Dry mouth is a rather unpleasant condition. It has its own name - xerostomia. Associated with dysfunction of the salivary glands. It, in turn, can be caused by various reasons - both objective (related directly to the work of the salivary glands) and subjective (associated with changes in the functioning of the body). When the mouth dries up, the person suffers from thirst. He can drink up to 5 liters a day and not get enough.
It is not uncommon for dry mouth and frequent urination to occur together. What does it say? What diseases do these symptoms indicate? What do we have to do? We will cover this later in the article.
What causes dry mouth in the morning?
Why does my mouth dry up in the morning? The main causes of this condition are as follows:
- Taking certain medications. Xerostomia can be provoked by antibacterial drugs, sedatives, antihistamines, painkillers, bronchodilators, antiemetics.
- Intoxication of the body. One of the obvioussymptoms of dehydration in adults and children is precisely dry mouth, unquenchable thirst. Drying of the mucous membranes may occur along with general weakness, apathy, loss of strength. The reason is food or alcohol poisoning, inhalation of toxic fumes. For example, ammonia.
- Diabetes. How does the disease begin? It is with periodic dry mouth in the morning. During the day the patient continues to suffer from thirst. He drinks too much liquid. From here, two symptoms manifest themselves at once - dry mouth and frequent urination.

Pregnancy condition
During pregnancy, dry mouth is a pathological condition. Indeed, during this period, the salivary glands, on the contrary, work actively. The symptom may indicate dehydration.
At the same time, a pregnant woman often notes frequent urination. This is due to the fact that the growing fetus begins to put pressure on the mother's bladder. The frequency of the urge to urinate increases, the fluid does not linger in the body of a woman. Therefore, it is so important for the expectant mother to observe the drinking regime, to monitor the amount of water drunk every day.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, this condition may be associated with the consequences of toxicosis. Then dry mouth, frequent urination are manifested along with diarrhea, vomiting. In this condition, there is a high risk of dehydration for both the mother and the fetus.
We can not exclude the possibility of developing gestational diabetes in the expectant mother. This statehas nothing to do with type 2 diabetes. As a rule, insulin levels return to normal a few months after childbirth. But during pregnancy, the likelihood of hypoinsulinemia is increased. Therefore, the expectant mother should be under medical supervision.

Normal urinary frequency
The average adult needs to urinate 6-7 times a day. But also non-pathological is the spread of 4-10 times if a person drinks about 2 liters of water per day, and urination itself does not cause him discomfort.
Children have a slightly different norm. Babies urinate almost every hour. Therefore, parents change 4-6 diapers a day - this is normal. At 3 years, the optimal frequency of urination is 10 times a day. For a child of school age - already 6-8 trips to the toilet per day.
Reasons for frequent trips to the toilet
There are many reasons for frequent urination without pain:
- High fluid intake, especially caffeinated, alcoholic beverages.
- Using diuretics and herbal medicines.
- Prescription of anticancer drugs, radiotherapy of the pelvic organs.
- Irritation, diseases, injuries, urinary tract infections. In certain cases, this is a symptom of urolithiasis.
- Diseases that cause increased urine production.
- Destruction of the muscles, nerves of the bladder.
- Violation of the anatomically normal arrangement of the pelvic organs. In particular, thisoccurs with cystocele, urethral stricture, the development of benign prostate tumors.
- Pregnancy.
What diseases can frequent urination indicate?
If you suffer from frequent urination during the day or the whole day, this may also have pathological causes. The most common are three.
There is a high probability of a urinary tract infection, from which a person of any gender and age is not immune. But according to statistics, women suffer from such diseases 4 times more often than men. Patients with diabetes mellitus who have a spinal cord injury or a catheter in the bladder are also susceptible to infection.
You can talk about infection if you have additional symptoms:
- Simultaneously frequent and painful urination.
- General weakness.
- Temperature rise
- Pressing pain in the lower abdomen.
- On certain occasions chills.
- Change in both color and smell of urine.
- Pain in the lower back or side, near the ribs.
Another common cause of frequent urination is diabetes. The patient may additionally complain about the following:
- Feeling of dry mouth either in the morning or all day long.
- Increased urination mostly at night.
- Chronic, fatigue.
- Unreasonable weight loss.
- Long healing of even the smallest wounds on the body.
- Itching in the genital area.
- Deterioration of vision.
Last reason -It's an overactive bladder. It manifests itself in the form of a sudden urge to urinate, which is sometimes difficult for the patient to control - incontinence may also develop. Frequent urination is observed at night - a person has to get up several times to go to the toilet.

