Anise thigh, which is often called simply anise, is an annual herbaceous plant. It grows both in the wild and is cultivated by humans for its seeds, which, along with essential anise oil, are used to treat many diseases. In addition, the ripe fruits are a fragrant seasoning that is used by experienced chefs.
What anise looks like
The anise plant is a small rounded bush with straight stems a little over half a meter high. The lower leaves of the plant are toothed, long-petiolate. The upper leaflets are divided into three segments, but can also be solid, the middle ones are wedge-shaped.
Anise has small white flowers of the correct form, which are collected in an umbrella inflorescence. On one stem, as a rule, there are several inflorescences of different sizes. From the ovary, an ovoid-shaped, two-seeded fruit develops, having a diameter of several millimeters and a length of about 4 mm.

The ripened fruit contains two seeds. Ribbedthe seeds of the plant are pear-shaped. Under natural conditions, the plant grows in the Middle East (in Lebanon). To obtain useful seeds, the plant is cultivated in Asia, Mexico, Egypt, in southern Europe, in Russia. In our country, large anise plantations are planted near Voronezh, Belgorod, Kursk, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory.
Anise oil: instructions for use
Natural medicine that has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, laxative and antispasmodic effects.
The oil of this plant contains:
- methylchavicol – 10%;
- anethole - over 85%;
- camphene;
- a-pinene;
- dipentene;
- a-phellandrene;
- acetaldehyde;
- anisketon.

At the pharmacy, anise oil can be purchased in its pure form (10 ml bottles) or as an active ingredient in drops, tinctures, cough mixtures, breast elixir and lice remedies. The drug is also available in the form of transparent gelatin capsules "Doctor Tice". They are colored green and filled with a yellowish viscous liquid with a characteristic smell of anise.
Each of them contains:
- Anise oil.
- Rapeseed oil.
- Gelatin.
- Water.
- Glycerin.
- Dye E141.
Useful properties of anise oil
It has a light fresh aroma that has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps to get out of depression, eliminates fatigue. This is an excellent adaptogen, because it not only spreads a subtle and pleasant aroma in the room, but also sets up a constructive, fruitful dialogue. Experts recommend taking it with you to important meetings. The concentrated smell of oil gives self-confidence, which has a positive effect on the outcome of the negotiations.
Anise oil is used in meditation, as it helps to get rid of feelings of envy and bouts of unmotivated aggression. The oil has a complex effect on the body:
- anti-inflammatory;
- antibacterial;
- immunostimulatory;
- mucolytic;
- antispasmodic;
- antipyretic;
- antioxidant.
When essential oil is taken internally, it is rapidly absorbed from the small intestine, entering the bloodstream and bronchial tree. Already after 30 minutes, trans-anethole appears in the exhaled air. 17% of anethole is excreted with exhaled air, and its main part (54-69%) is excreted by the kidneys. The drug is completely eliminated from the body after eight hours.

Indications for use
The use of anise oil is due to its diuretic and carminative properties, stimulation of the stomach. The tool perfectly relieves intestinal colic (with abdominal massage), eliminates indigestion and relieves hiccups. The use of anise oil is recommended by herbalists for colds, flu, diseases of the respiratory system. It enhances sputum discharge and soothes seizures.cough.
According to the instructions, anise oil reduces pain during menstruation, restores the menstrual cycle. It is a lactogenic agent, and therefore, with insufficient secretion of milk, it improves breastfeeding. Essential oil reduces irritability in children, relieves tearfulness.
Method of application and dosage
According to the instructions, anise oil capsules are taken three times a day with plenty of purified water. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks (depending on the disease). Re-admission is allowed after consultation with a specialist.

Cough treatment
In this case, hot and cold inhalations are effective. For a cold procedure, two drops of oil are dripped onto a napkin, into an aroma pendant or aroma stone. For hot inhalation, add one drop of the product to a bowl of warm water and breathe over it. The duration of such treatment is determined by the doctor, but usually it does not exceed 15 minutes.
For insomnia
Aromatic lamp will help normalize and improve sleep. Hot water is poured into it and 2-3 drops of anise oil are added per 15 m².
Use of oil for other diseases
Reduce flatulence and get rid of flatulence such a simple remedy: drop one drop of anise oil on a piece of refined sugar and dissolve the sugar. It can be washed down with hot tea or warm milk. Use this remedy once a day.
The same recipe can be used as a diureticfunds in the presence of not only sand, but also stones in the bladder and kidneys.

