People have known for a long time what can be obtained with the help of a leech treatment. Reviews of hirudotherapy refer this direction of medicine to one of the most effective. Even before our era, this method was known to Chinese healers. Now modern healers also know how to carry out treatment using leeches. Reviews and descriptions of methods can be found in the books of Avicenna.

Today, hirudotherapy is used to heal dozens of ailments. These animals can be used for cardiological, hematological, urological, ophthalmological, gynecological, skin, neurological, gastroenterological, otolaryngological and many other diseases. In addition to the fact that leeches carry out treatment, reviews indicate that they have a restorative effect, normalizing blood flow, metabolism, appetite and sleep. These animals are also used in cosmetology to improve skin elasticity, fight wrinkles and cellulite.
The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy is determined by three factors: mechanical, reflex and biological. Only certain medical animals are suitable for her, so treatment with leeches, the price ofwhich depends on the duration of the course and the number of worms, will be expensive. However, the effect is worth it.

Mechanical action is to unload the regional blood flow. The basis of the reflex effect lies in the fact that the animal bites through the skin at acupuncture points. The biological effect is due to the content of a wide range of active substances in the leech saliva.
This useful animal is considered a universal remedy for many diseases. What can be achieved by deciding to receive treatment with the help of a leech? Reviews of hirudotherapy say that it reduces blood clotting, destroys blood clots, and restores neuromuscular transmission of impulses. Also, this method has an antihypoxic, anti-ischemic, hypotensive, draining and anti-edematous effect. Hirudotherapy restores microcirculation, breaks down fat deposits, restores the permeability of vascular walls, destroys microorganisms that cause inflammation, stimulates the immune system, relieves various pains.
Let's consider what contraindications treatment with leeches has. Experts say that this method of therapy is undesirable for anemia, hemophilia, exhaustion, hypotension, pregnancy, individual intolerance to these animals.

The procedure itself at the beginning of its implementation is accompanied by a slight pain when the leech bites through the skin of a person with its sharp jaws. Then, thanks to special enzymes, itpasses. The process of saturation goes without pain. After the leech falls off, the wound can bleed for a long time. The required number of animals and their size are determined by the hirudotherapist. Leeches from the wound should fall off on their own after saturation, it is not recommended to tear them off, since their jaws may remain in the human body. No more than ten animals are used in one session.