson's disease. To do this, 9 tablespoons of oats are boiled in 3 liters of liquid for an hour, then insisted (all night). The course of treatment with this remedy lasts 2-3 years. A decoction of oats, the benefits of which are also manifested in schizophrenia, can help if during its course the patient experiences weight loss, insomnia and anemia.

decoction of unpeeled oats
decoction of unpeeled oats

In addition, this remedy has an antispasmodic effect, relieves pain in cystitis and urolithiasis. The decoction also helps with bronchial asthma, allergies,urticaria, nephritis, pancreatitis, diabetes. There are facts indicating that oat-based products have a positive effect in the presence of malignant tumors. In this case, decoctions of grains and straw are used.

Serious contraindications to drugs based on oats have not been identified today. If the recommended dose is exceeded, a headache may occur. In the process of treatment with products based on this plant, it is advisable to refrain from alcohol, overeating, drinking coffee.