Cold diseases
The effectiveness of the use of anise essential oil for colds has been time-tested and confirmed by numerous patient reviews. Its effectiveness is explained by its powerful expectorant, antipyretic and antiseptic properties. An excellent result is given by inhalations, which are carried out twice a day. If you don't have an inhaler, don't worry. Add 1 drop each of anise, lemon, eucalyptus essential oils to a bowl of boiling water and, covered with a towel, breathe over the steam for 10 minutes.
Anise oil can be used as part of complex therapy for head lice. It does not have a pronounced insecticidal effect, but it can complement the action of special preparations, or be used as a prophylactic. To do this, you need to apply anise oil on the head of a child over three years old or an adult and wrap it with plastic wrap. It will not kill the parasites, but the process of their reproduction and vital activity will slow down. Such a healing mask should be kept for at least 40 minutes, and then washed off with baby shampoo. We repeat that the treatment of parasites should be comprehensive. After using anise oil, you will notice that the baby's tearfulness has decreased, he has become more calm. This is due to the sedative properties of the drug. In addition, it can reduce almost any inflammation and heal scabies.

For swelling in the legs, a cold compress is used: vegetable oil (a couple of drops) is mixed with one teaspoon of anise, gauze is moistened with this solution and applied to the calf muscles.
Side effects
Anise oil should be used with caution and strictly adhere to the dosage, adhere to the established treatment regimen to avoid negative consequences. Because it belongs to the most active essential oils. Exceeding the dosage can provoke severe allergic reactions, slow heart rate and blood circulation.
Special Instructions
If any negative symptoms persist during treatment for more than three days (shortness of breath, fever, purulent or bloody sputum), treatment should be stopped and a specialist should be consulted.
Oil analogues
Analogues of this natural remedy for pharmacological action are the drugs below:
- Infacol;
- "Bobotik";
- "Cuplaton";
- "Disflatil";
- Karminativum Bebinos;
- "Coliquid";
- Pepsan
- fennel oil;
- "Zeolate";
- Espumizan.
Storage conditions and terms
Anise oil, according to the instructions, should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +25 ° C for no more than a year. Capsules containing oil have a shelf life of three years.
The use of oil in cosmetology
This drug is widely used in cosmetology. It improves the elasticity of aging, dry skin, normalizeswater-fat balance of the epidermis, significantly improves lipid metabolism. Anise oil stimulates skin cells to produce much more collagen. In addition, it is successfully used in the treatment of certain skin diseases, it helps to get rid of scabies at its first manifestations.
The tool has proven itself in hair care. This natural component is introduced into the composition of shampoos, conditioners, nourishing masks. With this oil, general strengthening and relaxing massage mixtures are made, added to aromatic baths. Enriching any cosmetic product, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage: no more than three drops per 10 ml of the base composition.

The massage mixture is prepared according to the same recipe, but body lotion or cream is used as the base. If you like to take aroma baths, don't get carried away: just seven drops of this natural remedy should be added to a full bath of water.
Essential oil more actively reveals its beneficial properties in a sauna or bath, which is explained by a more intensive penetration of the components of the product through enlarged skin pores.
Fishing oil
You may be surprised to learn that anise oil is also used in fishing. But this is true. Oil is used to prepare bait, which, as a rule, consists of cereals, corn and flour. Some fishermen add chopped dung worm, live food, to this composition.
It must be admitted that when preparing baits and baits, anglers use variousaromatics, with preference given to oils, which are tasked with attracting fish to the place where they are fishing and, of course, to the bait itself.
Meanwhile, an additional function is also assigned to the oils - the formation of a nozzle and top dressing of a suitable consistency. They are an excellent impregnation that does not allow special mixtures to dry out. According to the intensity of the smell, anise oil is close to dill, and according to anglers, it surpasses it in terms of the ability to attract fish from afar.

Fishing lovers claim that anise oil attracts bream, roach, crucian carp, ide, carp to the place of fishing. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, if you add too much oil to the feed composition, then fishing can be ruined, as the fish will not come to you.
Like most esters, anise oil is a potent substance. Therefore, it may not be applicable to everyone. It is not recommended for pregnant women, people with very sensitive skin. During the use of oil, not only for medicinal, but also for cosmetic purposes, individual intolerance to one or more components that make up its composition may appear.
High concentration of this substance can cause cerebral disorders. With an increase in the number of platelets in the blood, anise oil can be used no more than one drop per day. Cases have been recorded when its regular use inside caused irritation of the gastric mucosa.
Be extra carefulmust be shown when using oil for patients with gastrointestinal pathologies. In this case, treatment is allowed only under medical supervision.