Viburnum berry has surprisingly beneficial properties. It contains many substances in which our body is in constant need. And these substances are able to show the greatest efficiency when using fresh berries. Although dried, steamed viburnum is no less effective. There are contraindications to the use of this plant, they should not be forgotten.
At the first sign of a cold, hot viburnum tea is one of the most effective means of preventing a serious illness. Strengthening immunity is just one of the many merits of the red berry. Viburnum juice copes well with gastritis (with low acidity), stomach ulcers, and many ailments accompanied by internal bleeding. Sometimes there are cases when medicines cannot be taken, then the treatment of viburnum will certainly suit the patient. We will consider contraindications below. In addition to wound healing properties, viburnum fruits have anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic, sedative and other qualities.

How to be treated with viburnum
Freshly squeezed juice lightlybitter. It is a diabetic product. But if everything is in order with the production of insulin in the patient, then viburnum juice or fruit drink can also be sweetened, for example, with honey. The spectrum of its application is quite wide: from the treatment of colitis and internal bleeding to improving the functioning of the heart, overcoming liver diseases, rheumatism and much more. Viburnum berries are boiled in honey, tinctures and decoctions are prepared from them. Moreover, not only the berries themselves or their juice are used to restore he alth. As an antiseptic, analgesic and hemostatic agent, decoction and infusion of viburnum bark are used. An infusion of the flowers of the plant also has an antipyretic and antiallergic effect. A decoction of the seeds can act as an astringent, diaphoretic and sedative.
The benefits and harms of viburnum
The benefits of viburnum have been proven by many years of its successful use. The berry helps with inflammation of the lungs, asthma, colds. It improves the condition of blood vessels and the heart, lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, stops bleeding and heals wounds. It contributes to a significant improvement in the situation with many gynecological diseases. However, in all cases, is the use of viburnum justified, useful, and most importantly, safe?

It turns out not always. Despite the fact that viburnum has a lot of useful qualities, contraindications are a factor that slightly detracts from its positive properties. As a rule, when describing a berry, the closest (and well-deserved) attention is paid to its useful properties. But I would like to make a separate emphasis on the need to always take into account the possible results of the impact of the remedy. Consider the cases in which viburnum is not so useful.
From the use of the plant is strongly recommended to refrain from high blood platelets, low blood pressure, kidney disease and pregnancy. In the latter case, due to the ability to increase the tone of the uterus, viburnum is not so useful. The contraindications here are obvious. Gastritis with high acidity is a good enough reason to stop eating berries. Gout, arthritis, urolithiasis are not treated with viburnum, although it is still acceptable to eat it in limited quantities. Of course, not on a permanent basis, but only for a short time. The same goes for pregnancy. But I would like to talk about this in more detail.
Kalina during pregnancy

Contraindications to the use of berries, of course, excite women in an "interesting position." Due to an insufficiently strengthened immune system (especially in modern urban conditions), the he alth of many women during pregnancy is subject to additional risks. Sometimes the body just starts to fail, and this is already unacceptable at such a crucial moment. At the same time, everyone understands that the drug approach is not the best strategy for full confidence in the normal development of the fetus. Here all kinds of folk remedies are used: decoctions, infusions from various herbs, berries and other plants. How can you not remember that viburnumincreases hemoglobin! Well, yes, it increases, because there is many times more iron in it than in many other fruits. But viburnum also has a side effect, the beneficial effect of which a woman can fully appreciate by drinking viburnum juice immediately before childbirth. And before that, a handful of fresh viburnum berries, maybe sometimes it won’t hurt, but no more. It is better to eat fresh apples.