Useful properties of juniper. Juniper essential oil properties

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Useful properties of juniper. Juniper essential oil properties
Useful properties of juniper. Juniper essential oil properties

Video: Useful properties of juniper. Juniper essential oil properties

Video: Useful properties of juniper. Juniper essential oil properties
Video: ★ HEADACHE. Prophylaxis of migraine. Methods of Treatment. You do not need to tolerate more! 2025, January

Only those who were lucky enough to visit the juniper forest will be able to truly appreciate the purity and extraordinary freshness of the air in it. That is why today in large cities this plant began to be used for landscaping and decoration.

Probably not everyone knows that juniper can purify not only the air, but also the human body. This earned him worldwide recognition.


useful properties of juniper
useful properties of juniper

Useful properties of juniper man learned to use a long time ago. But how to distinguish this plant? It is a coniferous evergreen tree or shrub. Belongs to the cypress family. Height can reach eight meters. Often grows in the undergrowth next to mountain ash or buckthorn. The leaves are hard, needle-like, collected in bunches. The bottom of the leaf is green and shiny, while the top is yellowish with a white stripe.

Juniper: useful properties

This is a relic medicinal plant that has been known to man since very ancient times. Then it was used to exorcise evil spirits. As a healing agentit was used by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. In the Middle Ages, during epidemics, it was used to fumigate rooms as a disinfectant. In ancient Egypt, they burned the plant and inhaled its vapors to cleanse the body. In North America, the Indians treated them with skin diseases and open wounds, joints and bone diseases. For this, the patient was placed in dense thickets of juniper. In addition, it was used to treat plague and other infectious diseases.

Using fruits

In terms of its therapeutic effect, juniper is the most effective

juniper essential oil properties
juniper essential oil properties

ordinary. The popular names of this plant vary depending on the regions of our country: cerebellum, heather, Yapovets, black grouse, arsa, mesentery, etc. Juniper fruits, the properties of which have been tested by time, are used in the form of infusion, oil, decoction. For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, angina pectoris, genitourinary infections, an infusion of fruits from this wonderful plant is used. To do this, you need to chop the berries, take one dessert spoon of fruits and brew with a glass of boiling water.


Suffering from kidney disease, rheumatism, inflammation of the appendages, swelling should use a decoction of these magical fruits. The decoction is prepared as follows: chop the fruits, take one tablespoon, pour cold water (250 ml) and let it brew for about eight hours, then boil them for about eight minutes and strain. Take one tablespoon of a tablespoon of decoction three times a day before meals.

Juniper: beneficial properties and contraindications

This plant is unique in its effect on the human body. Decoctions and teas, tinctures and infusions are prepared from its berries. In addition, the fruits can be consumed in their natural form. In any case, they have diuretic, expectorant and antimicrobial properties. Juniper preparations are used as an effective pain reliever for diseases of the bladder and some kidney diseases, scabies, some liver pathologies, gout, rheumatism.

juniper useful properties and contraindications
juniper useful properties and contraindications

These fruits cleanse and disinfect the stomach and oral cavity, have a positive effect on blood composition, contribute to the rapid scarring of stomach ulcers, and improve lactation in nursing mothers. Fresh berries are consumed according to the scheme: on the first day you need to eat four berries, on the second - five, on the third - six, thus increasing the amount, bringing it to fifteen berries on the twelfth day. Then the pattern is repeated in the opposite direction (the number of berries eaten decreases every day).

Useful properties of juniper are widely used in cooking. Cone berries are distinguished by their characteristic and unusual taste and aroma. They make dishes with their use original and refined. This unusual seasoning is great for game, meat, poultry. In addition, these fruits can be used to make marinades for meat dishes, they are added to liqueurs and sauerkraut.

Despite many useful properties, juniper also has contraindications. Hecategorically not recommended for dropsy, although it relieves swelling well. It should not be taken during pregnancy and with acute inflammation of the kidneys, with peptic ulcer, gastritis and acute colitis. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and timing of the use of drugs. You need to know that only one of the seventy species of this plant has beneficial properties of juniper.

Be careful

juniper oil properties
juniper oil properties

If you have not encountered the collection of juniper, then you should be very careful not to confuse it with the Cossack juniper. It is very similar to ordinary, and therefore even more insidious. This is a poisonous plant that should not be used for treatment. The thing is that in many books on traditional medicine they describe juniper, useful properties and contraindications, give recipes, but do not separate these two subspecies. Therefore, if you don’t understand how to distinguish common juniper from Cossack juniper in nature, don’t take risks in vain.

Juniper essential oil properties

In our country, common juniper grows in many regions. Juniper essential oil is made from fresh or dried berries. They are pre-kneaded and subjected to steam treatment. In some cases, the oil can be made from needles or wood. The composition of this most valuable drug includes the following components:

- malic acid;

- acetic;

- ant;

- camphene;

- terpineol;

- beta and alpha Pinene.

juniper fruitproperties
juniper fruitproperties

In addition, it contains a lot of trace elements (copper, iron, manganese). It also contains ascorbic acid.


Juniper essential oil, whose properties are widely used in many areas of human activity: cosmetology, alcohol production, traditional medicine, food production - is becoming increasingly popular. Women who want to lose weight are well aware of the unique properties of juniper oil in the fight against excess weight. It is used externally and consumed internally.

For external exposure, take baths with a few drops of oil and make wraps. In these procedures, it can be used alone, or combined with sandalwood, bergamot, cedar, lime, lemon balm oils.

Time-tested useful properties of juniper, or rather, its oil in the fight against stretch marks and cellulite. It is well known that quite often the cause of excess weight is overeating due to stress. And in this case, juniper oil can come in handy. The properties of this drug will help calm the nervous system and, as a result, reduce appetite. Oil is a powerful diuretic, which explains the possibility of weight loss.

Caring for hair

juniper useful properties
juniper useful properties

Regular use of juniper oil adds shine to hair, eliminates dandruff and itching, and strengthens hair follicles. Therefore, the use of this product for hair care is justified.


For external usejuniper oil should be mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 7: 10 drops.

No more than three drops are added to the solution for inhalation, and up to six drops for the bath.

Take one drop inside, mixed with honey, juice or fermented milk product. The beneficial properties of juniper are well known. However, please consult your he althcare professional before using it.