Reasons in men
Additionally highlight the causes of frequent urination in men. As a rule, there are three main ones:
- Increase in the size of the prostate gland. A natural phenomenon with age. It occurs in 1/3 of all men over the age of 50 years. Until now, scientists have not decided on its cause. Enlargement of the gland is not a harbinger of prostate cancer. But it can be disturbing with the following symptoms: discomfort at the beginning or end of urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, the need to strain to drain urine, nightly trips to the toilet, weak urine outflow.
- Prostatitis. Inflammation of the prostate gland with its subsequent swelling. The disease is most often infectious. He is more susceptible to men aged 30-50 years. In addition to frequent urination, a person may also notice the following: pain in the vulva, buttocks, lower back and abdomen, pain during ejaculation and urination, discomfort when sitting for a long time.
- Prostate cancer. Basically, the disease affects men over 65 years of age. However, it can be diagnosed in patients over 50 years of age. The signs of this oncological disease are as follows: frequent nightly trips to the toilet, the need to strain whenurination, poor urine flow, delayed onset of bladder emptying, feeling like it is not emptying completely.
Reasons in women
According to statistics, the most common cause of frequent urination in women is an infection that affects the genitourinary system. Also, this condition is typical for pregnancy. In this case, it may be due to the impact on the body of hormonal factors, an increase in the speed and volume of circulating blood, a growing uterus that presses on the bladder.
In fact, frequent urination is one of the sure signs of pregnancy. Before the invention of tests, this symptom was one of the determining ones for confirming it in the early stages.

Associated symptoms
Dry mouth and frequent urination - these two symptoms together are most often observed in diabetes. The disease is characterized by the active removal of fluid from the body. A constant lack of water is fraught with chronic xerostomia, which worsens in the morning.
Thirst and frequent urination in this disease are also interconnected. The patient drinks a lot, the liquid does not linger in the body. Hence the frequent urge to urinate. This phenomenon is caused by a decrease in the level of insulin in the blood. Without this hormone, the body is unable to break down the glucose that enters the bloodstream.
And with an increase in blood sugar levels, the process of removing fluid from the body is activated. The kidneys work at an accelerated pace. This is the main cause of dry mouth and frequenturination, if they appear together. Only the normalization of the level of insulin in the body, the calculation of the required proportion of glucose for each individual case can help the patient.
Diabetes mellitus here is not the only reason for the joint manifestation of xerostomia and frequent urination. This may be due to the following:
- Disorders of the endocrine system. In particular, the activity of the kidneys and pituitary gland. Here the kidneys lose their ability to retain fluid. The body loses water. This condition can be mistaken for a symptom of dehydration in adults and children.
- Taking diuretics. The active ingredients of these funds contribute to the rapid removal of fluid from the body.
- Addiction to caffeinated drinks can also cause a person to suffer from both dry mouth and frequent urination.

Which doctor should I contact?
You notice dry mouth and frequent urination. Which doctor should I contact in this case? There are three options:
- Therapist. A visit to this doctor is essential to rule out an infectious cause for these symptoms. In addition, he will be able to determine that these symptoms are not dangerous in your case. For example, xerostomia in the mouth and the thirst it causes may be the consequences of rhinitis or SARS.
- Endocrinologist. The specialist will prescribe procedures for the study of hormonal levels. It can establish or exclude the presence of diabetes, including inlatent phase.
- Nephrologist. The doctor prescribes a certain test of urine and blood, sends the patient to an ultrasound scan to confirm or exclude diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys.

Status Diagnosis
If you suffer from dry mouth, or this symptom along with frequent urination, you should undergo the following diagnostic procedures:
- Biochemical and complete blood count to determine the general "malfunctions" of the body.
- Common urinalysis. To exclude or confirm diseases such as leukocyturia, proteinuria, microhematuria.
- Checking blood for glucose. The material is submitted for analysis strictly on an empty stomach. If the sugar level exceeds 6.0 mmol/l, it makes sense to suspect the onset of diabetes.
- Test for hormones. To confirm or exclude diseases of the endocrine organs.
- Ultrasound. Using this method, the salivary glands themselves are examined. Their size and condition are determined to exclude the presence of cysts and tumors.
- Sialoscintigraphy. The study allows you to determine the phase of saliva production, which failed.
- CT. The method allows you to identify various neoplasms in the area of the salivary glands.
Additionally, the following procedures can be prescribed:
- Complete urinalysis.
- Urine culture to determine the sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics.
- Biochemical blood test to determine the level of creatinine and urea.
- Ultrasound of the bladder, kidneys, in relation to men - the prostate gland.
- Intravenous urography.
- Cystoscopy.
- Determining the level of PSA - that is, prostate specific antigen.
For all these diagnostic measures, a therapist or a pediatrician can give you a referral. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor redirects the patient to narrower specialists.

What is the treatment for frequent urination without pain, dry mouth? To remove the cause. That is, a disease that is characterized by these symptoms. Accordingly, therapy is prescribed depending on the diagnosed diagnosis - diabetes mellitus, endocrine disease, prostate enlargement, infection affecting the genitourinary system, pathology of the salivary glands, etc.
To avoid dry mouth, stop smoking and drinking alcohol. And also from s alted, spicy, smoked, fatty foods that cause thirst. Avoid mono diets. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, greens. Try to quench your thirst only with clean water. Other drinks, especially those containing caffeine, may not fully rehydrate.
If you experience problems with frequent urination day or night without a pathological cause, you need to adjust your body weight, empty your bladder on a set schedule. And also do exercises to train the muscles of the bladder and pelvic floor.
The most common cause of dry mouth andfrequent urination is precisely diabetes mellitus. But, in addition to this, other causes are revealed - both pathological and natural. They can only be determined during a comprehensive diagnosis.